Book Chapter
A curriculum for … what? The Scottish experience of developing a competency-based curriculum
Priestley M (2024) A curriculum for … what? The Scottish experience of developing a competency-based curriculum. In: Czerniawski G, Jones S, Holmes-Henderson A, Pountney R, Pugh V & Yang W (eds.) Curriculum in a Changing World: 50 think pieces on education, policy, practice, innovation and inclusion. Market Harborough: Troubador Publishing.
Book Chapter
Educational Reform in Scotland: Policy, Governance and Professional Culture
Priestley M & Humes W (2024) Educational Reform in Scotland: Policy, Governance and Professional Culture. In: Politics and Knowledge: Shaping Educational Reform. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 99-114.
Outcomes of immigrant children in Scotland under Curriculum for Excellence
Shapira M, Priestley M, Barnett C & Peace-Hughes T (2023) Outcomes of immigrant children in Scotland under Curriculum for Excellence. Research Intelligence, (157), pp. 20-21. BERA Research Intelligence.
Exploring Curriculum Making in Scottish Secondary Schools: Trends and Effects
Shapira M, Priestley M, Peace-Hughes T, Barnett C & Ritchie M (2023) Exploring Curriculum Making in Scottish Secondary Schools: Trends and Effects. Scottish Affairs, 32 (4), pp. 397-424.
Choices, Attainment and Positive destinations: Exploring the impact of curriculum policy change on young people
Shapira M & Priestley M (2023) Choices, Attainment and Positive destinations: Exploring the impact of curriculum policy change on young people [Evidence For The Sottish Parliament Education And Young People Committee, 8 November 2023]. Edinburgh: Scottish Parliament.
Consultancy Report
Towards a typology of curriculum policy approaches
Priestley M, Angier C, Schuler B & Smith J (2023) Towards a typology of curriculum policy approaches. UNESCO. Geneva.
Project Report
Choice, Attainment and Positive Destinations: Exploring the impact of curriculum policy change on young people
Shapira M, Priestley M, Barnett C, Peace-Hughes T & Richie M (2023) Choice, Attainment and Positive Destinations: Exploring the impact of curriculum policy change on young people. The Nuffield foundation. London.
Book Chapter
Curriculum Making and Teacher Agency
Priestley M, Philippou S, Alvunger D & Soini T (2022) Curriculum Making and Teacher Agency. In: Tierney R, Rizvi F & Ercikan K (eds.) Elsevier International Encyclopaedia of Education. 4th ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Curricula from the past, in the present and for the future?
Philippou S & Priestley M (2022) Curricula from the past, in the present and for the future?. Curriculum Journal, 33 (3), pp. 341-345.
Philippou S & Priestley M (2022) Editorial. Curriculum Journal, 33 (1), pp. 1-4.
Newspaper / Magazine
Muir report could 'break the mould' in Scottish education
Priestley M (2022) Muir report could 'break the mould' in Scottish education. TES Magazine. 14.03.2022.
Book Chapter
Conclusions: Patterns and trends in curriculum making in Europe
Alvunger D, Soini T, Philippou S & Priestley M (2021) Conclusions: Patterns and trends in curriculum making in Europe. In: Priestley M, Alvunger D, Philippou S & Soini T (eds.) Curriculum making in Europe: policy and practice within and across diverse contexts. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Ltd, pp. 273-293.
Book Chapter
Curriculum reform in Scottish Education: Discourse, Narrative and Enactment
Humes W & Priestley M (2021) Curriculum reform in Scottish Education: Discourse, Narrative and Enactment. In: Priestley M, Alvunger D, Philippou S & Soini T (eds.) Curriculum making in Europe: policy and practice within and across diverse contexts. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Ltd, pp. 175-198.
Book Chapter
Curriculum Making: A conceptual framing
Priestley M, Philippou S, Alvunger D & Soini T (2021) Curriculum Making: A conceptual framing. In: Priestley M, Alvunger D, Philippou S & Soini T (eds.) Curriculum making in Europe: policy and practice within and across diverse contexts. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Ltd, pp. 1-27.;
Book Chapter
Curriculum making: key concepts and practices
Priestley M & Xenofontos C (2021) Curriculum making: key concepts and practices. In: Biddulph J & Flutter J (eds.) Inspiring Primary Curriculum Design. Unlocking Research. London: Routledge.
