Circulating agency: The V&A, Scotland and the multiplication of plaster casts of 'Celtic crosses'
Foster S (2015) Circulating agency: The V&A, Scotland and the multiplication of plaster casts of 'Celtic crosses'. Journal of the History of Collections, 27 (1), pp. 73-96.
Website Content
Video Tours of Hosts and Champions at Trinity Church, Irvine
Haynes R (2015) Video Tours of Hosts and Champions at Trinity Church, Irvine. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 19.03.2015.
Website Content
Hosts and Champions on the road….
Haynes R (2015) Hosts and Champions on the road….. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 10.03.2015.
Celtic collections and imperial connections. The V&A, Scotland and the multiplication of plaster casts of 'Celtic crosses'
Foster S (2015) Celtic collections and imperial connections. The V&A, Scotland and the multiplication of plaster casts of 'Celtic crosses'. History Scotland, 15 (2), pp. 16-21.
Fragmenting Times: interpreting a Bayesian chronology for the late Neolithic occupation of Çatalhöyük East, Turkey
Marciniak A, Barański MZ, Bayliss A, Czerniak L, Goslar T, Southon J & Taylor RE (2015) Fragmenting Times: interpreting a Bayesian chronology for the late Neolithic occupation of Çatalhöyük East, Turkey. Antiquity, 89 (343), pp. 154-176.
Book Review
The Hirsel Excavations
Foster S (2015) The Hirsel Excavations. Review of:
R Cramp, Leeds, Society for Medieval Archaeology, 2014, 359pp, ISBN 978 1 909662 35 3.. Speculum, 90 (1), pp. 233-235.
Book Chapter
Boddy, (Charles) William [Bill]
Haynes R (2015) Boddy, (Charles) William [Bill]. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Edited Book
Spiritualism, 1840-1930 : Victorian Concepts, Volume 1: Spiritualism: Health, Race, and Human Variation
Ferguson C (ed.) (2014) Spiritualism, 1840-1930 : Victorian Concepts, Volume 1: Spiritualism: Health, Race, and Human Variation. Victorian Concepts. London: Routledge.
Book Chapter
Society for Medieval Archaeology
Foster S (2014) Society for Medieval Archaeology. In: Smith C (ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. New York: Springer, pp. 6775-6776.
Book Chapter
Medieval Archaeology
Foster S (2014) Medieval Archaeology. In: Smith C (ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. New York: Springer, pp. 4736-4737.
The legacy of nineteenth-century replicas for object cultural biographies: lessons in duplication from 1830s Fife
Foster S, Blackwell A & Goldberg M (2014) The legacy of nineteenth-century replicas for object cultural biographies: lessons in duplication from 1830s Fife. Journal of Victorian Culture, 19 (2), pp. 137-160.
Book Chapter
Archeologia pubblica al tempo della crisi economica
Bonacchi C (2014) Archeologia pubblica al tempo della crisi economica. In: Parello M & Rizzo M (eds.) Proceedings of the Conference Archeologia Pubblica al Tempo della Crisi, 29-30 November 2013, Agrigento, Italy. Bibliotheca Archaeologica, 35. Bari, Italy: Edipuglia, pp. 19-24.
Archeologia Pubblica e Archeologia Medievale
Vannini G, Nucciotti M & Bonacchi C (2014) Archeologia Pubblica e Archeologia Medievale. Archeologia Medievale, 2014 (Special Issue) p. 195.
Citizen Archaeologists. Online Collaborative Research about the Human Past
Bevan A, Pett D, Bonacchi C, Keinan-Schoonbaert A, Lombrana Gonzalez D, Sparks R, Wexler J & Wikin N (2014) Citizen Archaeologists. Online Collaborative Research about the Human Past. Human Computation, 1 (2), pp. 185-199.
