Cultural Heritage

Outputs related to Cultural Heritage

Showing 301 to 400 of 540

Authored Book

Squiscoll B (2018) The Frankfurt Kabuff. Toronto: Wattpad.


Graham E, Hambly J, Robson L, Rockman M, Gao Q, Foster S, Miller S & Dawson T (2018) Learning from Loss Climate Stories. [Web].

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Elliott-Smith D (2018) ‘Revolting Queers: Performative Pleasures and Queer Becomings in Southern Queer Horror Film’. Literature/Film Association Annual Conference “Space, Place & Adaptation”, New Orleans, USA., 29.11.2018-01.12.2018.

Book Chapter

Bayliss A & Whittle A (2018) What kind of history in prehistory?. In: Souvatzi S, Baysal A & Baysal E (eds.) Time and history in prehistory. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp. 123-146.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Ramsay R (2018) Who made the turreted brooches of Argyll?. Dress and Decor: domestic textiles and personal adornment in Scotland up to 1700, St Andrews, 23.09.2018-24.09.2018.


Galloway S (2018) The professional learning of Scotland’s Adult Educators. Scotland's Strategic Forum for Adult Learning (Professional Learning Working Group) Strategic Forum for Adult Learning (Professional Learning Working Group). Learning Link Scotland.

Book Chapter

Damen M, Haemers J & Mann AJ (2018) Conclusion. Reconsidering Political Representation in Europe, 1400-1700. In: Damen M, Haemers J & Mann AJ (eds.) Political Representation: Communities, Ideas and Institutions in Europe, c.1200-c.1690. Later Mediaeval Europe, 15. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 309-318.

Book Chapter

Smith J (2018) History. In: Bryce T, Humes W, Gillies D & Kennedy A (eds.) Scottish Education. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 440-445.


Berger S, Bull AC, Wóycicka Z, Cercel C, Parish N, Quinkenstein MA, Rowley E, Dodd J & Plumb S (2018) War Museums and Agonistic Memory: a Report. Museum Worlds, 6 (1), pp. 112-124.

Authored Book

Penman M (2018) Robert the Bruce, King of the Scots. 2nd - revised paperback edition ed. Yale: Yale University Books.

Book Chapter

Ezra E (2018) Magic Shoes: Dorothy, Cinderella, Carrie. In: Shoe Reels: The History and Philosophy of Footwear in Film. 1st ed. Film and Fashions. UK: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 49-61.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Ramsay R (2018) Absent presence in the authorised heritage discourse. Alienation, communication, coexistence (SGSAH 2nd Year Symposium), Teacher Building, Glasgow, 18.06.2018-18.06.2018.

Book Chapter

Foster S (2018) Replication of things: the case for composite biographical approaches. In: Codell J & Hughes L (eds.) Replication in the Long Nineteenth Century: Re-makings and Reproductions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 23-44.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Ramsay R (2018) Traveller bough tents. Earth and vernacular buildings, The Engine Shed, Stirling, 24.05.2018-24.05.2018.

Conference Paper (published)

Macdonald S & Morgan J (2018) How can we know the future? Uncertainty, transformation, and magical techniques of significance assessment in museum collecting. In: Assessment of Significance: Deuten - Bedeuten - Umdeuten. Assessment of Significance: Interpretation - Implication - Reinterpretation, 11.05.2017-13.05.2017. Berlin, Germany: Deutsches Historisches Museum, pp. 20-26.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Ramsay R (2018) Traces in the museum store. Scottish Student Archaeology Society Conference, Glasgow University Union, 27.01.2018-28.01.2018.


Elliott-Smith D (2017) Flow/Job [Audiovisual Essay] [A Video Essay on the Pornographic Facial Portraiture of Joey Stefano]. [in]Transition, 4 (4).

Book Chapter

Lowing K (2017) To see oursels as ithers see us: constructions of Scotland’s place and identity within a changing Scottish curriculum and context. In: Stevens D & Lockney K (eds.) Students, Places and Identities in English and the Arts: Creative Spaces in Education. National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE). Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 123-134.

Technical Report

Penman MA & Utsi E (2017) Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of the Central Area between the Vestry and the Altar and 2 External Areas overlying the former Lady Chapel of Dunfermline Abbey For Dr Michael Penman University of Stirling [Dunfermline Draft GPR R2 - 2017]. University of Stirling [Dr Michael Penman]. Stirling.;;

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Magee K (2017) Lost in the crowd: building and managing communities of interest. DCDC 2017 The cultural value of collections and the creative economy, The Lowry, Salford Quays, Manchester, 27.11.2017-29.11.2017.

Book Chapter

Foster S (2017) Icolmkill: the ruins of Iona. In: Carter M, Lindfield P & Townsend D (eds.) Writing Britain's Ruins. London: British Library, pp. 158-161.


Dann C & Callaghan JEM (2017) Embodiment and Excess: Constructions of tattooed mothers in the UK. Psychology of Women Section Review, 19 (1).


Ferguson C (2017) Imagined Publics and Occult Mediation. The Medial Breakthrough in Norwegian Literature, 1855-1905, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 20.06.2017-21.10.2020.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Ramsay R (2017) Hidden Treasure: bings o chatterie in Scottish museums [Loads of stuff: the material culture of Gypsy/Travellers (hidden) in Scottish museums]. Hidden Treasures: a celebration of Gypsy art - traditional and contemporary - in its many forms, Pitlochry Festival Theatre, 11.06.2017-11.06.2017.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Ramsay R (2017) Bings o chatterie [Loads of stuff: the material culture of Gypsy/Travellers (hidden) in Scottish museums]. Hidden Treasures, Pitlochry Festival Theatre, 11.06.2017-11.06.2017.

