Project Report
Home Improvement Services in England: National Evaluation. Final Report
Rolfe S, Mccall V, Harris C, Gilbertson J, Pearson S, Smith R, Wilson I, Marshall M, Preece J, Robinson D, Brown J, McGregor S, Roberts G & Smith P (2025) Home Improvement Services in England: National Evaluation. Final Report. Centre for Ageing Better. Centre for Ageing Better.
The Reflective Housing Practitioner: The role of qualifications for building empathy and person-centred approaches in the housing sector
McCall V, McKee K, Theakstone D, Gallagher McCulloch C & Taylor H (2025) The Reflective Housing Practitioner: The role of qualifications for building empathy and person-centred approaches in the housing sector. Housing and Society.
Learning about design for dementia: lessons from a Japan–UK network
Bowes A, Dawson A, Copland F, Gibson G, Hotta S, Ishikawa S, Ito M, Kiuchi D, Koreki A, Lovatt M, McCall V, Palmer L, Quirke M, Phillips J & Rutherford A (2024) Learning about design for dementia: lessons from a Japan–UK network. Cogent Gerontology, 3 (1).
Understanding the intersectional stigma of ageing, disability, and place: a systematic literature mapping review
McKee K, McCall V, Theakstone D, Wilson K, Reid L, Gilroy R, Manley D, Pearce A, Davison L, Lawrence J & Pemble A (2024) Understanding the intersectional stigma of ageing, disability, and place: a systematic literature mapping review. Housing Studies.;
Housing and Papering Over the Cracks of the Welfare State: Exploring the Role and Impact of Technology as Part of Housing Service Provision in an Era of Multi-level Precarity
McCall V, Rolfe S, Gibson G, Serpa R & Lawrence J (2024) Housing and Papering Over the Cracks of the Welfare State: Exploring the Role and Impact of Technology as Part of Housing Service Provision in an Era of Multi-level Precarity. Social Policy and Society.
Othering Older People’s Housing: Gaming Ageing to Support Future-Planning
McCall V, Rutherford AC, Bowes A, Jagannath S, Njoki M, Quirke M, Pemble CM, Lovatt M, Maginn K, Davison L, Scrutton P, Pengelly R & Gibson J (2024) Othering Older People’s Housing: Gaming Ageing to Support Future-Planning. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21 (3), Art. No.: 304.
Research Report
Thinking about Stigma in Housing, Health and Social Care Delivery: Implications from the Intersectional Stigma of Place-Based Ageing (ISPA) Project Evidence Review
Theakstone D, Wilson K, McKee K & McCall V (2024) Thinking about Stigma in Housing, Health and Social Care Delivery: Implications from the Intersectional Stigma of Place-Based Ageing (ISPA) Project Evidence Review. ISPA project. Stirling: University of Stirling.
The 'fight' for adaptations: Exploring the drivers and barriers to implementing home and environment modifications that support healthy ageing
McCall V, Gibb K & Wang Y (2023) The 'fight' for adaptations: Exploring the drivers and barriers to implementing home and environment modifications that support healthy ageing. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation.
Research Report
Making Adaptations Work For Older People In Scotland
McCall V, Wang Y, Pritchard J, Cooper R, Hodges M & Gibson G (2023) Making Adaptations Work For Older People In Scotland. Age Scotland.
What works in co-producing assistive technology solutions with older people: A scoping review of the evidence
Rolfe S, McCall V, Gibson G, Pusram A & Robertson J (2023) What works in co-producing assistive technology solutions with older people: A scoping review of the evidence. Ageing and Society.
Project Report
The economic and social benefits of housing support
McCall V & Gibbs K (2023) The economic and social benefits of housing support. The Housing Evidence Centre (CaCHE).
Agency and the limits of responsibility: co management of technology enabled care in supported housing.
Serpa R, Rolfe S, Gibson G, Lawrence J & McCall V (2023) Agency and the limits of responsibility: co management of technology enabled care in supported housing.. Social Sciences, 12 (4), Art. No.: 248.
Agency and the Limits of Responsibility: Co-Management of Technology-Enabled Care in Supported Housing
Serpa RC, Rolfe S, Gibson G, Lawrence J & McCall V (2023) Agency and the Limits of Responsibility: Co-Management of Technology-Enabled Care in Supported Housing. Social Sciences, 12 (4).
Edited Book
The Student's Companion to Social Policy
(2022) The Student's Companion to Social Policy, 6th edition ed. London: Wiley Blackwell.
