Elite Girls' 21st Century Schooling in Scotland: Habitus Clive in a Shifting Landscape
Forbes J, Maxwell C & McCartney E (2021) Elite Girls' 21st Century Schooling in Scotland: Habitus Clive in a Shifting Landscape. British Journal of Educational Studies, 69 (3), pp. 287-306.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Social capital in professionals' connections around digital support for children with DLD: beyond the Covid-19 crisis
McCartney E & Forbes J (2021) Social capital in professionals' connections around digital support for children with DLD: beyond the Covid-19 crisis. 1st International Developmental Language Disorder Research Conference (IDLDRC2021), Online, 20.09.2021-22.09.2021.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
PEEP in the pandemic: supporting parent learning on-line
Hale H, McCartney E, MacKenzie M & Rogerson J (2020) PEEP in the pandemic: supporting parent learning on-line. Early Childhood Voices Conference (ECV 2020), Online, 16.11.2020-20.11.2020.
Preprint / Working Paper
Variation in headteachers' approaches to meeting the needs of primary school children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in one English Local Authority: a systems approach
McCartney E, Forbes J, McKean C, Laing K, Cockerill M & Law J (2020) Variation in headteachers' approaches to meeting the needs of primary school children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in one English Local Authority: a systems approach. Unpublished manuscript.
Book Chapter
Gathering evidence on universal and targeted interventions
McCartney E & Cooper J (2019) Gathering evidence on universal and targeted interventions. In: Dobinson C & Wren Y (eds.) Creating Practice-based Evidence: A Guide for SLTs. 2nd ed. Albury: J & R Press.
Co/productive practitioner relations for children with SLCN: an affect inflected agentic frame
Forbes J, McCartney E, McKean C, Laing K, Cockerill M & Law J (2019) Co/productive practitioner relations for children with SLCN: an affect inflected agentic frame. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 40 (6), pp. 859-872.
Book Chapter
The United Kingdom
Law J, McCartney E & Roulstone S (2019) The United Kingdom. In: Law J, McKean C, Murphy C & Thordardottir E (eds.) Managing children with developmental language disorder: theory and practice across Europe and beyond. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 497-509.
The Functional Communication Classification System for children with cerebral palsy: the potential of a new measure
McCartney E (2019) The Functional Communication Classification System for children with cerebral palsy: the potential of a new measure. Commentary on: Caynes K, Rose TA, Theodorus D, Burmester D, Ware RS, Johnson, LM. Functional Communication Classification System (FCCS): extended reliability and concurrent validity for children with cerebral palsy aged 5-28 years. Dev Med Child Neurol, 2019. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 61 (7), pp. 741-741.
Evidence-based pathways to intervention for children with language disorders
Ebbels SH, McCartney E, Slonims V, Dockrell JE & Norbury CF (2019) Evidence-based pathways to intervention for children with language disorders. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 54 (1), pp. 3-19.
Public health approaches still have room for individualized services: response to commentaries on 'Evidence-based pathways to intervention for children with language disorders'
Norbury CF, McCartney E, Slonims V, Dockrell JE & Ebbels SH (2019) Public health approaches still have room for individualized services: response to commentaries on 'Evidence-based pathways to intervention for children with language disorders'. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 54 (1), pp. 28-29.
Eliciting student teacher's views on educational research to support practice in the modern diverse classroom: a workshop approach
McCartney E, Marwick H, Hendry G & Ferguson EC (2018) Eliciting student teacher's views on educational research to support practice in the modern diverse classroom: a workshop approach. Higher Education Pedagogies, 3 (1), pp. 342-372.
Evidence based pathways to intervention for children with language disorders
Ebbels SH, McCartney E, Slonims V, Dockrell JE & Norbury C (2017) Evidence based pathways to intervention for children with language disorders. PeerJ Preprints, 5, Art. No.: e2951v1.
So was it worth it? A commentary on Fricke et al. and Hagen et al. (2017)
McCartney E (2017) So was it worth it? A commentary on Fricke et al. and Hagen et al. (2017). Commentary on: Fricke, S. et al. (2017) The efficacy of early language intervention in mainstream school settings: a randomized controlled trial. J Child Psychol Psychiatr, 58: 1141–1151 and Hagen, Å. M., et al. (2017) Improving language comprehension in preschool children with language difficulties: a cluster randomized trial. J Child Psychol Psychiatr, 58: 1132–1140. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58 (10), pp. 1152-1154.
