Cultural Heritage

Outputs related to Cultural Heritage

Showing 1 to 100 of 538

Book Chapter

Haynes R & Boyle R (2025) Global Investment and Cultural Traditions. In: Chadwick S, Widdop P & Goldman MM (eds.) The Geopolitical Economy of Football: Where Power Meets Politics and Business. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 176-184.

Book Chapter

Galanos V, Bassett K, McGowan A, McFall L, Henderson J & Escobar O (2025) “We don't do digital, we dig it all”: experimenting with ‘Data Civics’ methods to support urban development in Granton, Edinburgh. In: Garcia-Hernandez M & Gravari-Barbas M (eds.) Cultural Heritage on the Urban Peripheries: Towards New Research Paradigms. Routledge, pp. 221-239.

Book Chapter

Smith J (2024) History in the Curriculum. In: Rata E (ed.) Research Handbook on Curriculum and Education. Elgar, pp. 354-367.

Book Chapter

Vine A (2024) "History from Marble": Church Notes and Epigraphy in Early Modern England. In: Johnsen EN & Stovner IL (eds.) Early Modern Genres of History. Early Modern Themes. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 54-77.

Book Chapter

Vine A (2024) Miscellanies, Commonplace Books, and the Essay. In: Gigante D & Childs J (eds.) The Cambridge History of the British Essay. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 32-47.

Edited Book

Douthwaite J, Nehring H & Alberti SJMM (eds.) (2024) Cold War Museology. London: Routledge.

Scholarly Edition

Fitzpatrick M, Macleod E & Page A (eds.) (2024) The Wodrow-Kenrick Correspondence 1750–1810: Volume II: 1784–1790, 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Book Chapter

Toth G (2024) Richard Erdoes, Red Power's Ally. In: Familiar Strangers: Re-encountering Native America from the Habsburg Lands.. Budapest/Vienna: Central European University Press.


Elliott-Smith D (2024) Elliott-Smith D (2024/2025) ‘Every creak, every groan, every tap in the wall, you'll think of me’: Spinning the Web of Trans*-Horror-Metaphors in Cobweb (2023). [] 01.07.2024.


Penman M (2024) Robert the Bruce: Born to be King?. History Today, 74 (7), pp. 44-55.


Vine A (2024) The Books at Boston Manor. Brentford & Chiswick Local History Journal, 33, pp. 9-14.

Book Chapter

Hames S (2024) Interview with James Kelman [shown in Kelman's book as 'Interview by Scott Hames']. In: All We Have Is the Story: Selected Interviews 1973-2022. Oakland, California: PM Press, pp. 242-73.

Website Content

Haynes R (2024) Frank Bough. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography [Website] 01.04.2024.


Penman M, Kennedy C, Watkinson D, Emmerson N, Thickett D, Bosché F, Forster AM, Grau-Bové 6 J & Cassar M (2024) Beyond Heritage Science: A Review [Beyond Heritage Science: A Review]. Heritage, 7 (3), pp. 1510-1538.;

Project Report

Penman M & Utsi E (2024) Ecclesiastical Heritage - In Search of Scotland's Lost Medieval Royal Mausoleum at Dunfermline Abbey, c.1250-c.1560, and other projects... [Dunfermline Abbey Choir GPR project report, 2nd edition]. Dunfermline Abbey Church and Kirk Session; Historic Environment Scotland; Fife Council; Dunfermline Heritage Partnership; GWS BArrow Award; Strathmartine Trust; Royal Society of Edinburgh; Hunter Archaeological Trust; Faculty of Arts & Humanities, University of Stirling. Stirling.

Book Chapter

Halsey K & Robertson J (2023) Emotional Regulation: Jane Austen, Jane West and Mary Brunton. In: Joy L & Lim J (eds.) Women's Literary Education, 1690-1850. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 215-235.


Noto La Diega G (2023) ‘Internet aperto o eccessi proprietari? Brevi note a margine della recente giurisprudenza inglese e scozzese in tema di linking e comunicazione al pubblico. Diritto Mercato Tecnologia, 2023.

Book Chapter

Squires C & Noorda R (2023) Using Book History in Graduate Book Publishing Programs. In: Pangallo M & Todd EB (eds.) Teaching the History of the Book. Amherst and Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, pp. 300-307.

Authored Book

Squiscoll B, Wilkins K, Howsam L, Gadd I, Rak J, Fowler B, Banks M, Brouillette S, Norrick-Ruhl C, Eikhof DR, Das A, Ezra E, Gonsalves R, Fuller D & Horne A (2023) The Frankfurt Kabuff Critical Edition. Driscoll B (Editor) & Squires C (Editor). Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Book Chapter

Haynes R (2023) Football Heroes and Heroines. In: Allison ST, Beggan JK & Goethals GR (eds.) The Encyclopaedia of Heroism Studies. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-8.

