Project Report

Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of Four areas of Dunfermline Abbey The South Aisle, Memorial Chapel, North Transept and North East Dais For Dr Michael Penman



Carrick Utsi E, Birtwisle A & Penman M (2022) Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of Four areas of Dunfermline Abbey The South Aisle, Memorial Chapel, North Transept and North East Dais For Dr Michael Penman. University of Stirling; Dunfermline Heritage Partnership; Abbey Church of Dunfermline; Historic Environment Scotland; Fife Council. Ely, Cambridgeshire.

Technical report for Dunfermline Ground-Penetrating Radar project at Dunfermline Abbey for Stage IV August 2022, written by Erica Carrick Utsi; funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh; under the aegis of the Dunfermline Heritage Partnership and site custodians, the Abbey Church of Dunfermline Kirk Session, Historic Environment Scotland, and Fife Council. See updated interpretive report by M. Penman and E.C. Utsi (2023) - In Search of the Scottish Royal Mausoleum at the Benedictine Abbey of Dunfermline, Fife: Medieval Liturgy, Antiquarianism, and a Ground-Penetrating Radar Pilot Survey, 2016-22 at .

Medieval; Liturgy; Ground Penetrating Radar; Archaeology; Scotland; Dunfermline; Benedictine

FundersThe Royal Society of Edinburgh
Publisher URL
Place of publicationEly, Cambridgeshire