Book Chapter

Researching Social Policy



McCall V (2022) Researching Social Policy. In: Alcock P, Haux T, McCall V & May M (eds.) The Student's Companion to Social Policy. 6th edition ed. London: Wiley, pp. 11-18.

First Paragraph: The narratives and discourse around social policy can be a contentious field of struggle. Social policy is negotiated within political arenas and connected to assumptions around ideology, societal ‘norms’ and cultural understandings. We have seen the rise of ‘Fake News’, an increasing role for social media and the importance of clear information. This struggle has been highlighted in social policy recently in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and, in the context of the United Kingdom (UK), the new processes and governance implications flowing from devolution and leaving the European Union (known as ‘Brexit’) in 2020. Social policy is an ever-changing field of power and struggle, with many attacks on expertise, science and the foundations of the welfare state. For the UK, Beveridge’s post-second world war key pillars of welfare, social security, education, health, employment and housing are areas where people can become entrenched in misinformation and ideology.

Publication date31/12/2022
Publication date online05/05/2022
Publisher URL…-p-9781119744870
Place of publicationLondon


Research centres/groups

Research themes