Professor John Gardner


Education Colin Bell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor John Gardner

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About me

John Gardner is a professor of Education at the University of Stirling and is the former Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the university. In 2012 he completed a four year term of office as President (2009-11) and Vice-President (2008-09 & 2011-12) of the British Educational Research Association. He was a member of the Education panels of both the UK Research Assessment Exercise, RAE2008 (2004-08) and the REF2014, Research Excellence Framework (2011-14). From 1994-2010 he was a member of the UK’s Assessment Reform Group and is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors. He is a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and fellow of the British Computer Society. He has authored or co-authored seven books, the most recent being: Assessment and Learning (2012, Sage), Developing Teacher Assessment (2010, McGraw-Hill/Open University) and The Classroom X-Factor (2011, Routledge). He has presented numerous international keynote addresses and been principal investigator for research projects exceeding £2.5million in total funding. He was a visiting professor at the University of Oxford’s Centre for Educational Assessment (2009-17) and is currently a visiting professor at Queen's University Belfast and at Dublin City University.


John Gardner's main research and teaching interests include teacher education, assessment policy and practice in education, and the use of new technologies in education..

Outputs (160)


Showing 100 of 160 — See all 160 outputs

Book Chapter

Gardner J (2021) Universities as Catalysts of Post-Covid Recovery and Renewal in Communities. In: Bergan S, Gallagher T, Harkavy I, Munck R & Van't Land H (eds.) Building a More Sustainable and Democratic Future: Higher Education's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Council of Europe Higher Education Series, 25. Brussels: Council of Europe Publications.

Conference Paper (published)

McSweeney K & Gardner J (2018) Lesson Study Matters in Ireland. In: Dislere V (ed.) Rural Environment, Education, Personality (REEP): Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, volume 11. Rural Environment Education Personality (REEP) Proceedings, 11. Rural Environment. Education. Personality (REEP 2018), Jelgava, Latvia, 11.05.2018-12.05.2018. Jelgava, Latvia: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, pp. 304-313.

Book Chapter

Gardner J (2016) The public understanding of error in educational assessment. In: Gardner J (ed.) The Public Understanding of Assessment. London: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Gardner J (2016) Introduction. In: Gardner J (ed.) The Public Understanding of Assessment. London: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Gardner J & Galanouli D (2016) Teachers' Perceptions of Assessment. In: Wyse D, Hayward L & Pandya J (eds.) Sage Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment. London: SAGE, pp. 710-724.

Edited Book

Gardner J (ed.) (2016) The Public Understanding of Assessment. London: Routledge.

Edited Book

Gardner J (ed.) (2014) Assessment in Education, Four-Volume Set. SAGE Library of Educational Thought and Practice. London: SAGE.


Gardner J (2013) Editorial. Oxford Review of Education, 39 (1), pp. 1-3.

Edited Book

(2012) Assessment and Learning, 2nd ed. London: SAGE.

Book Chapter

Gardner J, Harlen W, Hayward L & Stobart G (2011) Engaging and Empowering Teachers in Innovative Assessment Practice. In: Berry R & Adamson R (eds.) Assessment Reform in Education: Policy and Practice. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, 14. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 105-120.

Research Report

Devlin G, Galanouli D, Gardner J, Knipe D, McCrystal L, McNair V, McPhilemy R & Walsh G (2011) Teachers’ Voice 2010: a Report of the GTCNI [Teachers’ Voice 2010: a Report of the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland]. Gardner J (Editor), Galanouli D (Editor) & Devlin G G (Editor) General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland. General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland.

Book Chapter

Gardner J & Holmes B (2010) Students’ rights in assessment and evaluation. In: Peterson PE, Baker E & McGaw B (eds.) International Encyclopaedia of Education, Volume 3. 3rd ed. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 378-383.