Book Chapter
'Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik': Unearthing Gay Male Anxieties in Queer Gothic Soaps Dante’s Cove (2005-2007) and The Lair (2007-2009)’
Elliott-Smith D (2014) 'Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik': Unearthing Gay Male Anxieties in Queer Gothic Soaps Dante’s Cove (2005-2007) and The Lair (2007-2009)’. In: Stewart M (ed.) Melodrama in Contemporary Film and Television. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 96-113.
Book Chapter
Gay Zombies: Consuming Masculinity and Community in La Bruce's Otto; or Up With Dead People and LA Zombie
Elliott-Smith D (2014) Gay Zombies: Consuming Masculinity and Community in La Bruce's Otto; or Up With Dead People and LA Zombie. In: McGlotten S & Jones S (eds.) Zombies and Sexuality: Essays on Desire and the Living Dead. Contributions to Zombie Studies. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Co Press, pp. 140-158.
Book Review
Politics and Performance in Post-Dictatorship Argentine Film and Theatre By Phillippa J. Page. Woodbridge: Tamesis. 2011.
Olivera GE (2014) Politics and Performance in Post-Dictatorship Argentine Film and Theatre By Phillippa J. Page. Woodbridge: Tamesis. 2011. [Book Reviews for Hispanic Research Journal]. Review of: Politics and Performance in Post-Dictatorship Argentine Film and Theatre. By Phillippa J. Page. Woodbridge: Tamesis. 2011. Pp. 198. ISBN: 9781855662049. Hispanic Research Journal, 15 (4), pp. 377-379.
'Ane Instructioun for Bairnis to be Learnit in Scottis’: A Study of Scots Language in the Scottish Secondary Classroom
Lowing K (2014) 'Ane Instructioun for Bairnis to be Learnit in Scottis’: A Study of Scots Language in the Scottish Secondary Classroom. Doctorate in Education. Newcastle University.
Crowd-sourced Archaeological Research: The MicroPasts Project
Bonacchi C, Bevan A, Pett D, Keinan-Schoonbaert A, Sparks R, Wexler J & Wilkin N (2014) Crowd-sourced Archaeological Research: The MicroPasts Project. Archaeology International, 17, pp. 61-68.
Website Content
An Interview with Dr. Gyorgy Toth: Cultural Memory, “Counter-Commemorations,” and Transatlantic Relations
Toth G & Schrag D (2014) An Interview with Dr. Gyorgy Toth: Cultural Memory, “Counter-Commemorations,” and Transatlantic Relations. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, International Forum for U.S. Studies [Blog post] 30.09.2014.
Book Review
English Women, Religion, and Textual Production, 1500-1625. Edited by Micheline White
Vine A (2014) English Women, Religion, and Textual Production, 1500-1625. Edited by Micheline White. Review of: Micheline White (ed.), English Women, Religion, and Textual Production, 1500-1625 (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011). Literature and Theology, 28 (3), pp. 354-357.
Authored Book
Picts, Gaels and Scots. Early Historic Scotland
Foster S (2014) Picts, Gaels and Scots. Early Historic Scotland. 3rd ed. Edinburgh: Birlinn.
Website Content
Hosts and Champions: Exhibition Snapshots
Haynes R (2014) Hosts and Champions: Exhibition Snapshots. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 15.08.2014.
Website Content
Strange Tales From The Commonwealth Games Scotland Archive
Haynes R (2014) Strange Tales From The Commonwealth Games Scotland Archive. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog Post] 04.08.2014.
Website Content
Hosts and Champions Exhibition – A Selection of 1970’s Photographs
Haynes R (2014) Hosts and Champions Exhibition – A Selection of 1970’s Photographs. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog Post] 16.07.2014.
‘Stone is stone’: engagement and detachment in the craft of conservation masonry
Yarrow T & Jones S (2014) ‘Stone is stone’: engagement and detachment in the craft of conservation masonry. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 20 (2), pp. 256-275.
Website Content
Colonel Whitton and the 1938 Scottish Empire Games Team
Haynes R (2014) Colonel Whitton and the 1938 Scottish Empire Games Team. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 26.06.2014.
