Project Report
Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of Four areas of Dunfermline Abbey The South Aisle, Memorial Chapel, North Transept and North East Dais For Dr Michael Penman
Carrick Utsi E, Birtwisle A & Penman M (2022) Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of Four areas of Dunfermline Abbey The South Aisle, Memorial Chapel, North Transept and North East Dais For Dr Michael Penman. University of Stirling; Dunfermline Heritage Partnership; Abbey Church of Dunfermline; Historic Environment Scotland; Fife Council. Ely, Cambridgeshire.
Fae Raploch to Elland Raod: Remembering Billy Bremner
Haynes R & Fraser K Fae Raploch to Elland Raod: Remembering Billy Bremner.
Spencer, Samuel interview in ‘How Wreck is Breaking New Ground for LGBT Representation in Horror’ BBC Website, 10 October 2022:
Elliott-Smith D (2022) Spencer, Samuel interview in ‘How Wreck is Breaking New Ground for LGBT Representation in Horror’ BBC Website, 10 October 2022:. Spencer, Samuel interview in ‘How Wreck is Breaking New Ground for LGBT Representation in Horror’ BBC Website, 10 October 2022: []. BBC Online.
Presentation / Talk
1603 and All That: Thomas Craig and the Union of the Crowns
Dodd L (2022) 1603 and All That: Thomas Craig and the Union of the Crowns (Presentation) The Scottish Legal History Group 2022, Edinburgh, 01.10.2022.
Translating (and rewriting) Jane Austen’s food across time and space
Li S, Li Q & Hope W (2022) Translating (and rewriting) Jane Austen’s food across time and space. Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies.
Book Chapter
Dabhach And Ceathramh Names
Oram R (2022) Dabhach And Ceathramh Names [Dabhach and Ceathramh-Names: Fragments of a Lost Assessment System?]. In: Galloway. The Lost Province of Gaelic Scotland. Glasgow: John Dewar Publishers Ltd.
Website Content
London's Literary Merchants
Vine A (2022) London's Literary Merchants. London Metropolitan Archives [Online newsletter] 12.08.2022.
Website Content
No proper job for a grown person: Hugh McIlvanney and the BBC Arena documentary Sportswriter
Haynes R (2022) No proper job for a grown person: Hugh McIlvanney and the BBC Arena documentary Sportswriter. Viewfinder Magazine [Online Magazine] 06.07.2022.
Paintings Alive: Interactive Films and Video Installations for Young Museum Visitors
Wetzel V & Zioga P (2022) Paintings Alive: Interactive Films and Video Installations for Young Museum Visitors. Interactive Film and Media Journal, 2 (2).
Research Report
REF2021 ICS - Place-making And Community-building Through Ecclesiastical Heritage: Dunfermline Abbey
Penman M, Oram R & Turpie T (2022) REF2021 ICS - Place-making And Community-building Through Ecclesiastical Heritage: Dunfermline Abbey [REF2021 ICS History at Stirling #3]. University of Stirling for Research Excellence Framework 2021. Stirling.
Reconstruction of heritage in Bhaktapur, Nepal: examining tensions and negotiations between the "local" and the "global"
Arora V (2022) Reconstruction of heritage in Bhaktapur, Nepal: examining tensions and negotiations between the "local" and the "global". Disaster Prevention and Managemen, 31 (1), pp. 41-50.
Website Content
'Introduction' to Webdossier on African-Authored Travel Writing
Ni Loingsigh A (2022) 'Introduction' to Webdossier on African-Authored Travel Writing [African-Authored Travel Writing]. Leiden University African Studies Centre — Webdossiers (1) [Website] 03.03.2022.
James Kelman and Everyone Else
Hames S (2022) James Kelman and Everyone Else. Honest Ulsterman, (February 2022).