Mathematics teachers and social justice: A systematic review of empirical studies
Xenofontos C, Fraser S, Priestley A & Priestley M (2021) Mathematics teachers and social justice: A systematic review of empirical studies. Oxford Review of Education, 47 (2), pp. 135-151.
Edited Book
Curriculum making in Europe: policy and practice within and across diverse contexts.
Priestley M, Alvunger D, Philippou S & Soini T (eds.) (2021) Curriculum making in Europe: policy and practice within and across diverse contexts.. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Priestley M & Philippou S (2021) Editorial. Curriculum Journal, 32 (3), pp. 379-383.
Newspaper / Magazine
Curriculum making across European nations
Priestley M, Alvunger D, Philippou S & Soini T (2021) Curriculum making across European nations. Research Intelligence, Issue 148. 08.09.2021, pp. 16-17.
Consultancy Report
Educational governance through outcomes steering: ‘reforms that deform’
Bradfield K & Priestley M (2021) Educational governance through outcomes steering: ‘reforms that deform’. The Scottish Greens.
Preprint / Working Paper
School Starting Age (SSA): A Brief Summary
Bradfield K & Priestley M (2021) School Starting Age (SSA): A Brief Summary. Online.
Book Chapter
Understanding curriculum
Priestley M & Nieveen N (2020) Understanding curriculum. In: Chartered College of Teaching (ed.) The Early Career Framework Handbook. Corwin Ltd. London: SAGE, pp. 135-143.
Curriculum as a certainty in uncertain times
Priestley M & Philippou S (2020) Curriculum as a certainty in uncertain times. Curriculum Journal, 31 (4), pp. 581-586.
Curriculum in uncertain times
Priestley M & Philippou S (2020) Curriculum in uncertain times. Curriculum Journal, 31 (3), pp. 335-339.
Consultancy Report
Rapid Review of National Qualifications Experience 2020
Priestley M, Shapira M, Priestley A, Ritchie M & Barnett C (2020) Rapid Review of National Qualifications Experience 2020. Scottish Government. Edinburgh.
Successful futures, successful curriculum: What can Wales learn from international curriculum reforms?
Sinnema C, Nieveen N & Priestley M (2020) Successful futures, successful curriculum: What can Wales learn from international curriculum reforms?. Curriculum Journal, 31 (2), pp. 181-201.
Priestley M & Philippou S (2020) Editorial. Curriculum Journal, 31 (1), pp. 1-6.
Context and Implications Document for: Do schools matter? An exploration of the determinants of lower secondary school subject choices under the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence
Shapira M & Priestley M (2020) Context and Implications Document for: Do schools matter? An exploration of the determinants of lower secondary school subject choices under the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. Review of Education, 8 (1), pp. 239-241.
Do schools matter? An exploration of the determinants of lower secondary school subject choices under the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence
Shapira M & Priestley M (2020) Do schools matter? An exploration of the determinants of lower secondary school subject choices under the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. Review of Education, 8 (1), pp. 191-238.
Consultancy Report
An exploration of curriculum reform in the Republic of Croatia: Mentors and principals
Bradfield K, Xenofontos C, Shapira M, Priestley A & Priestley M (2020) An exploration of curriculum reform in the Republic of Croatia: Mentors and principals. The British Council. Stirling.
Debate and critique in curriculum studies: new directions?
Priestley M & Philippou S (2019) Debate and critique in curriculum studies: new directions?. The Curriculum Journal, 30 (4), pp. 347-351.
Beyond binaries in curricular discussions: what does it mean to argue for curriculum as at the heart of educational practice?
Philippou S & Priestley M (2019) Beyond binaries in curricular discussions: what does it mean to argue for curriculum as at the heart of educational practice?. The Curriculum Journal, 30 (3), pp. 217-222.
Teacher mediation of curriculum making: the role of reflexivity
Hizli Alkan S & Priestley M (2019) Teacher mediation of curriculum making: the role of reflexivity. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 51 (5), pp. 737-754.
