Research Report

Ageing Well With Assistive Technology: Co-producing technology solutions with older people. A scoping review of the evidence.



Rolfe S, Pusram A, Robertson J, Gibson G & McCall V (2021) Ageing Well With Assistive Technology: Co-producing technology solutions with older people. A scoping review of the evidence.. Longleigh Foundation/Stonewater Housing Association. Stirling: University of Stirling.

Scoping review of the evidence regarding co-production of technology solutions with older people. Provides an overview of the existing research regarding co-production in this field, the types of technology available and evidence of their impact, the barriers and facilitators to technology use, and a set of recommendations to improve practice.

FundersLongleigh Foundation
Publication date17/05/2021
Publication date online17/05/2021
Publisher URL…shed-version.pdf
Place of publicationStirling