Edited Book
Early Christian Churches and Landscapes in Britain and Ireland
Pickles T & Foster SM (eds.) (2022) Early Christian Churches and Landscapes in Britain and Ireland. Studies in the Early Middle Ages (SEM). Turnhout: Brepols.
Website Content
The COP26 Kabuff: A Beatrice Deft Short
Squiscoll B (2022) The COP26 Kabuff: A Beatrice Deft Short. [Website] 03.01.2022.
The Liminal Zone
Bell L The Liminal Zone.
Conference Paper (published)
Too much environment and not enough history: the opportunities and challenges in researching medieval seasonal settlement in Atlantic Europe
Oram R (2021) Too much environment and not enough history: the opportunities and challenges in researching medieval seasonal settlement in Atlantic Europe. In: Dixon P & Theune C (eds.) Seasonal Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside. RURALIA, 13. Ruralia XIII Conference: Seasonal Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside, Stirling, 09.09.2019-13.09.2019. Leiden, Netherlands: Sidestone Press, pp. 193-201.
Book Chapter
Rio 2016: A New World
Rocha C & Mazzei L (2021) Rio 2016: A New World. In: Harris S & Dowling M (eds.) Sport Participation and Olympic Legacies: A Comparative Study. Routledge Research in Sport Politics and Policy. London: Routledge, pp. 132-152.
Assessing the transforming social values of cities in the longue durée: analysis of a Florence neighbourhood from the Middle Ages to the present
Bonacchi C & Lorenzon M (2021) Assessing the transforming social values of cities in the longue durée: analysis of a Florence neighbourhood from the Middle Ages to the present. European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies, 11, pp. 303-325.
Book Chapter
"For the good of the world": the innovations and influences of the UK's early international televising of sport
Haynes R (2021) "For the good of the world": the innovations and influences of the UK's early international televising of sport. In: Butterworth ML (ed.) Handbook of Communication and Sport. Handbooks of Communication Science, 28. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 421-439.
Heritage Transformations
Bonacchi C (2021) Heritage Transformations. Big Data and Society, 8 (2).
Book Chapter
Two concepts of power: Knowledge (re)production in English history education discourse
Smith J & Jackson D (2021) Two concepts of power: Knowledge (re)production in English history education discourse. In: Chapman A (ed.) Knowing History in Schools: Powerful knowledge and the powers of knowledge. Knowledge and the Curriculum. London: UCL Press, pp. 152-176.
Wrestling with Social Value: An Examination of Methods and Approaches for Assessing Social Value in Heritage Management and Conservation
Robson E (2021) Wrestling with Social Value: An Examination of Methods and Approaches for Assessing Social Value in Heritage Management and Conservation. Doctor of Philosophy. University of Stirling.
Highland Flings and CAN CANs: Dances with Recommendation Culture
Squires C (2021) Highland Flings and CAN CANs: Dances with Recommendation Culture. Scottish Literary Review, 13 (2), pp. 91-115.
Place-responsive Pedagogies in the Anthropocene: attuning with the more-than-human
Lynch J & Mannion G (2021) Place-responsive Pedagogies in the Anthropocene: attuning with the more-than-human. Environmental Education Research, 27 (6), pp. 864-878.
Book Chapter
Introduction: The role of terminology translation in China’s contemporary identities and cultures
Li S & Hope W (2021) Introduction: The role of terminology translation in China’s contemporary identities and cultures. In: Li S & Hope W (eds.) Terminology Translation in Chinese Contexts: Theory and Practice. Routledge Studies in Chinese Translation. London: Routledge, pp. 1-18.
Book Chapter
Introduction: A historical overview of terminology management and scholarship
Li S & Hope W (2021) Introduction: A historical overview of terminology management and scholarship. In: Li S & Hope W (eds.) Terminology Translation in Chinese Contexts: Theory and Practice. Routledge Studies in Chinese Translation. London: Routledge, pp. 121-129.