Phase 2 of CATALISE: a multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study of problems with language development: Terminology
McCartney E, Bishop DVM, Snowling MJ, Thompson PA & Greenhalgh T (2017) Phase 2 of CATALISE: a multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study of problems with language development: Terminology. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58 (10), pp. 1068-1080.
A qualitative case study in the social capital of co-professional collaborative co-practice for children with speech language and communication needs
McKean C, Law J, Laing K, Cockerill M, Allon-Smith J, McCartney E & Forbes J (2017) A qualitative case study in the social capital of co-professional collaborative co-practice for children with speech language and communication needs. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 52 (4), pp. 514-527.
School leavers with learning disabilities moving from child to adult Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) teams: SLTs’ views of successful and less successful transition co-working practices
McCartney E & Muir M (2017) School leavers with learning disabilities moving from child to adult Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) teams: SLTs’ views of successful and less successful transition co-working practices. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 17 (3), pp. 168-178.
22q11 deletion syndrome: Parents’ and children’s experiences of educational and healthcare provision in the United Kingdom
Cohen W, McCartney E & Crampin L (2017) 22q11 deletion syndrome: Parents’ and children’s experiences of educational and healthcare provision in the United Kingdom. Journal of Child Health Care, 21 (2), pp. 142-152.
Measuring communication and participation in children with speech and language disorders
McCartney E (2017) Measuring communication and participation in children with speech and language disorders. Commentary on: Hidecker, M. J. C., Cunningham, B. J., Thomas-Stonell, N., Oddson, B. and Rosenbaum, P. (2017), Validity of the Communication Function Classification System for use with preschool children with communication disorders. Dev Med Child Neurol, 59: 526–530. doi:10.1111/dmcn.13373. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 59 (5), pp. 459-460.
Book Chapter
Parameters of service delivery and the Strathclyde Language Intervention Program (SLIP)
Boyle J & McCartney E (2016) Parameters of service delivery and the Strathclyde Language Intervention Program (SLIP). In: McCauley R, Fey M & Gillam R (eds.) Treatment of Language Disorders in Children. 2nd ed. Communication and Language Intervention Series. Baltimore, MD, USA: Brookes Publishing, pp. 451-486.
CATALISE: A multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study. Identifying language impairments in children
Bishop DVM, Snowling MJ, Thompson PA, Greenhalgh T & McCartney E (2016) CATALISE: A multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study. Identifying language impairments in children. PLoS ONE, 11 (7), Art. No.: e0158753.
Research Report
Improving Transitions across SLT Services in [Anonymised HB] for Adults with Long-Term, Speech, Language, Swallowing or Communication (SLSC) Needs: a Qualitative Study of SLTs' and Service Users' Views : Moving between SLT Teams
McCartney E & Muir M (2015) Improving Transitions across SLT Services in [Anonymised HB] for Adults with Long-Term, Speech, Language, Swallowing or Communication (SLSC) Needs: a Qualitative Study of SLTs' and Service Users' Views : Moving between SLT Teams. University of Strathclyde.
Ask the experts: what is the best model of service delivery for speech and language impaired children?
Boyle J & McCartney E (2015) Ask the experts: what is the best model of service delivery for speech and language impaired children?. Bulletin of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists.
Educating child practitioners: a (re)turn to the university disciplines
Forbes J & McCartney E (2015) Educating child practitioners: a (re)turn to the university disciplines. Discourse, 36 (1), pp. 144-159.
Research Report
Poverty and children's access to services and social participation
Forbes J, Sime D, McCartney E, Graham A, Valyo A & Weiner G (2015) Poverty and children's access to services and social participation. Policy Briefing. Scottish Universities Insight Institute.
Developing a universal reading comprehension intervention for mainstream primary schools within areas of social deprivation for children with and without language-learning impairment: A feasibility study
McCartney E, Boyle J & Ellis S (2015) Developing a universal reading comprehension intervention for mainstream primary schools within areas of social deprivation for children with and without language-learning impairment: A feasibility study. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 50 (1), pp. 129-135.
Conference Paper (published)
Supporting use of evidence-based classroom approaches by early years' educators in responding effectively to issues of diversity and inclusion
Marwick H & McCartney E (2014) Supporting use of evidence-based classroom approaches by early years' educators in responding effectively to issues of diversity and inclusion. In: 'Us, Them & Me: Universal Targeted or Individuated Early Childhood Programmes'. 24th EECERA Annual Conference Abstract Book. 2014, 24th EECERA Conference, Crete, Greece, Crete, 07.09.2014-10.09.2014. Crete: EECERA, pp. 106-107.
