Newspaper / Magazine

Charles Dickens: using data analysis to shed new light on old characters



Mahlberg M & Wiegand V (2020) Charles Dickens: using data analysis to shed new light on old characters. The Conversation. 06.06.2020.

First paragraph: Dickens created some of the best-known characters in fiction. The likes of Ebenezer Scrooge, Oliver Twist and David Copperfield are still well-remembered, 150 years after his death – and are regularly updated through new stage and screen adaptions. One of the reasons why his characters have become part of popular culture is Dickens’s ability to exaggerate and caricature but at the same time also deeply understand human character.


FundersArts and Humanities Research Council
Publication date06/06/2020
Publication date online06/06/2020
Place of publicationLondon