Heritage-based tribalism in Big Data ecologies: Deploying origin myths for antagonistic othering
Bonacchi C & Krzyzanska M (2021) Heritage-based tribalism in Big Data ecologies: Deploying origin myths for antagonistic othering. Big Data and Society, 8 (1).
Book Chapter
Women Writers and the Theosophical Tale of Terror
Ferguson C (2021) Women Writers and the Theosophical Tale of Terror. In: Bloom C (ed.) Palgrave Handbook of Steam Age Gothic. Palgrave Gothic. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 541-557.
Book Chapter
The Dominicans in Scotland, 1230-1560
Oram R (2021) The Dominicans in Scotland, 1230-1560. In: Giraud EJ & Linde JC (eds.) A Companion to the English Dominican Province: From Its Beginnings to the Reformation. Companions to The Christian Tradition, 97. Leiden: Brill, pp. 112-137.
Edited Book
Terminology Translation in Chinese Contexts: Theory and Practice
Li S & Hope W (eds.) (2021) Terminology Translation in Chinese Contexts: Theory and Practice. Routledge Studies in Chinese Translation. London: Routledge.
Authenticity and heritage conservation: seeking common complexities beyond the 'eastern' and 'western' dichotomy
Gao Q & Jones S (2021) Authenticity and heritage conservation: seeking common complexities beyond the 'eastern' and 'western' dichotomy. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 27 (1), pp. 90-106.
Book Chapter
Philosophy, Literature, and the Arts
Williams KJ (2021) Philosophy, Literature, and the Arts. In: Pelling M & Jones E (eds.) A Cultural History of Historiography, Volume 4: The Age of Enlightenment and Revolution (1650-1800). The Cultural Histories Series. London: Bloomsbury.
Website Content
The Ullapoolism Manifesto
Driscoll B & Squires C (2021) The Ullapoolism Manifesto. ASAP/J [Blog Post] 01.11.2021.
Book Chapter
Antiquaries in Pre-Reformation Scotland
Williams KJ (2021) Antiquaries in Pre-Reformation Scotland. In: A Companion to Renaissance Antiquarianism. Leiden: Brill.
Book Chapter
Poets in the Age of James VI
Williams KJ (2021) Poets in the Age of James VI. In: The Blackwell Companion to Scottish Literature. London: Blackwell.
Book Chapter
Towards a Theoretical Model of the Epigraphic Landscape
Williams KJ (2021) Towards a Theoretical Model of the Epigraphic Landscape. In: Cousins EH (ed.) Dynamic Epigraphy: New Approaches to Inscriptions. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Newspaper / Magazine
Book sales have soared since the pandemic - but the industry must adapt to engage with new readers
Squires C (2021) Book sales have soared since the pandemic - but the industry must adapt to engage with new readers. The Converation. 14.10.2021.
An Ecosystem Model of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Publisher 'Tiers': Publisher Size, Sustainability and Cultural Policy
Squires C & Markou H (2021) An Ecosystem Model of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Publisher 'Tiers': Publisher Size, Sustainability and Cultural Policy. Publishing Research Quarterly, 37 (3), pp. 420-438.
Newspaper / Magazine
How Obama's backing for NBA Africa venture could boost basketball on the continent
Nauright J & Zipp S (2021) How Obama's backing for NBA Africa venture could boost basketball on the continent. The Conversation. 09.09.2021.
Website Content
Today's Sport on your Screen Tonight
Haynes R (2021) Today's Sport on your Screen Tonight. History of the BBC - 100 Voices [Blog post] 26.08.2021.
Book Review
Review of Conceiving a Nation. Scotland to AD 900
Foster S (2021) Review of Conceiving a Nation. Scotland to AD 900. Review of: Conceiving a Nation. Scotland to ad 900. (The New History of Scotland Volume 1).: By Gilbert Márkus. 14 x 22 cm. xiv +295 pp, 13 b&w figs. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017. isbn 978-0-7486-7899-0.. Medieval Archaeology, 65 (1), pp. 206-207.