Website Content
Developing workshop materials summarising evidence-based classroom approaches to support student teachers in responding effectively to issues of diversity and inclusion
Marwick H & McCartney E (2014) Developing workshop materials summarising evidence-based classroom approaches to support student teachers in responding effectively to issues of diversity and inclusion. HEA Learning and Teaching Blog, 2014.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Using workshop materials summarising evidence-based classroom approaches to support student teachers in responding effectively to issues of diversity and inclusion
McCartney E & Marwick H (2014) Using workshop materials summarising evidence-based classroom approaches to support student teachers in responding effectively to issues of diversity and inclusion. HEA Ted Conference, Birmingham, UK, July 2014, Birmingham City University, 11.07.2014-11.07.2014.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Using workshop materials summarising evidence-based classroom approaches to support student teachers in responding effectively to issues of diversity and inclusion
McCartney E & Marwick H (2014) Using workshop materials summarising evidence-based classroom approaches to support student teachers in responding effectively to issues of diversity and inclusion. European Educational Research Association Conference 2014, "The Past, the Present and Future of Educational Research in Europe", Porto, Portugal, Sept 2014., Porto, 01.09.2014-01.09.2014.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Using workshop materials summarising evidence-based classroom approaches to support student teachers in responding effectively to issues of diversity and inclusion
McCartney E & Marwick H (2014) Using workshop materials summarising evidence-based classroom approaches to support student teachers in responding effectively to issues of diversity and inclusion. HEA Social Sciences Annual Learning and Teaching Conference - Teaching forward: the future of the Social Sciences, Birmingham, UK, May 2014, Birmingham, 21.05.2014-21.05.2014.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Using workshop materials summarising evidence-based classroom approaches to support student teachers in responding effectively to issues of diversity and inclusion
McCartney E & Marwick H (2014) Using workshop materials summarising evidence-based classroom approaches to support student teachers in responding effectively to issues of diversity and inclusion. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference, London, UK, Sept 2014, London, 23.09.2014-23.09.2014.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Using workshop materials summarising evidence-based classroom approaches to support student teachers in responding effectively to issues of diversity and inclusion
McCartney E & Marwick H (2014) Using workshop materials summarising evidence-based classroom approaches to support student teachers in responding effectively to issues of diversity and inclusion. Universities’ Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK, 05.11.2014-05.11.2014.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
HEA Strategic Social Sciences Strategic Project: Student Teachers' Engagement with Research
McCartney E & Marwick H (2014) HEA Strategic Social Sciences Strategic Project: Student Teachers' Engagement with Research. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference, Institute of Education, London, 22.09.2014-25.09.2014.
The linguistically aware teacher and the teacher-aware linguist
McCartney E & Ellis S (2013) The linguistically aware teacher and the teacher-aware linguist. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 27 (6-7), pp. 419-427.
The SLI Debate, Part 2: specific language impairment in schools
McCartney E (2013) The SLI Debate, Part 2: specific language impairment in schools. Bulletin of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, (734), pp. 20-20.
The emerging evidence base for therapy for children with language impairment, and its implications for logopedists
McCartney E (2013) The emerging evidence base for therapy for children with language impairment, and its implications for logopedists. Logopedie, pp. 28-32.
Book Chapter
Voice and speech functions (B310-B340)
McCartney E (2012) Voice and speech functions (B310-B340). In: Majnemer A (ed.) Measures for Children with Developmental Disabilities: An ICF-CY Approach. Clinics in Developmental Medicine. London: Mac Keith Press, pp. 181-191.
Book Chapter
Communication (D310-D369)
McLeod S, McCartney E & McCormack J (2012) Communication (D310-D369). In: Majnemer A (ed.) Measures for Children with Developmental Disabilities: An ICF-CY Approach. Clinics in Developmental Medicine. London: Mac Keith Press, pp. 312-325.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Effective interventions for receptive-expressive language impairment
Boyle J & McCartney E (2012) Effective interventions for receptive-expressive language impairment. The Castang Foundation: Disordered Auditory Processing in the Child: nature, Assessment and Intervention: a multidisciplinary approach, Edinburgh, 05.03.2012-06.03.2012.
Book Chapter
Changing children's services: A social capital analysis
Forbes J & McCartney E (2012) Changing children's services: A social capital analysis. In: Hill M, Head G, Lockyer A, Reid B & Taylor R (eds.) Children's Services: Working Together. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 275-287.;
Leadership distribution culturally? Education/speech and language therapy social capital in schools and children's services
Forbes J & McCartney E (2012) Leadership distribution culturally? Education/speech and language therapy social capital in schools and children's services. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 15 (3), pp. 271-287.