After Bannockburn—After the Referendum: Robert the Bruce and the difficulties of Settlement
Penman M (2014) After Bannockburn—After the Referendum: Robert the Bruce and the difficulties of Settlement. After Bannockburn—After the Referendum: Robert the Bruce and the difficulties of Settlement [Web pages]. Yale University Press website.
Understanding the public experience of archaeology in the UK and Italy: a call for a 'sociological movement' in Public Archaeology
Bonacchi C (2014) Understanding the public experience of archaeology in the UK and Italy: a call for a 'sociological movement' in Public Archaeology. European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies, 4, pp. 377-400.
Website Content
George W. Ferguson and Scotland’s 1930 British Empire Games Team
Haynes R (2014) George W. Ferguson and Scotland’s 1930 British Empire Games Team. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 28.05.2014.
Website Content
Scotland’s Games, the Commonwealth’s boycott
Haynes R (2014) Scotland’s Games, the Commonwealth’s boycott. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 20.05.2014.
Website Content
Commonwealth Games Medals: Past and Present
Kachulski D (2014) Commonwealth Games Medals: Past and Present. [] 14.05.2014.
Website Content
Scotland and the Commonwealth Games
Kachulski D (2014) Scotland and the Commonwealth Games. [] 07.05.2014.
Website Content
Commonwealth Games Medals: Past and Present
Haynes R (2014) Commonwealth Games Medals: Past and Present. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 06.05.2014.
Website Content
Moments that Matter
Haynes R (2014) Moments that Matter. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 29.04.2014.
Website Content
Why Team Scotland and Not Team GB?
Haynes R (2014) Why Team Scotland and Not Team GB?. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 23.04.2014.
Conservation and social value: an ambivalent relationship
Jones S (2014) Conservation and social value: an ambivalent relationship. Context, (133), pp. 13-14.
Book Chapter
Embodied energies, embedded stories: releasing the potential of casts of early medieval sculptures
Foster S (2013) Embodied energies, embedded stories: releasing the potential of casts of early medieval sculptures. In: Hawkes J (ed.) Making Histories: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Insular Art, York 2011. Donington: Shaun Tyas, pp. 339-357.
Audiences and Experiential Values of Archaeological Television: The Case Study of Time Team
Bonacchi C (2013) Audiences and Experiential Values of Archaeological Television: The Case Study of Time Team. Public Archaeology, 12 (2), pp. 117-131.
Book Chapter
Dialogues Between Past, Present and Future: Reflections on Engaging the Recent Past
Jones S (2013) Dialogues Between Past, Present and Future: Reflections on Engaging the Recent Past. In: Dalglish C (ed.) Archaeology, the Public and the Recent Past. Society for Post Medieval Archaeology Monograph Series. Woodbridge, UK: Boydell and Brewer, pp. 163-175.
Technical Report
Culturally engaged? A people-centred approach to understanding digital cultural engagement on social media platforms
Bonacchi C & Galani A (2013) Culturally engaged? A people-centred approach to understanding digital cultural engagement on social media platforms. Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University.
The Development of Public Archaeology in Italy: A Review of Recent Efforts
Bonacchi C (2013) The Development of Public Archaeology in Italy: A Review of Recent Efforts. Public Archaeology, 12 (3), pp. 211-216.
Book Review
Pagan and Christian. Religious Change in Early Medieval Europe
Foster S (2013) Pagan and Christian. Religious Change in Early Medieval Europe. Review of:
D Petts, London, Bristol Classical Press, 2011. 144 pp. ISBN 978-0-7156-375408. Medieval Archaeology, 57 (1), pp. 353-355.
Assessment of Infinite-Age Bones from the Upper Thames Valley, UK, as 14C Background Standards
Cook G, Higham T, Naysmith P, Brock F, Freeman S & Bayliss A (2013) Assessment of Infinite-Age Bones from the Upper Thames Valley, UK, as 14C Background Standards. Radiocarbon, 54 (3-4), pp. 845-853.