The Luster of Studying Contemporary Publishing
Squires C (2021) The Luster of Studying Contemporary Publishing. Commentary on: Leilani, Raven. Luster. 2020. Picador, 2021. American Literary History, 33 (2), pp. 439-453.
Website Content
Social Value Toolkit
Robson E (2021) Social Value Toolkit. [Website] 09.06.2021.
‘Queer-Wolves and Wolf-Girlz and Were-Bears, Oh My!’: Queering the Wolf in New Queer Horror Film and TV
Elliott-Smith D (2021) ‘Queer-Wolves and Wolf-Girlz and Were-Bears, Oh My!’: Queering the Wolf in New Queer Horror Film and TV. Politics and Horror, University of Stirling, 07.05.2021-08.05.2021.
CGS Turns 90: The Origin of Team Scotland
Haynes R (2021) CGS Turns 90: The Origin of Team Scotland. Scotland: Commonwealth Games Scotland.
Book Chapter
Beyond the Corpus: a heritage perspective on new and future lives for Anglo-Saxon sculpture
Foster S Beyond the Corpus: a heritage perspective on new and future lives for Anglo-Saxon sculpture. In: Semple S & Hawkes J (eds.) Art, Image, Power and Place: Contextualising the Stone Sculpture of Anglo-Saxon England. Oxford: Oxbow Books Ltd.
A Comparison of Scots and Swiss German Languages in superdiverse education spaces
Lowing K & Krompák E A Comparison of Scots and Swiss German Languages in superdiverse education spaces. Journal of Languages and Culture.
Heritage in a World of Big Data: re-thinking collecting practices, heritage values and activism. Special Issue
Bonacchi C (Editor) (2021) Heritage in a World of Big Data: re-thinking collecting practices, heritage values and activism. Special Issue. Big Data and Society.
Research software developed for the article: Bonacchi, C, Krzyzanska, M (2021) Heritage-based tribalism in Big Data Ecologies. Big Data & Society
Krzyzanska M & Bonacchi C (2021) Research software developed for the article: Bonacchi, C, Krzyzanska, M (2021) Heritage-based tribalism in Big Data Ecologies. Big Data & Society. IARHeritages / HeritageTribalism_BigData [Software] 23.03.2021.
‘Unbury Your Gays’: Queer Zombies in Film and TV
Elliott-Smith D (2021) ‘Unbury Your Gays’: Queer Zombies in Film and TV [Public Lecture: Glasgow Film Festival, Industry Talks @ Royal Conservatoire, Glasgow. 2nd March 2020]. Public Lecture: Glasgow Film Festival, Industry Talks @ Royal Conservatoire, Glasgow. 2nd March 2020, Royal Conservatoire, Glasgow, 02.03.2021-02.03.2021.
Heritage preservation and the transforming state in Lviv : a changing professional field
Vonnak D (2020) Heritage preservation and the transforming state in Lviv : a changing professional field. PhD Social Anthropology. Durham University.
Book Chapter
Remembering World War I in Australia: Hyde Park as Site of Memory
Parish N & O’Reilly C (2020) Remembering World War I in Australia: Hyde Park as Site of Memory. In: Hubbell AL, Akagawa N, Rojas-Lizana S & Pohlman A (eds.) Places of Traumatic Memory: A Global Context. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 109-131.
Book Chapter
Note-Taking and the Organization of Knowledge
Vine A (2020) Note-Taking and the Organization of Knowledge. In: Jalobeanu D & Wolfe CT (eds.) Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences. Living Edition ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Authored Book
Declaration of Arbroath: What it Meant Then and What it Means Now
Turpie T (2020) Declaration of Arbroath: What it Meant Then and What it Means Now. Edinburgh: Luath Press.
