Book Chapter




Smith J (2018) History. In: Bryce T, Humes W, Gillies D & Kennedy A (eds.) Scottish Education. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 440-445.

First paragraph: Previous editions of this book have opened by referring to the ongoing public interest in History and the History curriculum. Given this popular interest, this chapter has a challenging purview: to provide an introduction to History in Scottish schools, while also conveying something of the debates that take place within the subject community. This chapter, therefore, draws on two main sources: policy documents which provide much of the factual description of History in Scottish schools, while commentary on these policies is offered by a recent survey of Scottish History teachers undertaken by the University of Stirling working with the Scottish Association of Teachers of History (SATH). At the time of writing (2017) this survey had not been published.

Publication date31/07/2018
PublisherEdinburgh University Press
Place of publicationEdinburgh

Research programmes