Intcal13 and Marine13 Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curves 0–50,000 Years Cal Bp
Reimer PJ, Bard E, Bayliss A, Beck W, Blackwell PG, Bronk Ramsey C, Buck CE, Cheng H, Edwards RL, Friedrich M, Grootes PM, Guilderson TP, Haflidason H, Hajdas I & Hatté C (2013) Intcal13 and Marine13 Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curves 0–50,000 Years Cal Bp. Radiocarbon, 55 (4), pp. 1869-1887.
Website Content
When Rain Stopped Play at Clydesdale
Haynes R (2013) When Rain Stopped Play at Clydesdale. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 10.12.2013.
Book Review
The Chapel and Burial Ground on St Ninian’s Isle, Shetland: Excavations Past and Present
Foster S (2013) The Chapel and Burial Ground on St Ninian’s Isle, Shetland: Excavations Past and Present. Review of:
R Barrowman, London, Society for Medieval Archaeology, 2011. 256pp. ISBN 978-1-907975-46-2. Medieval Archaeology, 57 (1), pp. 357-358.
Book Review
An Animate Landscape: Rock Art and the Prehistory of Kilmartin, Argyll, Scotland
Foster S (2013) An Animate Landscape: Rock Art and the Prehistory of Kilmartin, Argyll, Scotland. Review of:
A M Jones, D Freedman, B O’Connor, H Landin-Whymark, R Tipping and A Watson, Oxford, Windgather Press, 2011. 400 pp. ISBN 978-1-905119-41-7. European Journal of Archaeology, 16 (4), pp. 742-747.
Review of Heritage, a Driver of Development. The 17th ICOMOS General Assembly Scientifi c Symposium
Burtenshaw P & Bonacchi C (2013) Review of Heritage, a Driver of Development. The 17th ICOMOS General Assembly Scientifi c Symposium. Public Archaeology, 12 (4), pp. 278-280.
Website Content
Sports Heritage Exhibition
Haynes R (2013) Sports Heritage Exhibition. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 18.11.2013.
Website Content
Curling in Glasgow’s Southside
Haynes R (2013) Curling in Glasgow’s Southside. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 08.10.2013.
Book Chapter
‘Death is the New Pornography!’: Gay Zombies and Hypermasculine Cannibalism in Queer Horror in Screening the Undead: Vampires and Zombies in Film and TV.
Elliott-Smith D (2013) ‘Death is the New Pornography!’: Gay Zombies and Hypermasculine Cannibalism in Queer Horror in Screening the Undead: Vampires and Zombies in Film and TV.. In: Screening the Undead: Vampires and Zombies in Film and Television. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 148-173.
Website Content
Govanhill Baths: A Community Hub
Haynes R (2013) Govanhill Baths: A Community Hub. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 30.08.2013.
Book Review
Book Review: The Invention of Scotland
Lowing K (2013) Book Review: The Invention of Scotland. Review of: The invention of Scotland, by Hugh Trevor-Roper, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2008, pp. 282. National Identities, 15 (4), pp. 421-423.
Authored Book
Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage in Urban Areas: A Training Guide
Arora V & Jigyasu R (2013) Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage in Urban Areas: A Training Guide. Kyoto: Research Center for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University (RitsDMUCH), Kyoto, Japan.
Website Content
Shawlands Bowling Club
Haynes R (2013) Shawlands Bowling Club. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 23.07.2013.
Website Content
In search of the next Andy Murray at Titwood Tennis Club
Haynes R (2013) In search of the next Andy Murray at Titwood Tennis Club. Sport Heritage Blog [Blog post] 24.06.2013.
Website Content
Shawlands Primary Visit Clydesdale Cricket Club
Haynes R (2013) Shawlands Primary Visit Clydesdale Cricket Club. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 22.06.2013.
