Faculty of Social Sciences

Outputs related to Faculty of Social Sciences

Showing 2501 to 2600 of 4391


McNeil R, Kerr T, Pauly B, Wood E & Small W (2016) Advancing patient-centered care for structurally vulnerable drug-using populations: A qualitative study of the perspectives of people who use drugs regarding the potential integration of harm reduction interventions into hospitals. Addiction, 111 (4), pp. 685-694. https://doi.org/10.1111/add.13214


Moran E (2016) Teacher presence in flipped approach video tutorials (Presentation) 50th International IATEFL Conference 2016, Birmingham, 13.04.2016-16.04.2016. http://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/launch.aspx?pbid=005e479c-db8b-4abd-aea9-cddd07f1b0d6

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Miranda D (2016) Criminal identification practices, power relations and rights. BSA (British Sociological Association) Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 06.04.2016-08.04.2016. https://www.britsoc.co.uk/events/annual-conference-archive/

Research Report

McIvor G & Graham H (2016) Electronic Monitoring in Scotland. European Commission. University of Stirling and the European Commission. http://emeu.leeds.ac.uk/


Munro W (2016) Blind Justice: What does that mean?. Scottish Justice Matters, 4 (1), pp. 4-6. http://scottishjusticematters.com/wp-content/uploads/SJM_4-1_www_Complete.pdf


Malloch M & Munro W (2016) (Re)imagining Punishment and Justice. Scottish Justice Matters, 4 (1), pp. 2-3. http://scottishjusticematters.com/wp-content/uploads/SJM_4-1_www_Complete.pdf

Book Chapter

Punch S (2016) Exploring Children’s Agency across Majority and Minority World Contexts. In: Esser F, Baader M, Betz T & Hungerland B (eds.) Reconceptualising Agency and Childhood: New Perspectives in Childhood Studies. Routledge Research in Education, 161. London: Routledge, pp. 183-196. https://www.routledge.com/products/9781138854192

Research Report

Hennessy A (2016) Improving Transitions to Secondary School for Looked After Children. CELCIS. https://www.celcis.org/files/7314/6367/6206/Imp_transitions_to_secondary_school_FINAL.pdf: CELCIS: Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland.

Research Report

Treanor MC, Naven L & Egan J (2016) A 'pockets' approach to addressing financial vulnerability. Centre for Research on Families and Relationships; Glasgow Centre for Population Health. CRFR Research briefing, 83. Centre for Research on Families and Relationships. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/15762

Research Report

Mulholland C, Eunson J, Murray L, Bowen L, McIvor G, Malloch M, Whyte B, Kirkwood S & McNeill F (2016) Evaluation of the Reducing Reoffending Change Fund: Research Findings. Scottish Government - Community Justice Services. Research Findings, 61/2016. Scottish Government. http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2016/02/6786

Research Report

Mulholland C, Eunson J, Murray L, Bowen L, McIvor G, Malloch M, Whyte B, Kirkwood S & McNeill F (2016) Evaluation of the Reducing Reoffending Change Fund. Scottish Government - Community Justice Services. Scottish Government Social Research. Scottish Government. http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0049/00493932.pdf

Book Chapter

Malloch M & Rigby P (2016) Postscript. In: Malloch M & Rigby P (eds.) Human Trafficking: The Complexities of Exploitation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 246-252. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-human-trafficking.html

Edited Book

Malloch M & Rigby P (eds.) (2016) Human Trafficking: The Complexities of Exploitation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-human-trafficking.html

Technical Report

Holmerova I, Waugh A, MacRae R, Veprkova R, Sandvide A, Hanson E, Jackson G, Watchman K, Tolson D & Tolson D (2016) Dementia Palliare Best Practice Statement. European Commission. University of the West of Scotland.

