
Outputs related to Education

Showing 301 to 400 of 1369

Consultancy Report

Priestley M, Shapira M, Priestley A, Ritchie M & Barnett C (2020) Rapid Review of National Qualifications Experience 2020. Scottish Government. Edinburgh.


Robinson C, Quennerstedt A & I'Anson J (2020) The translation of articles from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into education legislation: the narrowing of Article 12 as a consequence of translation. Curriculum Journal, 31 (3), pp. 517-538.

Book Chapter

Mahlberg M & Wiegand V (2020) Stylistics and the Digital Humanities. In: Conrad S, Hartig A & Santelmann L (eds.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 219-234.

Policy Document

Clark H, Royal P, West H, McGlone F, Walker S, Devine SL, Barlow J, Albon D, Elfer P, Norman A, Sigman A, Graham C, Hutchinson C, Harris G & Murray A (2020) Wellbeing and Nurture: Physical and Emotional Security in Childhood [A Report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on a Fit and Healthy Childhood]. All-Party Parliamentary Group on a Fit and Healthy Childhood. London.


Priestley M & Philippou S (2020) Editorial. Curriculum Journal, 31 (1), pp. 1-6.


Swanson DM (2020) Organizer. Education, Inequality and Critical Global Citizenship: Local Realities - Global Contexts Seminar, University of Stirling, 13.01.2020-14.01.2020.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Swanson DM (2020) How to Kill an Elephant. Education, Inequality and Critical Global Citizenship: Local Realities - Global Contexts Seminar, University of Stirling, 13.01.2020-14.01.2020.

Book Chapter

Khattar R, Callaghan K & Cooper E (2019) Initial Teacher Education in Early Childhood Education (Canada) [In R. Heydon (Ed.), Set: Early Childhood Education, Volume: Canada. Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies.]. In: Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury.

Book Chapter

Editorial Team (2019) 'Introduction' to Canada. In: Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury.

Book Chapter

Khattar R, Heydon R, Cooper E & Callaghan K (2019) Seeing over the wall: Growing policy from learning with families in contexts. In: Gibbs L & Gasper M (eds.) Challenging the Intersection of Policy with Pedagogy. Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp. 107-123.;

Book Chapter

Rushton EAC (2019) Increasing Environmental Action Through Climate Change Education Programmes that Enable School Students, Teachers and Technicians to Contribute to Genuine Scientific Research. In: Leal Filho W & Hemstock SL (eds.) Climate Change and the Role of Education. Climate Change Management. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 507-523.

Book Chapter

Copland F & Donaghue H (2019) Post observation feedback. In: Walsh S & Mann S (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of English Language Teacher Education. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 402-416.

Book Chapter

Field J, Kunzel K & Schemmann M (2019) Revisiting the Debate on International Comparative Adult Education Research: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections. In: Fejes A & Nylander E (eds.) Mapping out the Research Field of Adult Education and Learning. Lifelong Learning Book Series, 24. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 181-202.

Book Chapter

Law J, McCartney E & Roulstone S (2019) The United Kingdom. In: Law J, McKean C, Murphy C & Thordardottir E (eds.) Managing children with developmental language disorder: theory and practice across Europe and beyond. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 497-509.

Authored Book

Michael M & Murray R (2019) The Joy of Writing [The Joy of Writing - A Collaboration of Image and Text]. Lochwinnoch, Scotland: Anchorage Educational Services.

Book Chapter

Priestley M & Drew V (2019) Professional Enquiry: an ecological approach to developing teacher agency. In: Godfrey D & Brown C (eds.) An ecosystem for research-engaged schools: Reforming education through research. London: Routledge, pp. 154-170.

Book Chapter

McCartney E & Cooper J (2019) Gathering evidence on universal and targeted interventions. In: Dobinson C & Wren Y (eds.) Creating Practice-based Evidence: A Guide for SLTs. 2nd ed. Albury: J & R Press.

Book Chapter

Galloway S (2019) Rancière, Freire and Critical Pedagogy. In: Cowden S & Ridley D (eds.) The Practice of Equality: Jacques Rancière and Critical Pedagogy. New Disciplinary Perspectives on Education, 1. Oxford: Peter Lang International, pp. 21-43.

Website Content

Malins P, Heydon R & Cooper E (2019) Gender and sexual identities in early childhood curricula: The case of Canada. British Educational Research Association (BERA) blog [Peer-reviewed Blog] 03.12.2019.


Clancy S, Crowther J, Galloway S, Keenan D, McEwan S, Nicholson J, Player J & Burton W (2019) 100 Years of Radical Adult Education in Scotland: Building Hope for the Future (Transcript). CR & DALL Seminar Series 2019-2020. 100 Years of Radical Adult Education in Scotland: Building Hope for the Future, Glasgow, 16.11.2019-16.11.2019.


Cowley JG, Kiely J & Collins D (2019) What makes young people tick? A qualitative analysis of the beliefs and perceptions of school aged children towards PE and healthy living in "the sickest area of Europe". International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 31 (5), Art. No.: 20170050.

Policy Document

Cusworth L, Bieha N, Whincup H, Grant M & Hennessy A (2019) Children looked after away from home aged five and under in Scotland: experiences, pathways and outcomes. Insights for policymakers and practitioners. University of Stirling. Permanently Progressing? Building secure futures for children in Scotland. Stirling.


Mahlberg M, Wiegand V, Hobday S & Child F (2019) Digital methods for the English classroom. Impact, 7.


McCartney E (2019) The Functional Communication Classification System for children with cerebral palsy: the potential of a new measure. Commentary on: Caynes K, Rose TA, Theodorus D, Burmester D, Ware RS, Johnson, LM. Functional Communication Classification System (FCCS): extended reliability and concurrent validity for children with cerebral palsy aged 5-28 years. Dev Med Child Neurol, 2019. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 61 (7), pp. 741-741.

Project Report

Cusworth L, Biehal N, Whincup H, Grant M & Hennessy A (2019) Children looked after away from home aged five and under in Scotland: experiences, pathways and outcomes. Commissioned by an anonymous donor. Permanently Progressing? Building secure futures for children in Scotland. Stirling: University of Stirling.