Website Content
Shawlands Primary visit to Poloc Cricket Club
Haynes R (2013) Shawlands Primary visit to Poloc Cricket Club. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 22.06.2013.
Preprint / Working Paper
Free-Access public history, policy formulation, and education: The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707 and their analysis
Penman M & Mann A (2013) Free-Access public history, policy formulation, and education: The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707 and their analysis.
Examining the ‘flexible museum’: exhibition process, a project approach, and the creative element
Morgan J (2013) Examining the ‘flexible museum’: exhibition process, a project approach, and the creative element. Museum and Society, 11 (2), pp. 158-171.
Website Content
Glasgow’s heritage in sports media
Haynes R (2013) Glasgow’s heritage in sports media. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 30.04.2013.
Website Content
A short tribute to the Hi Hi!
Haynes R (2013) A short tribute to the Hi Hi!. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 15.04.2013.
Crafting authenticity: An ethnography of conservation practice
Jones S & Yarrow T (2013) Crafting authenticity: An ethnography of conservation practice. Journal of Material Culture, 18 (1), pp. 3-26.
Open Air Learning: schools, education and the Whitworth Park Community, Archaeology and History Project
Colton R, Giles M, Cobb H & Jones S (2013) Open Air Learning: schools, education and the Whitworth Park Community, Archaeology and History Project. Journal of Victorian Culture Online.
'Parklife' past and present: The Whitworth Park Community Archaeology and History Project
Jones S, Cobb H, Colton R & Giles M (2013) 'Parklife' past and present: The Whitworth Park Community Archaeology and History Project. Journal of Victorian Culture Online.
Website Content
Ice Skating: From Hubner’s Ice Palace to Crossmyloof
Haynes R (2013) Ice Skating: From Hubner’s Ice Palace to Crossmyloof. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 14.03.2013.
Website Content
Glasgow Sport on TV
Haynes R (2013) Glasgow Sport on TV. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 01.03.2013.
Website Content
The Second Hampden: New Cathkin Park
Haynes R (2013) The Second Hampden: New Cathkin Park. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 22.02.2013.
Website Content
Lost Sporting Places: White City Stadium, Glasgow
Haynes R (2013) Lost Sporting Places: White City Stadium, Glasgow. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 14.02.2013.
Website Content
Bowls in Glasgow’s Southside
Haynes R (2013) Bowls in Glasgow’s Southside. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 13.02.2013.
Website Content
Curling at Shawmoss near Crossmyloof
Haynes R (2013) Curling at Shawmoss near Crossmyloof. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 07.02.2013.
Website Content
Keeping Fit in Wartime Scotland
Haynes R (2013) Keeping Fit in Wartime Scotland. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 05.02.2013.
Book Chapter
Piktiska paraller til Gotland’s bildstenar?
Foster S (2012) Piktiska paraller til Gotland’s bildstenar?. In: Karnell M (ed.) Gotlands Bildstenar – Järnålderns Gåtfulla Budbärare. Meddelanden från Föreningen Gotlands Fornvänner, 84. Visby: Fornsalen Publishing, Gotland Museum, pp. 171-182.
Book Chapter
Pictish parallels for Gotland’s picture stones?
Foster S (2012) Pictish parallels for Gotland’s picture stones?. In: Karnell M (ed.) Gotland's Picture Stones: Bearers of an Enigmatic Legacy. Reports from the Friends of the Historical Museum Association, 84. Visby, Sweden: Fornsalen Publishing, Gotlands Museum, pp. 171-182.
Book Chapter
La mostra: idea e struttura
Bonacchi C (2012) La mostra: idea e struttura. In: Vannini G & Nucciotti M (eds.) La Transgiordania nei secoli XII-XIII e le 'frontiere' del Mediterraneo medievale. BAR International Series, 2386. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 36-43.
Book Chapter
Public Engagement Through Online TV Channels: A Way Forward For The Audiovisual Communication Of Archaeology?