Book Chapter
Researching Social Policy
McCall V (2022) Researching Social Policy. In: Alcock P, Haux T, McCall V & May M (eds.) The Student's Companion to Social Policy. 6th edition ed. London: Wiley, pp. 11-18.
Book Chapter
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on UK housing policy: how do we rebuild the foundations of the ‘wobbly pillar’?
McCall V, Rolfe S, Matthews P, Wallace A, Manyika G, Iafrati S, Clark C & Munro M (2022) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on UK housing policy: how do we rebuild the foundations of the ‘wobbly pillar’?. In: Jolly A, Cefalo R & Pomati M (eds.) Social Policy Review 34: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2022. Social Policy Review, 24. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 71-93.
Inclusive Living: ageing, adaptations and future-proofing homes
McCall V (2022) Inclusive Living: ageing, adaptations and future-proofing homes. Buildings and Cities, 3 (1), pp. 250-264.
Project Report
Promoting Inclusive living via Technology- Enabled support
McCall V, Gibson G, Rolfe S, Serpa R & Lawrence J (2022) Promoting Inclusive living via Technology- Enabled support [INVITE Lay Summary]. Longleigh Foundation. Stirling.
Research Report
Adapting the Adaptations Process
McCall V (2022) Adapting the Adaptations Process. The Housing Evidence Centre. Glasgow.
Research Report
Evidence review of home adaptations in the UK and other OECD countries
Wang Y, Gibb K & McCall V (2022) Evidence review of home adaptations in the UK and other OECD countries. UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE). Glasgow.
'It gives you a reason to be in this world': the interdependency of communities, environments and social justice for quality of life in older people
Robertson J, Gibson G, Greasley-Adams C, McCall V, Gibson J, Mason-Duff J & Pengelly R (2022) 'It gives you a reason to be in this world': the interdependency of communities, environments and social justice for quality of life in older people. Ageing and Society, 42 (3), pp. 539-563.
Newspaper / Magazine
Housing Education: looking back and looking forward
McCall V & McKee K (2022) Housing Education: looking back and looking forward. Housing Quality Magazine. 08.03.2022, pp. 11-12.
Project Report
ASUME Volunteering and Dementia in Norway
McCall V, Berge MS, McCabe L, Robertson J, Needham K & Wallace T (2021) ASUME Volunteering and Dementia in Norway. Nasjonal koordinator Aktivitetsvenn.
A new era of social policy integration? Looking at the case of health, social care and housing
McCall V, Hoyle L, Gunasinghe S & O’Connor S (2021) A new era of social policy integration? Looking at the case of health, social care and housing. Journal of Social Policy, 50 (4), pp. 809-827.
Research Report
Ageing Well With Assistive Technology: Co-producing technology solutions with older people. A scoping review of the evidence.
Rolfe S, Pusram A, Robertson J, Gibson G & McCall V (2021) Ageing Well With Assistive Technology: Co-producing technology solutions with older people. A scoping review of the evidence.. Longleigh Foundation/Stonewater Housing Association. Stirling: University of Stirling.
Housing and Ageing: Let's Get Serious-"How Do You Plan for the Future while Addressing Immediate Chaos?"
McCall V, Ziegler F, Robertson J, Lovatt M, Phillips J, Porteus J, Mcintyre Z, Rutherford A, Sixsmith J, Woolrych R, Eadie J, Wallman J, Epinosa M, Harrison E & Wallace T (2020) Housing and Ageing: Let's Get Serious-"How Do You Plan for the Future while Addressing Immediate Chaos?". Social Inclusion, 8 (3), pp. 28-42.
Home, Housing and Communities: Foundations for Inclusive Society
Anderson I, Finnerty J & McCall V (2020) Home, Housing and Communities: Foundations for Inclusive Society. Social Inclusion, 8 (3), pp. 1-4.
Authored Book
The Role of Today’s Museum
Gray C & McCall V (2020) The Role of Today’s Museum. London: Routledge.
Research Report
Inclusive Living Toolkit: Inclusive Living Evidence Review
McCall V, Tokarczyk T & Pritchard J (2020) Inclusive Living Toolkit: Inclusive Living Evidence Review. Scottish Federation of Housing Associations.
Blurring and Bridging: The Role of Volunteers in Dementia Care within Homes and Communities
McCall V, McCabe L, Rutherford A, Bu F, Wilson M & Woolvin M (2020) Blurring and Bridging: The Role of Volunteers in Dementia Care within Homes and Communities. Journal of Social Policy, 49 (3), pp. 622-642.