Book Chapter
Castrating the Queer Vampire in Let the Right One In (2008) and Let Me In (2010)
Elliott-Smith D (2020) Castrating the Queer Vampire in Let the Right One In (2008) and Let Me In (2010). In: Elliott-Smith D & Browning JE (eds.) New Queer Horror Film and Television. Horror Studies. Cardiff, Wales: University of Wales Press, pp. 45-64.
Newspaper / Magazine
Carved Stones. Perspectives from Iona Abbey on Values and Significance
Foster S (2020) Carved Stones. Perspectives from Iona Abbey on Values and Significance. Historic Churches. The Conservation and Repair of Ecclesiastical Buildings. The Buildings Conservation Directory. Special Report on Historic Churches. 2020, pp. 15-18.
Edited Book
Routledge Handbook of Global Sport
Nauright J & Zipp S (eds.) (2020) Routledge Handbook of Global Sport. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge.
Book Chapter
Sensing the Novel/Seeing the Book/Selling the Goods
Squires C (2020) Sensing the Novel/Seeing the Book/Selling the Goods. In: Lazendorfer T & Norrick-Ruhl C (eds.) The Novel as Network: Forms, Ideas, Commodities. New Directions in Book History. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 251-270.
Experiments with Book Festival People (Real and Imaginary)
Driscoll B & Squires C (2020) Experiments with Book Festival People (Real and Imaginary). Mémoires du livre, 11 (2).
Book Commerce Book Carnival: An Introduction to the Special Issue
Driscoll B & Squires C (2020) Book Commerce Book Carnival: An Introduction to the Special Issue. Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture, 11 (2), pp. 1-17.
Scholarly Edition
James Hogg: Contributions to English, Irish, and American Periodicals
Hunter A (ed.) (2020) James Hogg: Contributions to English, Irish, and American Periodicals, Stirling/South Carolina Research Edition of the Collected Works of James Hogg. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Authored Book
The Role of Today’s Museum
Gray C & McCall V (2020) The Role of Today’s Museum. London: Routledge.
Book Chapter
The Scottish Context: Making History in an "Understated Nation"
Smith J (2020) The Scottish Context: Making History in an "Understated Nation". In: Berg CW & Christou TM (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of History and Social Studies Education. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 415-438.
Red Power at 50: Re-Evaluations and Memory
Kyrova L & Toth G (2020) Red Power at 50: Re-Evaluations and Memory. Comparative American Studies, 17 (2), pp. 107-116.
Edited Book
New Queer Horror Film and TV
Elliott-Smith D & Browning JE (eds.) (2020) New Queer Horror Film and TV. Horror Studies. Cardiff, Wales: University of Wales Press.
What drives sports TV rights? A comparative analysis of their evolution in English and French men’s football first divisions, 1980–2020
Scelles N, Dermit-Richard N & Haynes R (2020) What drives sports TV rights? A comparative analysis of their evolution in English and French men’s football first divisions, 1980–2020. Soccer and Society, 21 (5), pp. 491-509.
Book Chapter
The Passion and Pragmatism of the Small Publisher
Squires C (2020) The Passion and Pragmatism of the Small Publisher. In: Colby G, Marczewska K & Wilson L (eds.) The Contemporary Small Press: Making Publishing Visible. New Directions in Book History. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 199-218.
Book Chapter
The Global Market 1970-2015: Consumers
Squires C (2020) The Global Market 1970-2015: Consumers. In: Eliot S & Rose J (eds.) A Companion to the History of the Book. 2nd ed. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture, 102. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 601-614.
Book Chapter
Drayton's Copious Chorography
Vine A (2020) Drayton's Copious Chorography. In: McRae A & Schwyzer P (eds.) Poly-Olbion: New Perspectives. Studies in Renaissance Literature, 38. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, pp. 19-38.
Authored Book
My Life as a Replica: St John's Cross, Iona
Foster S & Jones S (2020) My Life as a Replica: St John's Cross, Iona. Oxford: Windgather Press / Oxbow Books.