Book Chapter
Professional Enquiry: an ecological approach to developing teacher agency
Priestley M & Drew V (2019) Professional Enquiry: an ecological approach to developing teacher agency. In: Godfrey D & Brown C (eds.) An ecosystem for research-engaged schools: Reforming education through research. London: Routledge, pp. 154-170.
Curriculum is - or should be - at the heart of educational practice
Priestley M & Philippou S (2019) Curriculum is - or should be - at the heart of educational practice. Curriculum Journal, 30 (1), pp. 1-7.
Professional enquiry and teacher agency: putting teachers in control
Priestley M & Drew V (2019) Professional enquiry and teacher agency: putting teachers in control. Professional Development Today, 20 (2), pp. 58-65.
Curriculum making as social practice: complex webs of enactment
Priestley M & Philippou S (2018) Curriculum making as social practice: complex webs of enactment. Curriculum Journal, 29 (2), pp. 151-158.
Narrowing the Curriculum? Contemporary trends in provision and attainment in the Scottish Curriculum
Shapira M & Priestley M (2018) Narrowing the Curriculum? Contemporary trends in provision and attainment in the Scottish Curriculum. Scottish Educational Review, 50 (1), pp. 75-107.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Exploring teacher mediation in curriculum making: Scotland and Wales
Hizli Alkan S & Priestley M (2018) Exploring teacher mediation in curriculum making: Scotland and Wales. European Conference for Educational Research, Bolzano, Italy, 04.09.2018-07.09.2018.
Book Chapter
Curriculum reform: Progress, tensions and possibilities
Priestley M (2018) Curriculum reform: Progress, tensions and possibilities. In: Bryce T, Humes W, Gillies D & Kennedy A (eds.) Scottish Education. 5th edn ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Research Report
Transition to senior phase: S4 students’ voices about curriculum and curricular work in schools
Torres AC & Priestley M (2018) Transition to senior phase: S4 students’ voices about curriculum and curricular work in schools. Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. Stirling: University of Stirling.
Research Report
Teacher Workforce Survey in Scotland (2017): Final Report
Priestley M, Shapira M & Bu F (2018) Teacher Workforce Survey in Scotland (2017): Final Report. NASUWT. Birmingham/Scotland: University of Stirling.
Technical Report
A Curriculum for Wales: Review of the Draft Progression Steps
Priestley M, Hizli Alkan S & Nieveen N (2018) A Curriculum for Wales: Review of the Draft Progression Steps. Welsh Government. Cardiff.
Research Report
An Exploration of Curriculum Reform in the Republic of Croatia
Priestley M & Ireland A (2018) An Exploration of Curriculum Reform in the Republic of Croatia. British Council. Stirling.
Website Content
'There be dragons': redrawing the curriculum map in Wales
Priestley M (2018) 'There be dragons': redrawing the curriculum map in Wales. [A Curriculum for Wales Blog: A curriculum for life] 09.02.2018.
Newspaper / Magazine
In Britain’s battle over school curriculum, Celtic nations have got it right
Priestley M (2018) In Britain’s battle over school curriculum, Celtic nations have got it right. The Conversation. 19.01.2018.
Talking about education: exploring the significance of teachers’ talk for teacher agency
Biesta G, Priestley M & Robinson S (2017) Talking about education: exploring the significance of teachers’ talk for teacher agency. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 49 (1), pp. 38-54.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Narrowing the Curriculum? Contemporary trends in provision and attainment in
the Scottish Curriculum
Priestley M & Shapira M (2017) Narrowing the Curriculum? Contemporary trends in provision and attainment in
the Scottish Curriculum. European Educational Research Association - ECER 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, 22.08.2017-25.08.2017.
Research Report
Mapping the impact of educational interventions: A report commissioned by the Education Achievement Service for South East Wales
Priestley M, Wilson A, Priestley A & Serpa R (2017) Mapping the impact of educational interventions: A report commissioned by the Education Achievement Service for South East Wales. University of Stirling/Education Achievement Service for South East Wales.