Facilitating creativity in dementia care: the co-construction of arts-based engagement
Robertson JM & McCall V (2020) Facilitating creativity in dementia care: the co-construction of arts-based engagement. Ageing and Society, 40 (6), pp. 1155-1174.
The legacy of the Right to Buy and the differentiation of older home owners
McCall V, Satsangi M & Greasley-Adams C (2020) The legacy of the Right to Buy and the differentiation of older home owners. Social Policy and Society, 19 (2), pp. 225-241.
Project Report
Housing through the lens of ageing: integration, communication and community: Analysis of the Age Scotland housing project
Robertson J, McCall V, Gibson G & Greasley-Adams C (2019) Housing through the lens of ageing: integration, communication and community: Analysis of the Age Scotland housing project. Age Scotland.
Research Report
Housing and Ageing: Linking future strategy to future delivery for Scotland, Wales and England 2030
McCall V, Phillips J, Lovatt M, Robertson J, Rutherford A, Woolrytch R, Sixsmith J, Macintyre Z, Porteus J, Ziegler F & Eadie J (2019) Housing and Ageing: Linking future strategy to future delivery for Scotland, Wales and England 2030. Scottish Universities Insight Institute and Social Policy Association.
Project Report
Talking Technology Enabled Care - A personalised, visual digital platform to transform health, social care and housing services
Murphy J, Ewing N, McCall V, Hoyle L, Gunasinghe N, O’Connor S & Eadie J (2019) Talking Technology Enabled Care - A personalised, visual digital platform to transform health, social care and housing services. Innovate UK. United Kingdom.
Project Report
Talking technology enabled care - A personalised, visual, digital platform to transform health, social care and housing services
Murphy J, Ewing N, McCall V, Hoyle L, Gunasinghe NS, O’Connor S & Eadie J (2019) Talking technology enabled care - A personalised, visual, digital platform to transform health, social care and housing services. Innovate UK.
Research Report
Volunteering for All: national framework - literature review
Rutherford A, Bu F, Dawson A & McCall V (2019) Volunteering for All: national framework - literature review. Scottish Government. Social Research: People, Communities and Places.
The Repoliticization of High-Rise Social Housing in the UK and the Classed Politics of Demolition
McCall V & Mooney G (2018) The Repoliticization of High-Rise Social Housing in the UK and the Classed Politics of Demolition. Built Environment, 43 (4), pp. 637-652.;
Research Report
Bringing together health, social care and housing services for older people : An evaluation of the 415 Hub and Cluster Innovation project
McCall V, Hoyle L & Gunasinghe NS (2018) Bringing together health, social care and housing services for older people : An evaluation of the 415 Hub and Cluster Innovation project. Wheatley Group.
Analysing the Adjectival Museum: Exploring the bureaucratic nature of museums and the implications for researchers and the research process
Gray C & McCall V (2018) Analysing the Adjectival Museum: Exploring the bureaucratic nature of museums and the implications for researchers and the research process. Museum and Society, 16 (2), pp. 124-137.
Research Report
A Good Life in Later Years: A Co-Produced Research Project
Greasley-Adams C, Robertson J, Gibson G & McCall V (2017) A Good Life in Later Years: A Co-Produced Research Project. Life Changes Trust. Life Changes Trust.
Research Report
The Role of Volunteering in Dementia Care
McCall V, McCabe L, Rutherford AC, Bu F, Wilson M & Woolvin M (2017) The Role of Volunteering in Dementia Care.
Place revisited: Class, stigma and urban restructuring in the case of Glasgow's Commonwealth Games
Paton K, McCall V & Mooney G (2017) Place revisited: Class, stigma and urban restructuring in the case of Glasgow's Commonwealth Games. Sociological Review, 65 (4), pp. 578-594.
Research Report
Bringing together health, social care and housing services for older people: An evaluation of the 415 Hub and Cluster Innovation project
McCall V, Hoyle L & Gunasinghe N (2017) Bringing together health, social care and housing services for older people: An evaluation of the 415 Hub and Cluster Innovation project. Wheatley Group. Scotland: Wheatley Group.
The Theory and Practice of Welfare Partnerships: The Case of the Cultural Sector
McCall V & Rummery K (2017) The Theory and Practice of Welfare Partnerships: The Case of the Cultural Sector. Social Policy and Administration, 51 (1), pp. 56-75.
