
What works in co-producing assistive technology solutions with older people: A scoping review of the evidence



Rolfe S, McCall V, Gibson G, Pusram A & Robertson J (2023) What works in co-producing assistive technology solutions with older people: A scoping review of the evidence. Ageing and Society.

Assistive technology for older people promises much, but the research evidence suggests that it delivers little. One hypothesis to explain the lack of positive impact is that assistive technology is often implemented with little involvement of older people or other stakeholders, such as family members or care staff. The suggestion is that co-production may ensure that assistive technology solutions are better tailored to people's needs, capacities and living situations. In this article, we review existing studies to examine what works in co-production in relation to processes of design and implementation of assistive technology for older people. Our results show a growing interest in co-production as an approach in this field, with a wide range of approaches being employed. We highlight a number of key lessons from the research, including key issues around who needs to be engaged in the co-production, as well as essential elements of the process itself. Our review suggests that there is considerable potential in using co-production to improve effectiveness of technological solutions to the challenges of age-related impairments. However, we also emphasise the need for more longitudinal research in this area, to examine whether such collaborative approaches can truly deliver the promise of assistive technology for older people.

Assistive technology; co-production; older people; scoping review; dementia

Output Status: Forthcoming/Available Online

Ageing and Society

StatusEarly Online
FundersLongleigh Foundation
Publication date online10/05/2023
Date accepted by journal08/03/2023