Book Chapter

Westwood J (2016) Social media for students in practice. In: Bellinger A & Ford D (eds.) Practice placement in social work: Innovative approaches for effective teaching and learning. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 121-132. http://www.policypress.co.uk/display.asp?k=9781447318613


Pınar R, Ergün A, Erol S, Kurtuluş Z, Gür K, Sert H & Philp I (2015) The adaptation of the easy-care standard assessment instrument into Turkish and evaluation of psychometric properties among Turkish older people [Easy-care standard değerlendirme aracinin Türkçe’ye uyarlanmasi ve Türk yaşlilarinda psikometrik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi]. Nobel Medicus, 11 (2), pp. 85-92.


McDonnell D & Karlsson P (2015) Protect and survive. Public RM, 2015 (4), pp. 15-17. http://www.alarm-uk.org/resources/public-rm

Book Chapter

Blackledge A & Creese A (2015) Emblems of identities in four European urban settings. In: Nortier J & Svendsen BA (eds.) Language, Youth and Identity in the 21st Century: Linguistic Practices across Urban Spaces. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 167-182. https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/language-youth-and-identity-in-the-21st-century/C1D52D2D7A8B016233BEE9192F8885FE; https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139061896.012

Conference Proceeding

Hersh MA & Mouroutsou S (2015) Learning Technology and Disability: Overcoming Barriers to Inclusion - Evidence from a Multi-Country Study [Invited paper]. In: Groumpos P, Kopacek P, Topalov A & Boshnakov K (eds.) 16th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS 2015). IFAC-PapersOnline, Volume 48, Issue 24. 16th IFAC Conference On Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS 2015), Sozopol, Bulgaria, 24.09.2015-27.09.2015. New York: Elsevier, pp. 83-88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.12.061

Research Report

McCartney E & Muir M (2015) Improving Transitions across SLT Services in [Anonymised HB] for Adults with Long-Term, Speech, Language, Swallowing or Communication (SLSC) Needs: a Qualitative Study of SLTs' and Service Users' Views : Moving between SLT Teams. University of Strathclyde. https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/55384/

Book Chapter

Tkacz D & McGhee D (2015) Exploring the lives of young male migrants through a participatory methodology: A case study of poles in Britain. In: Bhopal K & Deuchar R (eds.) Researching Marginalized Groups. Routledge Advances in Research Methods, 14. London: Routledge, pp. 117-133. https://www.routledge.com/Researching-Marginalized-Groups/Bhopal-Deuchar/p/book/9780367598716

Book Chapter

Griffiths D & Lambert P (2015) Social Capital and the Social Relations of Occupational Structure. In: Li Y (ed.) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Social Capital. Handbooks of Research Methods and Applications series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 204-224. http://www.e-elgar.com/shop/handbook-of-research-methods-and-applications-in-social-capital

Edited Book

Snell J, Shaw S & Copland F (eds.) (2015) Linguistic Ethnography: Interdisciplinary Explorations. Palgrave Advances in Language and Linguistics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. http://www.palgrave.com/gb/book/9781137035028

Book Chapter

Matthews P & O'Brien D (2015) Connecting community to a post-regeneration era. In: O'Brien D & Matthews P (eds.) After Urban Regeneration: Communities, policy and place. Connected Communities. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 27-44. http://www.policypress.co.uk/display.asp?k=9781447324164

Book Chapter

Matthews P & O'Brien D (2015) Introduction. In: O'Brien D & Matthews P (eds.) After Urban Regeneration: Communities, policy and place. Connected Communities. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 1-6. http://www.policypress.co.uk/display.asp?k=9781447324164

Conference Proceeding

Munday I (2015) A Creative Education for the Day after Tomorrow. In: Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain 50th Anniversary Conference 2015 Proceedings. Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain 50th Anniversary Conference 2015, Oxford, 26.03.2015-29.03.2015. Salisbury, UK: Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain.

Conference Proceeding

Munday I, Standish P, Saito N & Vlieghe J (2015) Problems in translation. In: Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain 50th Anniversary Conference 2015 Proceedings. Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain 50th Anniversary Conference 2015, Oxford, 26.03.2015-29.03.2015. Salisbury, UK: The Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain.