Newspaper / Magazine

Book sales have soared since the pandemic - but the industry must adapt to engage with new readers



Squires C (2021) Book sales have soared since the pandemic - but the industry must adapt to engage with new readers. The Converation. 14.10.2021.

First paragraph: One day each October, the UK publishing industry focuses its attention on a large number of high-profile new book releases. “Super Thursday”, as it is known in the trade, is the start of a seasonal promotion during which authors battle for space inside bookshops and under Christmas trees. The timing is important, as the book-selling business is highly dependent on the festive season, with the final quarter of the year contributing substantially to annual sales. And while this year’s super Thursday (October 14) will see fewer publications than previous years, it still boasts nearly 300 new hardbacks.

Reading; Books; Publishing; eBooks; Authors


Publication date14/10/2021
Publication date online14/10/2021
PublisherThe Conversation Trust
Place of publicationLondon

People (1)

Professor Claire Squires

Professor Claire Squires

Professor in Publishing Studies, English Studies

Files (1)