Professor Ronald McQuaid

Emeritus Professor

Management, Work and Organisation Cottrell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Ronald McQuaid

About me

Ronald McQuaid is Professor of Work and Employment at the University of Stirling. His has a BA(Hons) from Lancaster University and an MSc(Econ) with distinction from  the London School of Economics and a PhD from Harvard University. He has carried out work for many regional, national and supra-national bodies such as the European Commission, UK and Scottish Governments, UK Commission for Employment and Skills, Joseph Rowntree Foundation and various agencies and employers in the fields of employment, unemployment and economic development. He has written over 100 academic publications as well as many reports on employment and related issues.


“Extending working lives: age management in SMEs” published in Employee Relations has been selected by the journal’s Editorial Team as a Highly Commended Paper of 2013

One of the Top Fifty articles to have appeared in Emerald Management Reviews during 2004
One of the Top Fifty articles to have appeared in Emerald Management Reviews during 2004 (out of 20,000), as chosen by the EMR independent review board. Lindsay, C. and R.W. McQuaid (2004) ‘Avoiding the ‘McJobs’: Unemployed Job Seekers and Attitudes to Service Work’, Work, Employment and Society, 18, 2, 296-319.

Outstanding Paper in the 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence in Gender in Management.

Outstanding Paper in the 2021 Emerald Literati Awards in the International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
Outstanding Paper in the 2021 Emerald Literati Awards in International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. Related blog:

The Moss Madden Medal.
The Moss Madden Medal for the best paper by a member of the Regional Science Association (British and Irish) published in 2009.

Community Contribution

Budget adviser to the Scottish Parliament Local Government and Communities Committee

Budget adviser to the Scottish Parliament Local Government and Communities Committee on the Scottish Government’s Budget Process, 2007, 2008 and 2009.

Chair of the Scientific Committee of the European Regional Labour Market Monitoring Network

City and Guilds - Scotland Advisory Committee

Divisional / Faculty Contribution

Chair of the School Ethics Committee

Chair of the Faculty Ethics Committee and member of General University Ethics Panel


B.A. in Economics and Financial Control
Lancaster University

M.Sc. (Econ.): Awarded with Distinction, London School of Economics
London School of Economics

PhD The Behavior and Location of Production and Non Production Employment in U.S. Manufacturing Plants, 1954-77
Harvard University

Event / Presentation

Organiser and chair. Workshop on Ageing Workforce and Employabilitym funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh
The Royal Society of Edinburgh…rchWorkshop.aspx
An RSE fundedWorkshop to discuss the ageing workforce. Work is key to people's welfare, including that of older people.Across OECD countries a partial solution to ageing populations is to keep more of the older people in the labour market, such as by encouraging tapering retirement through pension changes and raising the age of retirement etc. Yet in terms of lack of employment one of the most vulnerable groups are those aged from 50 years to retirement age. This will affect people's quality of life in different ways, e.g. terms of different work-life balances and linking work and mental health. A key issue is also the vulnerability to unemployment of those aged beyond fifty years and forward ways of preventing detachment from the workplace. Guest participants included Professor David Bloom, Harvard University,Department of Population and International Health

Skills: Scotland's opportunity. Scottish Government Skills and Training Summit
Scottish Government

Economic Inactivity Literature Review. “Enabling Success” Consultation on a New Strategic Framework to Tackle Economic Inactivity in Northern Ireland – Driving Social Change Through Economic Participation

Multiple scarring effects of youth unemployment in UK. Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) conference 2014

Other Academic Activities

Participant in Rockefeller/ Volvo Research Foundation workshop on Access in Bellagio, Italy

Professional membership

Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce (RSA)

Academy of Social Sciences

Supervision of Research Assistants

DIAMOND project

Research assistant/Fellows: Dr Yvonne Hail and Dr Anne-Marie Cullen