Book Chapter
The concrete and non-concrete
Foster S & Jones S (2020) The concrete and non-concrete. In: My Life as a Replica: St John's Cross, Iona. Oxford: Windgather Press / Oxbow Books, pp. 1-4.
Book Chapter
Gaelic Games
Bradley J (2020) Gaelic Games. In: Nauright J & Zipp S (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Global Sport. Routledge International Handbooks. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 481-489.
Book Chapter
The Review and the Reviewer
Squires C (2020) The Review and the Reviewer. In: Baverstock A & Bradford R (eds.) Contemporary Publishing and the Culture of Books. Abingdon: Routledge.
The Epistemology of Ullapoolism Making Mischief from within Contemporary Book Cultures
Squires C & Driscoll B (2020) The Epistemology of Ullapoolism Making Mischief from within Contemporary Book Cultures. Angelaki, 25 (5), pp. 137-155.
David I, King of Scots, 1124-1153
Oram R (2020) David I, King of Scots, 1124-1153. Edinburgh: John Donald.
Book Chapter
Remembering the First World War in France: the Historial de la Grande Guerre and Thiepval Museum
Parish N & Rowley E (2020) Remembering the First World War in France: the Historial de la Grande Guerre and Thiepval Museum. In: Demossier M, Lees D, Mondon A & Parish N (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of French Politics and Culture. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 193-203.
The Need for Speed? A Historical Analysis of The BBC's Post-War Broadcasting of Motorsport
Haynes R & Robeers T (2020) The Need for Speed? A Historical Analysis of The BBC's Post-War Broadcasting of Motorsport. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 40 (2), pp. 407-423.
Narratives for Lengyel funerary practice
Regenye J, Bánffy E, Demján P, Ebert J, Osztás A, Bronk Ramsey C, Dunbar E, Friedrich R, Bayliss A, Beavan N, Gaydarska B & Whittle A (2020) Narratives for Lengyel funerary practice. Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission, 97 2016 (2020), pp. 5-80.
Community and Contestation: A Gramscian Case Study of Teacher Resistance
Smith J (2020) Community and Contestation: A Gramscian Case Study of Teacher Resistance. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 52 (1), pp. 27-44.
Book Chapter
Carmen voyageuse: Représentations de Carmen en dehors de l’Espagne
Davies A (2020) Carmen voyageuse: Représentations de Carmen en dehors de l’Espagne. In: Lozier C & Marc I (eds.) Carmen revisitée / revisiter Carmen: nouveaux visages d’un mythe transversal. Comparatisme & Societe, 41. Bern: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, pp. 127-144.
De-growing museum collections for new heritage futures
Morgan J & Macdonald S (2020) De-growing museum collections for new heritage futures. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 26 (1), pp. 56-70.
Website Content
Essential? Different? Exceptional? The Book Trade and Covid-19
Squires C (2020) Essential? Different? Exceptional? The Book Trade and Covid-19. C21 Literature: Journal of 21st-Century Writings: News [Blog post] 10.12.2020.
Edited Book
Shoe Reels: The History and Philosophy of Footwear in Film
(2020) Shoe Reels: The History and Philosophy of Footwear in Film, 1st ed. Film and Fashions. UK: Edinburgh University Press.
The enigma that was the first Jacobite
Mann AJ (2020) The enigma that was the first Jacobite. History Scotland, 20 (6), pp. 18-22.
New Futures for Replicas
Foster S (2020) New Futures for Replicas. News in Conservation, (80), pp. 14-19.
Re-interpreting the lost choir of Dunfermline Abbey: history, liturgy and ground-penetrating radar
Penman MA (2020) Re-interpreting the lost choir of Dunfermline Abbey: history, liturgy and ground-penetrating radar. History Scotland, 20 (6).