Development of a minimum protocol for assessment in the paediatric voice clinic. Part 1: Evaluating vocal function
Cohen W, Wynne DM, Kubba H & McCartney E (2012) Development of a minimum protocol for assessment in the paediatric voice clinic. Part 1: Evaluating vocal function. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 37 (1), pp. 33-38.
Development of a minimum protocol for assessment in the paediatric voice clinic. Part 2: Subjective measurement of symptoms of voice disorder
Cohen W, Wardrop A, Wynne DM, Kubba H & McCartney E (2012) Development of a minimum protocol for assessment in the paediatric voice clinic. Part 2: Subjective measurement of symptoms of voice disorder. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 37 (1), pp. 39-44.
Educating Scotland's future together? Inter/professional preparation for schools and children's services
Forbes J & McCartney E (2011) Educating Scotland's future together? Inter/professional preparation for schools and children's services. Scottish Educational Review, 43 (2), pp. 39-54.
Book Chapter
How to empower teachers working with children with language impairments: why a 'just-in-time' model might work
Ellis S & McCartney E (2011) How to empower teachers working with children with language impairments: why a 'just-in-time' model might work. In: Ellis S & McCartney E (eds.) Applied Linguistics in the Primary School Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 252-266.;
Book Chapter
Introduction to Part II: The range and focus of applied linguistics research
Ellis S & McCartney E (2011) Introduction to Part II: The range and focus of applied linguistics research. In: Ellis S & McCartney E (eds.) Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 77-80.;
Book Chapter
Ellis S & McCartney E (2011) Introduction. In: Ellis S & McCartney E (eds.) Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-14.;
Edited Book
Applied linguistics and primary school teaching
Ellis S & McCartney E (eds.) (2011) Applied linguistics and primary school teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.;
Book Chapter
Introduction to Part I: Policy and diversity in the twenty-first-century primary school
Ellis S & McCartney E (2011) Introduction to Part I: Policy and diversity in the twenty-first-century primary school. In: Ellis S & McCartney E (eds.) Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 17-20.;
Book Chapter
Ellis S & McCartney E (2011) Preface. In: Ellis S & McCartney E (eds.) Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. xix-xx.;
Book Chapter
Introduction to Part III: Empowering teachers and teachers’ use of knowledge
Ellis S & McCartney E (2011) Introduction to Part III: Empowering teachers and teachers’ use of knowledge. In: Ellis S & McCartney E (eds.) Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 201-202.;
Indirect language therapy for children with persistent language impairment in mainstream primary schools: Outcomes from a cohort intervention
McCartney E, Boyle J, Ellis S, Bannatyne S & Turnbull M (2011) Indirect language therapy for children with persistent language impairment in mainstream primary schools: Outcomes from a cohort intervention. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 46 (1), pp. 74-82.
Book Chapter
Supporting students who struggle with language
McCartney E & Ellis S (2010) Supporting students who struggle with language. In: Fletcher J, Parkhill F & Gillon G (eds.) Motivating Literacy Learners in Today's World. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Intervention for mixed receptive-expressive language impairment: A review
Boyle J, McCartney E, O'Hare AE & Law J (2010) Intervention for mixed receptive-expressive language impairment: A review. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 52 (11), pp. 994-999.
Social capital theory: A cross-cutting analytic for teacher/therapist work in integrating children's services?
Forbes J & McCartney E (2010) Social capital theory: A cross-cutting analytic for teacher/therapist work in integrating children's services?. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 26 (3), pp. 321-334.
Developing a language support model for mainstream primary school teachers
McCartney E, Ellis S, Boyle J, Turnbull M & Kerr J (2010) Developing a language support model for mainstream primary school teachers. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 26 (3), pp. 359-374.
Book Chapter
Joining up working: terms, types and tensions
McCartney E (2009) Joining up working: terms, types and tensions. In: Forbes J & Watson C (eds.) Service Integration in Schools: Research and Policy Discourses, Practices and Future Prospects. Rotterdam: Sense publishers, pp. 23-36.
Cost analysis of direct versus indirect and individual versus group modes of manual-based speech-and-language therapy for primary school-age children with primary language impairment
Dickson K, Marshall M, Boyle J, McCartney E, O'Hare AE & Forbes JF (2009) Cost analysis of direct versus indirect and individual versus group modes of manual-based speech-and-language therapy for primary school-age children with primary language impairment. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 44 (3), pp. 369-381.
