
The Functional Communication Classification System for children with cerebral palsy: the potential of a new measure



McCartney E (2019) The Functional Communication Classification System for children with cerebral palsy: the potential of a new measure. Commentary on: Caynes K, Rose TA, Theodorus D, Burmester D, Ware RS, Johnson, LM. Functional Communication Classification System (FCCS): extended reliability and concurrent validity for children with cerebral palsy aged 5-28 years. Dev Med Child Neurol, 2019. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 61 (7), pp. 741-741.

Two new validated measures of communication function in children have recently been reported in DMCN, with somewhat confusingly similar titles: the Communication Function Classification System (CFCS 1,2) and (here) the Functional Communication Classification System (FCCS 3). The interest in classifying communication function follows WHO international approaches, and meets the clinical need to support families, the children's workforce and indeed children themselves to identify child communication abilities in 'real-life' contexts.

Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology: Volume 61, Issue 7

Publication date01/07/2019
Publication date online22/01/2019
Date accepted by journal04/12/2018
Item discussedCaynes K, Rose TA, Theodorus D, Burmester D, Ware RS, Johnson, LM. Functional Communication Classification System (FCCS): extended reliability and concurrent validity for children with cerebral palsy aged 5-28 years. Dev Med Child Neurol, 2019