Book Chapter

Gardner J (2010) Appendix 2: A professional development template. In: Gardner J, Harlen W, Hayward L, Stobart G & Montgomery M (eds.) Developing Teacher Assessment. Maidenhead, England: McGraw Hill/Open University Press, pp. 174-178.

Book Chapter

Gardner J (2010) Teachers as self-agents of change. In: Gardner J, Harlen W, Hayward L, Stobart G & Montgomery M (eds.) Developing Teacher Assessment. Maidenhead, England: McGraw Hill/Open University Press, pp. 130-138.

Book Chapter

Gardner J (2010) What is innovative about teacher assessment?. In: Gardner J, Harlen W, Hayward L, Stobart G & Montgomery M (eds.) Developing Teacher Assessment. Maidenhead, England: McGraw Hill/Open University Press, pp. 71-84.

Book Chapter

Harlen W & Gardner J (2010) Assessment to support learning. In: Gardner J, Harlen W, Hayward L, Stobart G & Montgomery M (eds.) Developing Teacher Assessment. Maidenhead, England: McGraw Hill/Open University Press, pp. 15-28.

Book Chapter

Gardner J (2010) Developing teacher assessment: an Introduction. In: Gardner J, Harlen W, Hayward L, Stobart G & Montgomery M (eds.) Developing Teacher Assessment. Maidenhead, England: McGraw Hill/Open University Press, pp. 1-11.

Book Chapter

Gardner J & Holmes B (2010) Students' rights in assessment and evaluation. In: Peterson P, Baker E & McGaw B (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education. 3rd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 378-383.;

Authored Book

Gardner J, Harlen W, Hayward L, Stobart G & Montgomery M (2010) Developing Teacher Assessment. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Research Report

Mansell W, James M, Baird J, Black P, Daugherty R, Ecclestone K, Gardner J, Harlen W, Hayward L, Newton P & Stobart G (2009) Assessment in schools: Fit for purpose? A Commentary by the Teaching and Learning Research Programme. Economic and Social Research Council. TLRP Commentaries, 13. Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP).

Research Report

Gardner J, Holmes B & Leitch R (2009) Assessment and Social Justice. National Foundation for Educational Research. Futurelab literature review, Report 16. Slough: Futurelab.

Book Chapter

Holmes B, Huet I, Leahy D, Gardner J, Dolan D & Tavares J (2009) Elearning in European Higher Education: An Analysis of Present Practice in Ireland, Portugal, and the UK, with Lessons for the Bologna Process. In: Fegan J & Field M (eds.) Education Across Borders: Politics, Policy and Legislative Action. Amsterdam: Springer, pp. 93-113.

Research Report

Galvin C, Anderson J, Gardner J, Moyle K, McMorrough A & Mitchell S (2009) Valuing Education Technology in Schools in Ireland North and South: a report for the Standing Conference on Teacher Education, North and South (SCoTENS). The Standing Conference on Teacher Education, North and South. Armagh, Ireland: The Standing Conference on Teacher Education, North and South (SCoTENS).

Research Report

Stanley G, MacCann R, Gardner J, Reynolds L & Wild I (2009) Review of Teacher Assessment: Evidence of What Works Best and Issues for Development. Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA). Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment.

Newspaper / Magazine

Gardner J (2008) Time to pull together. Make the Grade. 2008, pp. 30-31.

Book Chapter

Gardner J (2007) Teachers’ summative assessments of students’ learning. In: Davies A & Busick K (eds.) Classroom Assessment: What's Working in High Schools. Vancouver Island: Connections Publishing, pp. 96-110.

Conference Paper (published)

Holmes B, Gardner J, Galanouli D & Leitch R (2007) Creating a Communally Constructed Digital Repository: Exploring issues in Accessibility and Sustainability of Online Research Databases. In: Bastiaens T & Carliner S (eds.) E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Oct 15, 2007 in Quebec City, Canada, volume 2007. World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Quebec City, Canada, 15.10.2007-15.10.2007. Chesapeake, VA: AACE, pp. 7444-7452.

