Conference Paper (unpublished)

Queer Appropriations: The Ethics of Queer Use as Reuse



Elliott-Smith D & Seager R (2024) Queer Appropriations: The Ethics of Queer Use as Reuse. Queer Appropriations, Creative Stirling, University of Stirling, 24.04.2024-24.04.2024.

As part of the University of Stirling’s Queer Reading Group and in collaboration with Creative Stirling, this special event focuses on recent discussions and debates concerning Queer Appropriation, Cultural Borrowing and Re-Use as a methodology and survival strategy for LGBTQ+ subjects. Sara Ahmed’s recent text What’s The Use: On the Uses of Use (2018) considers ‘queer use as reuse’ (198) this concept will frame this event which involves a special free screening of Daisy Asquith’s found-footage, experimental, poetic montage documentary film Queerama (2017) which charts the historical representation of LGBTQ+ folk on film and TV in the UK. This screening will be preceded by two academic paper presentations by Dr River Seager and Dr Darren Elliott-Smith on recent investigations into ethical uses of queer appropriation by LGBTQ+ Youtube communities and on Queer Fandom, and followed by a discussion of Ahmed’s work on ‘Queer Use’ (2018).

ConferenceQueer Appropriations
Conference locationCreative Stirling, University of Stirling