Direct versus indirect and individual versus group modes of language therapy for children with primary language impairment: principal outcomes from a randomized controlled trial and economic evaluation
Boyle J, McCartney E, O'Hare AE & Forbes JF (2009) Direct versus indirect and individual versus group modes of language therapy for children with primary language impairment: principal outcomes from a randomized controlled trial and economic evaluation. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 44 (6), pp. 826-846.
The mainstream primary classroom as a language-learning environment for children with severe and persistent language impairment - Implications of recent language intervention research
McCartney E, Ellis S & Boyle J (2009) The mainstream primary classroom as a language-learning environment for children with severe and persistent language impairment - Implications of recent language intervention research. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 9 (2), pp. 80-90.
What do primary teachers need to understand, and how? Developing an applied linguistics curriculum for pre-service primary school teacher
Ellis S, McCartney E & Bourne J (2009) What do primary teachers need to understand, and how? Developing an applied linguistics curriculum for pre-service primary school teacher. Language Teaching, 42 (2), pp. 261-265.;
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Predictors of responsivity to language intervention: findings from a RCT
Boyle J, McCartney E, O'Hare AE & Forbes JF (2008) Predictors of responsivity to language intervention: findings from a RCT. 2008 British Psychological Society Developmental Section Annual Conference, Nottingham, 01.09.2008-03.09.2008.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Mainstream school services for children with primary language impairment - implications from research
McCartney E (2008) Mainstream school services for children with primary language impairment - implications from research. National Association of Professionals Concerned with Language Impairment in Children (NAPLIC) Conference, University of Warwick, 29.03.2008-30.03.2008.
Presentation / Talk
Researching intervention - how much, by whom and what next?
McCartney E (2008) Researching intervention - how much, by whom and what next?. Current issues and Controversies in Specific Language Impairment, Edinburgh, 27.05.2009-27.05.2009.
Open dialogue peer review: a response to Tymms, Merrell & Coe
Ellis S & McCartney E (2008) Open dialogue peer review: a response to Tymms, Merrell & Coe. The Psychology of Education Review, 32 (2), pp. 11-12.
Manual / Guide
Language therapy manual
McCartney E (Editor) (2007) Language therapy manual. [Manual]. Glasgow: University of Strathclyde.
A randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of direct versus indirect and individual versus group modes of speech and language therapy for children with primary language impairment
Boyle J, McCartney E, Forbes JF & O'Hare AE (2007) A randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of direct versus indirect and individual versus group modes of speech and language therapy for children with primary language impairment. Health Technology Assessment, 11 (25), pp. i-158.
Preprint / Working Paper
Support your local co-op: co-operative approaches to speech and language therapists and teachers supporting children with language impairment
McCartney E, Ellis S & Boyle J (2006) Support your local co-op: co-operative approaches to speech and language therapists and teachers supporting children with language impairment. Collected papers of the NEXUS Group: Speech and Language Therapists and Teachers Working Together.
Language support model for teachers
McCartney E (2006) Language support model for teachers. [print]. Glasgow: University of Strathclyde.
Book Chapter
Developmental issues: Speaking and phonological awareness
McCartney E (2006) Developmental issues: Speaking and phonological awareness. In: Lewis M & Ellis S (eds.) Phonics: Practice, Research and Policy. London: Paul Chapman Publishing, pp. 71-82.;
Book Chapter
Joining up working
McCartney E (2006) Joining up working. In: Forbes J (ed.) The Research and Policy Discourses of Service Integration, Interprofessional and Interagency Working: EESRC Seminar 1 Proceedings. Research Paper, 14. Glasgow: University of Aberdeen, School of Education, pp. 33-51.
Effects of computer-based intervention through acoustically modified speech (Fast ForWord) in severe mixed receptive-expressive language impairment: Outcomes from a randomized controlled trial
Cohen W, Hodson A, O'Hare AE, Boyle J, Durrani T, McCartney E, Mattey M, Naftalin L & Watson J (2005) Effects of computer-based intervention through acoustically modified speech (Fast ForWord) in severe mixed receptive-expressive language impairment: Outcomes from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 48 (3), pp. 715-729.
'Thinking for two': A case study of speech and language therapists working through assistants
McCartney E, Boyle J, Bannatyne S, Jessiman E, Campbell C, Kelsey C, Smith J, McArthur J & O'Hare AE (2005) 'Thinking for two': A case study of speech and language therapists working through assistants. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 40 (2), pp. 221-235.
