Research Report

Making Adaptations Work For Older People In Scotland



McCall V, Wang Y, Pritchard J, Cooper R, Hodges M & Gibson G (2023) Making Adaptations Work For Older People In Scotland. Age Scotland.

This report places the experiences of older people at the heart of understanding home and environmental adaptations (or modifications) in Scotland. It presents new empirical findings via a mixed-method approach, including focus groups and interviews with older people, secondary analyses of three Age Scotland national surveys and a mapping exercise of current public data sources to generate nuanced insights into older people’s experience of home adaptations in Scotland. The report also offers insights from interviews with front-line practitioners delivering adaptations in housing and social care and three case studies to outline good practice in adaptations delivery.

FundersAge Scotland
Publication date online30/05/2023
Publisher URL…daptations-work/
Place of publication