
A Speech Teaching Scheme for use by A.T.C. Instructors



McCartney E & Brown BB (1980) A Speech Teaching Scheme for use by A.T.C. Instructors. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 15 (2), pp. 103-113.

As the result of increased attention to the needs of the mentally handicapped, speech therapists are being asked to undertake more speech and language training in Adult Training Centres. Limitations on the numbers of speech therapists available indicate that much speech teaching will be carried out by the ATC instructors. An attempt was made to devise an audio‐visual speech teaching scheme for use by instructors. The scheme is described and its success in teaching new speech sounds to a group of trainees discussed. As it proved possible to effect speech change under structured eliciting conditions, the scheme is judged to be a success. As the trainees did not readily generalize their new speech patterns to novel contexts, implications for therapy are discussed.

International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders: Volume 15, Issue 2

Publication date31/12/1980
Publication date online03/07/2009
PublisherTaylor and Francis