Website Content

Haynes R (2017) When The Barley Water Turned Orange: 50 Years of Wimbledon in Colour. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 02.06.2017.

Book Chapter

Turpie T (2016) Scottish and British? The Scottish Authorities, Richard III and the Cult of St Ninian in Late Medieval Scotland and Northern England. In: Penman M, Buchanan K & Dean L (eds.) Medieval and Early Modern Representations of Authority in Scotland and The British Isles. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 124-140.

Conference Paper (published)

Arora V & Murthy M (2016) Re‐discovering Uttarkhand’s Cultural Identity: Issues for consideration during post‐disaster reconstruction. In: Johnson C & Conference Scientific Committee (eds.) Reconstruction and Recovery in Urban Contexts. Conference Proceedings. 2015 international i-Rec conference Reconstruction and Recovery in Urban Contexts, London, 06.07.2015-08.07.2015. L’Observatoire universitaire de la vulnérabilité and la reconstruction durable (Œuvre Durable), funded by Fonds de recherche du Québec, Société et culture (FQRSC), Canada.


Elliott-Smith D (2016) ‘The Golden Age of TV Horror’, Cine Excess X, Birmingham City University November 2016. Panel with Dr Stacey Abbott (Reader in Film and Television Studies) and Dr Lorna Jowett (Reader in Film and TV, University of Northampton). [Roundtable Panel Discussion on TV Horror's Golden Age]. Cine Excess X: Cult Genres, Traditions and Bodies: A Decade of Excess,, Birmingham City University, 10.11.2016-12.11.2016.


Hobma H, O'Donnell D, Karkov C, Foster S, Graham J, Osborn W, del Turco R, Broatch R, Broatch S, Callieri M & Dellepiane M (2016) Modern impact on the fabric of the Ruthwell Cross. Old English Newsletter, 46 (1).

Edited Proceedings

Hames S & Hunter A (eds.) (2016) If Scotland.... Conjecturing 2014. Journal of Scottish Thought, Volume 8. If Scotland: Posting 2014, 23.08.2014-24.08.2014. University of Stirling: AHRC Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen.

Technical Report

Penman MA & Utsi E (2016) Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of Part of the North Transept and the Vestry of Dunfermline Abbey For Dr Michael Penman University of Stirling [Dunfermline Draft GPR R1 - 2016]. University of Stirling [Michael Penman]. Stirling.;;

Book Chapter

Turpie T (2016) North-eastern Saints in the Aberdeen Breviary and the Historia Gentis Scotorum of Hector Boece: Liturgy, history and religious practice in late medieval Scotland. In: Geddes J (ed.) Medieval Art, Architecture and Archaeology in the Dioceses of Aberdeen and Moray. The British Archaeological Association Conference Transactions. Leeds: Maney Publishing, pp. 239-247.

Book Chapter

Bradley J (2016) Who Fears to Speak?. In: Maley W (ed.) Scotland and the Easter Rising: Fresh perspectives on 1916. 1 ed. Edinburgh: Luath Press Ltd, pp. 49-55.

Book Chapter

Ferguson C (2015) Arthur Machen. In: Felluga D (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 969-972.

Book Chapter

Jones S, Nevell M & Redhead N (2015) Archaeology and the construction of community identities. In: Nevell M & Redhead N (eds.) Archaeology for All: Community Archaeology in the Early 21st Century: Participation, Practice and Impact. University of Salford Applied Arcaheology Series Volume 2. Manchester, UK: University of Salford, pp. 3-14.

Conference Paper (published)

Foster S (2015) Physical evidence for the early church in Scotland. In: Barnwell P (ed.) Places of Worship in Britain and Ireland, 300-950. Buildings for Worship in Britain: Celtic and Anglo-Saxon, Oxford, 08.01.2010-10.01.2010. Donington: Paul Watkins Publishing, pp. 68-91.

Conference Paper (published)

Bonacchi C, Bevan A, Pett D & Keinan-Schoonbaert A (2015) Crowd- and Community-fuelled Archaeology. Early Results from the MicroPasts Project. In: Giligny F, Djindjian F, Costa L, Moscati P & Robert S (eds.) CAA2014 21st Century Archaeology: Concepts, methods and tools. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. 42nd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Paris, 22.04.2014-25.04.2014. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 279-288.

Conference Paper (published)

Wilkin N, Bevan A, Bonacchi C, Keinan-Schoonbaert A, Pett D & Wexler J (2015) Crowd-sourcing the British Bronze Age: Initial experiences and results from the MicroPasts project. In: Proceedings of the Society for Museum Archaeologists Conference. The Museum Archaeologist, 35. Society for Museum Archaeologists Conference 2017, 02.11.2015-03.11.2015. Sheffield: Society of Museum Archaeologists.


Douglas-Jones R, Hughes J, Jones S & Yarrow T (2015) Growing old gracefully?. Focus, (2015), pp. 32-33.

Website Content

Haynes R (2015) Peter Dimmock: Television pioneer and master of the deal. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 26.11.2015.

Book Chapter

Penn S (2015) The Bible and Biblical Exegesis. In: Handbook of Medieval Culture: Fundamental Aspects and Conditions of the European Middle Ages Volume 1. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter, pp. 134-148.

Website Content

Haynes R (2015) Two more videos from our Hosts and Champions exhibition. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 02.04.2015.