Bonacchi C, Furneaux C & Pett D (2012) Public Engagement Through Online TV Channels: A Way Forward For The Audiovisual Communication Of Archaeology?. In: Bonacchi C (ed.) Archaeology and Digital Communication. Towards Strategies of Public Engagement. London: Archetype Publications, pp. 50-65.
Book Chapter
Bonacchi C (2012) Introduction. In: Bonacchi C (ed.) Archaeology and Digital Communication. Towards Strategies of Public Engagement. London: Archetype Publications p. xix.
Edited Book
Archaeology and Digital Communication. Towards Strategies of Public Engagement
Bonacchi C (ed.) (2012) Archaeology and Digital Communication. Towards Strategies of Public Engagement. London: Archetype Publications.
Lest Scotland Forgets: A Stirling 100 Exhibition (2012-13)
Penman M, Bromage S & James S Lest Scotland Forgets: A Stirling 100 Exhibition (2012-13).
Book Chapter
'Homosexual vampires as metaphors for…homosexual vampires? – True Blood, Homonormativity and Vampiric Assimilation’
Elliott-Smith D (2012) 'Homosexual vampires as metaphors for…homosexual vampires? – True Blood, Homonormativity and Vampiric Assimilation’. In: True Blood: Investigating Vampires and the Southern Gothic. London/NY: IB Tauris/Bloomsbury, pp. 139-154.
Archaeology, memory and oral tradition: An introduction
Jones S & Russell L (2012) Archaeology, memory and oral tradition: An introduction. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 16 (2), pp. 267-283.
"Thrown like chaff in the wind": Excavation, memory and the negotiation of loss in the scottish highlands
Jones S (2012) "Thrown like chaff in the wind": Excavation, memory and the negotiation of loss in the scottish highlands. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 16 (2), pp. 346-366.
Book Chapter
Pett D & Bonacchi C (2012) Conclusions. In: Bonacchi C (ed.) Archaeology and Digital Communication. Towards Strategies of Public Engagement. London: Archetype Publications, pp. 126-130.
Book Chapter
Dalla Public Archaeology all'archeologia Pubblica: La Mostra Da Petra a Shawbak
Bonacchi C (2011) Dalla Public Archaeology all'archeologia Pubblica: La Mostra Da Petra a Shawbak. In: Vannini G (ed.) Archeologia Pubblica in Toscana: Un Progetto e una Proposta. Strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca, 115. Florence: Firenze University Press, pp. 103-112.
Conference Paper (published)
The Scottish Parliaments - The Role Of Ritual and Procession in the pre-1707 Parliament and the New Parliament from 1999
Mann AJ (2011) The Scottish Parliaments - The Role Of Ritual and Procession in the pre-1707 Parliament and the New Parliament from 1999. In: Nieddu A & Soddu F (eds.) Assemblee rappresentative, autonomie territoriali, culture politiche - Representative Assembles, Territorial Autonomies, Political Cultures. Studies Presented to the International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions, LXXXIX. Representative Assemblies, Territorial Autonomies; Political Cultures: 59th conference of the International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions, Alghero, Sardinia, 09.07.2008-12.07.2008. Sassari, Italy: Editrice Democratica Sarda, pp. 239-252.
Partnership in the park: exploring the past, inspiring the future in inner-city Manchester
Cobb H, Giles M & Jones S (2011) Partnership in the park: exploring the past, inspiring the future in inner-city Manchester. The Archaeologist, 82, p. 2 pages.
Book Review
Historic Whithorn: Archaeology and Development
Foster S (2011) Historic Whithorn: Archaeology and Development. Review of: Historic Whithorn: Archaeology and Development (The Scottish Burgh Survey), R D Oram, P F Martin, C A McKean and T Neighbour, York: Historic Scotland/Council for British Archaeology, 2010, 69pp. ISBN 978 1 902771 82 3. Medieval Archaeology, 55 (1), pp. 402-403.
