Research Report

Regional Report Of Labour Market’s Characteristics and Summary Of Challenges And Opportunities In Scotland.



McQuaid R & Webb A (2018) Regional Report Of Labour Market’s Characteristics and Summary Of Challenges And Opportunities In Scotland.. European Commission. Replay-VET ERASMUS+ Project. Frankfurt, Germany.

First paragraph: Scotland is one of the four UK nations with a partially devolved parliamentary legislature. The Scottish population in 2015 was 5,356,482, or 8% of the UK’s population. 81.7% are British, 5.6% have dual nationality and 12.7% have other nationalities. The Scottish potential working population between the ages of 15 and 64 constitutes 66% of residents, which is consistent with the EU28 as a whole. Between 2008 and 2015, its working age population rose by 1%, which is positive in the context of the EU28 countries where it declined by 1%. In 2016 a record high 49.2% of working people (aged 16-64) had Further or Higher education qualifications. 35.8% of workers in Scotland aged 25-64 are graduates in 2016 – the highest percentage on record.

FundersEuropean Commission
Publication date31/01/2018
Publisher URL…0/Scotland-3.pdf
Place of publicationFrankfurt, Germany.

People (1)


Professor Ronald McQuaid

Professor Ronald McQuaid

Emeritus Professor, Management, Work and Organisation