Research Report
A Survey And Cohort Intervention Using Indirect Speech And Language Therapy For Children With Primary Language Impairment In Schools
McCartney E (2004) A Survey And Cohort Intervention Using Indirect Speech And Language Therapy For Children With Primary Language Impairment In Schools. NHS Scotland. Glasgow: West of Scotland Primary Care NHS Trust.
Becoming a manual occupation? The construction of a therapy manual for use with language impaired children in mainstream primary schools
McCartney E, Boyle J, Bannatyne S, Jessiman E, Campbell C, Kelsey C, Smith J & O'Hare AE (2004) Becoming a manual occupation? The construction of a therapy manual for use with language impaired children in mainstream primary schools. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 39 (1), pp. 135-148.
'Hard health' and 'soft schools': research designs to evaluate SLT work in schools
McCartney E (2004) 'Hard health' and 'soft schools': research designs to evaluate SLT work in schools. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 20 (2), pp. 101-114.
Cross-sector working: speech and language therapists in education
McCartney E (2002) Cross-sector working: speech and language therapists in education. Journal of Management in Medicine, 16 (1), pp. 67-77.
Include us out? Speech and language therapists’ prioritization in mainstream schools
McCartney E (2000) Include us out? Speech and language therapists’ prioritization in mainstream schools. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 16 (2), pp. 165-180.
Barriers to collaboration: An analysis of systemic barriers to collaboration between teachers and speech and language therapists
McCartney E (1999) Barriers to collaboration: An analysis of systemic barriers to collaboration between teachers and speech and language therapists. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 34 (4), pp. 431-440.
The development of a systems analysis approach to small-scale educational evaluation
McCartney E, MacKay G, Cheseldine S & McCool S (1998) The development of a systems analysis approach to small-scale educational evaluation. Educational Review, 50 (1), pp. 65-73.
How shall we be judged? Speech and language therapists in educational settings
McCartney E & van der Gaag A (1996) How shall we be judged? Speech and language therapists in educational settings. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 12 (3), pp. 314-327.
60 Years of the Glasgow School of Speech Therapy
McCartney E (1995) 60 Years of the Glasgow School of Speech Therapy. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 30 (S1), pp. 47-47.
Research Report: Early literacy and children with severe speech and physical impairment: A review
McCartney E (1994) Research Report: Early literacy and children with severe speech and physical impairment: A review. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 9 (2), pp. 200-214.
Goal Attainment Scaling: A Technique for Evaluating Conductive Education
MacKay G, McCool S, Cheseldine S & McCartney E (1993) Goal Attainment Scaling: A Technique for Evaluating Conductive Education. British Journal of Special Education, 20 (4), pp. 143-147.
Support for newly qualified entrants to the speech and language therapy profession. Implications for managers
McCartney E, Kerr J, Cannon L & Martin PJ (1993) Support for newly qualified entrants to the speech and language therapy profession. Implications for managers. Health manpower management, 19 (2), pp. 34-39.
The effectiveness of conductive education principles with profoundly retarded multiply handicapped children
Cottam P, McCartney E & Cullen C (1985) The effectiveness of conductive education principles with profoundly retarded multiply handicapped children. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 20 (1), pp. 45-60.
Constructive Communication Failure: The Response of Speech Disordered Children to Requests for Clarification
McCartney E (1981) Constructive Communication Failure: The Response of Speech Disordered Children to Requests for Clarification. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 16 (3), pp. 147-157.
Hearing, speech, and language in survivors of severe perinatal asphyxia
D'Souza S, McCartney E, Nolan M & Taylor I (1981) Hearing, speech, and language in survivors of severe perinatal asphyxia. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 56 (4), pp. 245-252.
A Speech Teaching Scheme for use by A.T.C. Instructors
McCartney E & Brown BB (1980) A Speech Teaching Scheme for use by A.T.C. Instructors. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 15 (2), pp. 103-113.
A study of the hearing and receptive vocabulary of the trainees of an adult training centre
Nolan M, McCartney E, McArthur K & Rowson VJ (1980) A study of the hearing and receptive vocabulary of the trainees of an adult training centre. Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, 24 (4), pp. 271-286.
Congenital Auditory Imperception ‐ A Follow up Study
Ward S & McCartney E (1978) Congenital Auditory Imperception ‐ A Follow up Study. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 13 (1), pp. 3-16.