Book Chapter
"Go be gay for that poor, dead intern": Conversion Fantasies and Gay Anxieties in Supernatural
Elliott-Smith D (2011) "Go be gay for that poor, dead intern": Conversion Fantasies and Gay Anxieties in Supernatural. In: TV Goes to Hell: An Unofficial Road Map of Supernatural, Abbott, Stacey and Lavery, David (Eds). Canada: ECW Press, pp. 105-118.
Book Review
Churches in Early Medieval Ireland
Foster S (2011) Churches in Early Medieval Ireland. Review of: Churches in Early Medieval Ireland. Architecture, Ritual and Memory, Tomas Ó Carragain, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2011, 400pp. ISBN 978 0 300 15444 3. Medieval Archaeology, 55 (1), pp. 343-344.
Book Chapter
Shaping up rock art in Scotland: past progress, future directions
Foster S (2010) Shaping up rock art in Scotland: past progress, future directions. In: Barnett T & Sharpe K (eds.) Carving a Future for British Rock Art. New Directions for Research, Management and Presentation. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 82-93.
Book Chapter
"Sorting stones": monuments, memory and resistance in the Scottish Highlands
Jones S (2010) "Sorting stones": monuments, memory and resistance in the Scottish Highlands. In: Beaudry M & Symonds J (eds.) Interpreting the Early Modern World: Transatlantic Perspectives. Contributions to Global Historical Archaeology. New York: Springer, pp. 113-139.;
The curatorial consequences of being moved, moveable or portable: the case of carved stones
Foster S (2010) The curatorial consequences of being moved, moveable or portable: the case of carved stones. Scottish Archaeological Journal, 32 (1), pp. 15-28.;
Book Review
Scott L. Newstok, Quoting Death in Early Modern England: The Poetics of Epitaphs Beyond the Tomb (2009)
Vine A (2010) Scott L. Newstok, Quoting Death in Early Modern England: The Poetics of Epitaphs Beyond the Tomb (2009). Review of: Scott L. Newstok, Quoting Death in Early Modern England: The Poetics of Epitaphs Beyond the Tomb (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009). Journal of the Northern Renaissance, 2010.
Negotiating authentic objects and authentic selves: Beyond the deconstruction of authenticity
Jones S (2010) Negotiating authentic objects and authentic selves: Beyond the deconstruction of authenticity. Journal of Material Culture, 15 (2), pp. 181-203.
Website Content
The Lowing Study (2010)
Lowing K (2010) The Lowing Study (2010). Scots Language Centre [] 07.06.2010.
Website Content
The Lowing School Report
Lowing K (2010) The Lowing School Report. Scots Language Centre [] 03.05.2010.
Monuments, memory and identity: exploring the social value of place
Jones S (2010) Monuments, memory and identity: exploring the social value of place. Conservation Bulletin, 63 (Spring), p. 3 pages.
Book Review
West Over Sea. Studies in Scandinavian Sea-Borne Expansion and Settlement before 1300
Foster S (2010) West Over Sea. Studies in Scandinavian Sea-Borne Expansion and Settlement before 1300. Review of: West Over Sea. Studies in Scandinavian Sea-Borne Expansion and Settlement before 1300. A Festschrift in honour of Dr Barbara E. Crawford, ed Beverley Ballin Smith, Simon Taylor and Gareth Williams, Leiden: Brill, 2007; 586pp. ISBN 978 90 04 15893 1. English Historical Review, CXXV (512), pp. 139-141.
Book Chapter
Queering the cult of Carrie: Appropriations of a horror icon in Charles Lum’s Indelible
Elliott-Smith D (2010) Queering the cult of Carrie: Appropriations of a horror icon in Charles Lum’s Indelible. In: Smith IR (ed.) Cultural Borrowings: Appropriation, Reworking, Transformation. e-book: Scope: An Online Journal of Film and Television Studies, pp. 138-156.