Book Review

Gardner J (2007) Devolution and pluralism in education in Northern Ireland. Review of:
Caitlin Donnelly, Penny McKeown and Robert Osborne, 2005, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 272 pp. ISBN 0-7190-6868-1. British Educational Research Journal, 33 (1), pp. 125-126.

Research Report

Bartlett D, Black P, Daugherty R, Ecclestone K, Harlen W, English J, Gardner J, James M, Hutchinson C, Newton P, Montgomery M, Sebba JC, Roberts C, Ryder J, Stobart G & Whipp A (2006) The Role of Teachers in the Assessment of Learning. Nuffield Foundation and Institute of Education, London.

Authored Book

Holmes B & Gardner J (2006) e-Learning: Concepts and Practice. London: SAGE.

Book Chapter

Burnett C & Gardner J (2006) The one less travelled by …: the experience of Chinese students in a UK university. In: Byram M & Feng A (eds.) Living and Studying Abroad: Research and Practice. Languages for intercultural communication and education, 12. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, pp. 64-90.

Book Chapter

McLernon H, Ferguson J & Gardner J (2005) Phono-Graphix: Rethinking the reading curriculum. In: Kennedy E & Hickey T (eds.) Learning to Read and Reading to Learn. Dublin: Reading Association of Ireland, pp. 38-47.

Research Report

Gardner J, Leitch R & Galanouli D (2005) An Evaluation of the Consumer Skills for All Programme. General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland. The Consumer Council.

Research Report

Black P, Daugherty R, Ecclestone K, Gardner J, Harlen W, James M, Sebba JC & Stobart G (2004) A Systematic Review of the Evidence of the Impact on Students, Teachers and the Curriculum of the Process of Using Assessment by Teachers for Summative Purposes. EPPI-Centre, University of London.

Research Report

Harlen W, Crick RD, Black P, Broadfoot P, Daugherty R, Gardner J, James M, Stobart G & Wiliam D (2003) A Systematic Review of the Impact on Students and Teachers of the Use of ICT for Assessment of Creative and Critical Thinking Skills. EPPI-Centre, University of London.

Research Report

Black P, Broadfoot P, Daugherty R, Gardner J, Harlen W, James M, Stobart G & Wiliam D (2002) Testing, Motivation and Learning. Assessment Reform Group. Nuffield Foundation and University of Cambridge.

Research Report

Broadfoot P, Daugherty R, Gardner J, Harlen W, James M & Stobart G (2002) Assessment for Learning: 10 Principles. Assessment Reform Group. Nuffield Foundation and University of Cambridge.

Research Report

Sinclair M, Gardner J, Mackin P, Boreland Z & Hood R (2001) Aspects of Maternity Care in Down Lisburn Trust: Analyses of the Records of Maternity Patients Deemed as Low-Risk on Admission and of Former Patients’ Perceptions of Maternity Care. Downe Lisburn Trust (Northern Ireland).

Book Chapter

Gardner J & Walsh P (2000) ICT and Worldmindedness. In: Bailey RP (ed.) Teaching Values and Citizenship across the Curriculum: Educating Children for the World. Kogan Page Teaching Series. London: Kogan Page Limited, pp. 80-91.

Research Report

Broadfoot P, Daugherty R, Gardner J, Gipps C, Harlen W, James M & Stobart G (1999) Assessment for Learning: Beyond the Black Box. Nuffield Foundation and University of Cambridge.

Book Chapter

Gardner J (1997) ILS and Under-achievers. In: Underwood J & Brown J (eds.) Integrated Learning Systems: Potential into Practice. Londong: Heinemann, pp. 88-102.

Book Chapter

Gardner J (1996) Information Technology in Special Education. In: Clarkson P & Toomey R (eds.) Computing Across the Secondary Curriculum: A Review of Research. Melbourne: Deakin University Printery, pp. 252-280.

See all 160 outputs