
James Naismith: the creation of basketball and the Scottish connection



Walker R (2025) James Naismith: the creation of basketball and the Scottish connection. Sport in History.

The influence of Scotland on the creation of basketball has not been documented. This article addresses two key themes: the links between the early development of basketball and Scotland; and how Scotland alongside the Scottishness of Naismith and his life experiences influenced the game’s creation. Through discussing the life of Dr James Naismith up until basketball was developed in 1891, this article adds to and re-imagines some of the contributions to knowledge about the creation of basketball alongside the connection of the sport and Naismith to Scotland. The article proposes that if the devisal and creation of basketball are considered through the ancestorial, communal, cultural, educational, ethnic, personal, religious, social, and sporting lenses of Naismith, basketball at its inception can be argued to have Scottish influences. These stem from the Scottish heritage of Naismith alongside his life, upbringing and experiences in Scottish settler environments that likewise influenced his own life and future. In highlighting multiple Scottish influences upon Naismith, the article outlines how Scotland in conjunction with other prevalent factors including his professional training as a physical educationist, the pioneering efforts of the Young Men’s Christian Association and the advances in muscular Christianity led to the development of basketball.

basketball; culture; identity; Naisimth; Scotland

Sport in History

StatusEarly Online
Publication date online28/02/2025
Date accepted by journal08/01/2025