Book Chapter

Sutherland E (2023) Scotland: Incrementalism and Compromise in Reforming Child and Family Law. In: Wilson RF & Carbone J (eds.) International Survey of Family Law 2023. 1 ed. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 179-197.

Website Content

Preston L (2023) Research Town: A Site for Experimental Artist-Publishing-Research and a Portfolio of Collaborative Projects, Artworks and Gallery-Based Publications. Research Town: A Site for Experimental Artist-Publishing-Research and a Portfolio of Collaborative Projects, Artworks and Gallery-Based Publications [Images and Text based Website] 22.09.2023.


(2023) Queer Horror, Marxism and Hollywood [Arts Express Radio Interview with Dr Darren Elliott-Smith]. [Radio Show/Podcast] 06.09.2023.

Book Chapter

Arora V (2023) The Politics of Post-Disaster Reconstruction of Heritage [Reconstruction as recovery:The politics behind why heritage is funded internationally, nationally, and locally]. In: Jigyasu R & Chmutina K (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Cultural Heritage and Disaster Risk Management. 1 ed. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge.


Squires C, Driscoll B & The Pretzel Girlz (2023) BIG BOOKS (small snacks). Ullapoolism [Webpage and YouTube video] 16.05.2023.

Website Content

Haynes R (2023) Hugh McIlvanney. Oxford Dictionary for National Biography [Website] 13.04.2023.

Book Chapter

Oram R (2023) Introduction: Alasdair Ross and the Environmental History of Medieval and Early Modern Scotland. In: Oram R (ed.) 'With Our Backs to the Ocean': Land, Lordship, Climate and Environmental Change in the North-West European Past. Essays in Memory of Alasdair Ross. 1st ed. Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World, 5. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 1-14.

Book Chapter

Oram R (2023) ‘Away was sons of alle and brede’: the decline of the medieval climate anomaly and the myth of the Alexandrian Golden Age in Scotland. In: Oram R (ed.) 'With Our Backs to the Ocean': Land, Lordship, Climate and Environmental Change in the North-West European Past. Essays in Memory of Alasdair Ross. 1st ed. Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World, 5. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 83-107.


Turpie T (2023) ‘St Ninian; Scotland’s Forgotten Patron Saint’,. History Scotland Magazine [] History Scotland Magazine.

Book Chapter

Foster S (2022) Smashing casts: replication of early medieval sculpture as a case study in the fragility of cultural value. In: Alexandridis A & Winkler-Horacek L (eds.) Destroy the Copy – Plaster Cast Collections in the 19th–20th c.: Demolition, Defacement, Disposal in Europe and Beyond. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 375-400.

Book Chapter

Hames S (2022) Democracy and the Indyref Novel. In: Pittin-Hédon M, Manfredi C & Hames S (eds.) Scottish Writing After Devolution: Edges of the New. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Book Chapter

Squires C (2022) Patchy and Negligible. In: Small M (ed.) Bella Caledonia: An Anthology of Writing from 2007-2021. Edinburgh: Leamington Books, pp. 217-220.

Book Chapter

Vine A (2022) Francis Bacon and the Mastery of the Winds. In: Chiari S (ed.) The Experience of Disaster in Early Modern English Literature. Routledge Studies in World Literature and the Environment. New York and Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 86-103.

Book Chapter

MacNeil K (2022) Misty Islands and Hidden Bridges. In: Pittin-Hedon M, Manfredi C & Hames S (eds.) Scottish Writing After Devolution: Edges of the New. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 163-175.

Book Chapter

Arora V (2022) Reconstructing Memory and Desire in Bhaktapur, Nepal. In: "Invisible Cities" and the Urban Imagination. Literary Urban Studies. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 209-224.

Edited Book

Pittin-Hédon M, Manfredi C & Hames S (eds.) (2022) Scottish Writing After Devolution: Edges of the New. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Book Chapter

Hames S, Pittin-Hédon M & Manfredi C (2022) Introduction . In: Scottish Writing After Devolution: Edges of the New. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 1-16.

Project Report

Carrick Utsi E, Birtwisle A & Penman M (2022) Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of Four areas of Dunfermline Abbey The South Aisle, Memorial Chapel, North Transept and North East Dais For Dr Michael Penman. University of Stirling; Dunfermline Heritage Partnership; Abbey Church of Dunfermline; Historic Environment Scotland; Fife Council. Ely, Cambridgeshire.