Research Report
Exploring the 'Creating Conversations' toolkit: the impact of art-based activities on those living with dementia
Robertson J & McCall V (2016) Exploring the 'Creating Conversations' toolkit: the impact of art-based activities on those living with dementia. Scottish Funding Council; Artlink Central. Artlink Central.
Exploring the gap between museum policy and practice: a comparative analysis of Scottish, English and Welsh local authority museum services
McCall V (2016) Exploring the gap between museum policy and practice: a comparative analysis of Scottish, English and Welsh local authority museum services. Museum and Society, 14 (1), pp. 98-115.
Exploring the use of large sporting events in the post-crash, post-welfare city: A 'legacy' of increasing insecurity?
Mooney G, McCall V & Paton K (2015) Exploring the use of large sporting events in the post-crash, post-welfare city: A 'legacy' of increasing insecurity?. Local Economy, 30 (8), pp. 910-924.
Research Report
Service improvement through effective partnership and collaboration: An evaluation of the People Place Partnership
McCall V (2015) Service improvement through effective partnership and collaboration: An evaluation of the People Place Partnership. Scottish Funding Council. University of Stirling.
Research Report
Transitions: Improving Employment, Education and Training Outcomes for Young People Leaving Care
Rigby P, McCall V & Shapira M (2015) Transitions: Improving Employment, Education and Training Outcomes for Young People Leaving Care. Glasgow City Council. University of Stirling.
Poverty, Territorial Stigmatisation and Social Insecurities as Social Harms: the Commonwealth Games and the East End of Glasgow
Mooney G, McCall V & Paton K (2015) Poverty, Territorial Stigmatisation and Social Insecurities as Social Harms: the Commonwealth Games and the East End of Glasgow. Scottish Justice Matters, 3 (3), pp. 27-28.
Research Report
Growing older in Scotland: health, housing and care
Griffiths D & McCall V (2015) Growing older in Scotland: health, housing and care. Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Newspaper / Magazine
Demolishing iconic tower blocks is an attack on whole idea of social housing
McCall V, Mooney G & Paton K (2015) Demolishing iconic tower blocks is an attack on whole idea of social housing. The Conversation. 09.10.2015.
Website Content
The Continuing Danger of the Right to Buy – how housing is on the election agenda for the wrong reasons
McCall V (2015) The Continuing Danger of the Right to Buy – how housing is on the election agenda for the wrong reasons. Blog for Critical Urbanists, 15.04.2015.
Research Report
Understanding the Housing Needs of Older Owner- Occupiers
Satsangi M, McCall V & Greasley-Adams C (2015) Understanding the Housing Needs of Older Owner- Occupiers. Stirling Council. University of Stirling.
Museums and the 'new museology': Theory, practice and organisational change
McCall V & Gray C (2014) Museums and the 'new museology': Theory, practice and organisational change. Museum Management and Curatorship, 29 (1), pp. 19-35.
The Potential of Online Academic Communities for Teaching Staff: Findings from a Pilot Study of the SocialLearn Platform
McCall V, Mooney G, Rutherford P & Gilmour A (2014) The Potential of Online Academic Communities for Teaching Staff: Findings from a Pilot Study of the SocialLearn Platform. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 10 (4), pp. 404-425.
Newspaper / Magazine
Behind the fence: the side of Glasgow games you’re not meant to see
Mooney G, Paton K & McCall V (2014) Behind the fence: the side of Glasgow games you’re not meant to see. The Conversation. 30.06.2014.
Citizenship and Museum Workers: a comparative study of Scotland, England and Wales
McCall V (2013) Citizenship and Museum Workers: a comparative study of Scotland, England and Wales. Engage, 32.
Culture and the Scottish Household Survey
McCall V & Playford C (2012) Culture and the Scottish Household Survey. Cultural Trends, 21 (2), pp. 149-172.;
Cultural services and social policy: exploring policy makers' perceptions of culture and social inclusion
McCall V (2010) Cultural services and social policy: exploring policy makers' perceptions of culture and social inclusion. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 18 (2), pp. 169-183.
Social Policy and Cultural Services: A Study of Scottish Border Museums as Implementers of Social Inclusion
McCall V (2009) Social Policy and Cultural Services: A Study of Scottish Border Museums as Implementers of Social Inclusion. Social Policy and Society, 8 (3), pp. 319-331.