Website Content
Dr Gyorgy Toth - An interview with Christine Nobiss, aka Sikowis, a US activist for indigenous rights, race relations, and the environment
Toth G (2020) Dr Gyorgy Toth - An interview with Christine Nobiss, aka Sikowis, a US activist for indigenous rights, race relations, and the environment. History at Stirling [Canvas online videos] 02.11.2020.
Website Content
Ecclesiastical Heritage - In Search of Scotland's Lost Medieval Royal Mausoleum at Dunfermline Abbey, c.1250-c.1560, and other projects
Penman M (2020) Ecclesiastical Heritage - In Search of Scotland's Lost Medieval Royal Mausoleum at Dunfermline Abbey, c.1250-c.1560, and other projects. Ecclesiastical Heritage - In Search of Scotland's Lost Medieval Royal Mausoleum at Dunfermline Abbey, c.1250-c.1560, and other projects [Website] 01.11.2020.
Newspaper / Magazine
Spitfire Britain and the Zombie Union
Hames S (2020) Spitfire Britain and the Zombie Union. The Drouth. 10.2020.
Skelping away
Sutherland E (2020) Skelping away. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 65 (10).
In Search of Dunfermline Abbey’s lost medieval choir: history, liturgy and ground-penetrating radar
Penman MA (2020) In Search of Dunfermline Abbey’s lost medieval choir: history, liturgy and ground-penetrating radar. History Scotland, 20 (5), pp. 20-26.
The lives and value of replicas
Foster S (2020) The lives and value of replicas. AskHistorians Podcast Episode 157 [Podcast] 24.09.2020.
Findings from an in-depth annual tree-ring radiocarbon inter-comparison
Bayliss A, Wacker L, Scott EM, Brown D, Bard E, Bollhalder S, Friedrich M, Capano M, Cherkinsky A, Chivall D, Culleton BJ, Dee MW, Friedrich R, Hodgins GWL & Hogg A (2020) Findings from an in-depth annual tree-ring radiocarbon inter-comparison. Radiocarbon, 62 (4), pp. 873-882.
Research Report
In Search Of The Royal Mausoleum At The Benedictine Abbey Of Dunfermline Fife: Medieval Liturgy, Antiquarianism, and a Ground-Penetrating Radar Pilot Survey, 2016-19 (2020)
Penman MA, Utsi EC & Turpie T (2020) In Search Of The Royal Mausoleum At The Benedictine Abbey Of Dunfermline Fife: Medieval Liturgy, Antiquarianism, and a Ground-Penetrating Radar Pilot Survey, 2016-19 (2020). Dunfermline Abbey Church and Kirk Session; Historic Environment Scotland; Fife Council; Dunfermline Heritage Partnership; GWS BArrow Award; Strathmartine Trust; Royal Society of Edinburgh; Hunter Archaeological Trust; Faculty of Arts & Humanities, University of Stirling.; University of Stirling Research respository; Historic Environment Scotland CANMORE database; Dunfermline Abbey Church website;
Rethinking replicas
Foster S & Jones S (2020) Rethinking replicas. Collections Trust [Blog Post] 27.08.2020.
Book Chapter
Wright C (2020) Replies [Logic, Language ad Mathematics]. In: Logic, Language and Mathematics: Themes from the Philosophy of Crispin Wright. Ist. ed. n/a, n/a. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 277-432.
Book Chapter
Twin Tracks: Cultural and Political Nationalism after 1967
Hames S (2020) Twin Tracks: Cultural and Political Nationalism after 1967. In: Keating M & McAngus C (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Scottish Politics. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Book Commerce Book Carnival
Driscoll B (Editor) & Squires C (Editor) (2020) Book Commerce Book Carnival [Commerce du livre, carnival du livre]. Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture, 11 (2).
Book Chapter
Unmarried cohabitation
Sutherland E (2020) Unmarried cohabitation. In: George R & Eekelaar J (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Family Law and Policy. 2nd ed. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 61-70.