Website Content
Teacher Agency and Curriculum Development
Priestley M & Drew V (2017) Teacher Agency and Curriculum Development. [The BERA Blog: Research matters] 04.07.2017.
Curriculum for Excellence: making the transition from policy intention to classroom practice
Priestley M & Drew V (2017) Curriculum for Excellence: making the transition from policy intention to classroom practice. Scottish Educational Journal (SEJ), 101 (3), pp. 20-21.
Preprint / Working Paper
Approaches to specifying curriculum areas of learning
Priestley M (2017) Approaches to specifying curriculum areas of learning.
Book Chapter
Teacher sense-making in school-based curriculum development through Critical Collaborative Professional Enquiry
Priestley M & Drew V (2017) Teacher sense-making in school-based curriculum development through Critical Collaborative Professional Enquiry. In: Peters M, Cowie B & Menter I (eds.) A Companion to Research in Teacher Education. Singapore: Springer, pp. 769-784.
Secondary Science Teachers as Curriculum Makers: Mapping and Designing Scotland's New Curriculum for Excellence
Wallace C & Priestley M (2017) Secondary Science Teachers as Curriculum Makers: Mapping and Designing Scotland's New Curriculum for Excellence. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 54 (3), pp. 324-349.
Curriculum Development Through Critical Collaborative Professional Enquiry
Drew V, Priestley M & Michael MK (2016) Curriculum Development Through Critical Collaborative Professional Enquiry. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 1 (1), pp. 92-106.;
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Teachers as agents of curriculum change: closing the gap between purpose and practice
Priestley M & Drew V (2016) Teachers as agents of curriculum change: closing the gap between purpose and practice. European Conference for Educational Research, Dublin, 23-26 September 2016, 23.08.2016.
Preprint / Working Paper
A perspective on learning outcomes in curriculum and assessment
Priestley M (2016) A perspective on learning outcomes in curriculum and assessment.
Newspaper / Magazine
CfE post-OECD: Time for a simplified curriculum
Priestley M (2016) CfE post-OECD: Time for a simplified curriculum. Holyrood Magazine. 21.04.2016.
Future Development: Looking at how we evolve Curriculum for Excellence following the OECD recommendations
Priestley M (2016) Future Development: Looking at how we evolve Curriculum for Excellence following the OECD recommendations. Teaching Scotland, (63), pp. 14-15.
Book Chapter
The teacher and the curriculum: exploring teacher agency
Priestley M, Biesta G, Philippou S & Robinson S (2016) The teacher and the curriculum: exploring teacher agency. In: Wyse D, Hayward L & Pandya J (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 187-201.
The Role of Beliefs in Teacher Agency
Biesta G, Priestley M & Robinson S (2015) The Role of Beliefs in Teacher Agency. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 21 (6), pp. 624-640.
Book Chapter
Teacher agency: Een ecologische kijk op het handelingsvermogen van leraren
Priestley M, Biesta G & Robinson S (2015) Teacher agency: Een ecologische kijk op het handelingsvermogen van leraren. In: Kneyber R & Evers J (eds.) Het Alternatief II: De ladder naar autonomie. Culemburg, Netherlands: Uitgeverij Phronese, pp. 17-32.
Authored Book
Teacher Agency: An Ecological Approach
Priestley M, Biesta G & Robinson S (2015) Teacher Agency: An Ecological Approach. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Emerging school curricula: Australia and Scotland compared
Priestley M, Laming M & Humes W (2015) Emerging school curricula: Australia and Scotland compared. Curriculum Perspectives, 35 (3), pp. 52-63.
Book Chapter
Teacher agency: what is it and why does it matter?
Priestley M, Biesta G & Robinson S (2015) Teacher agency: what is it and why does it matter?. In: Kneyber R & Evers J (eds.) Flip the System: Changing Education. London: Routledge, pp. 134-148.
School-based curriculum development in Scotland: Curriculum policy and enactment
Priestley M, Minty S & Eager M (2014) School-based curriculum development in Scotland: Curriculum policy and enactment. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 22 (2), pp. 189-211.
Downgraded curriculum? An analysis of knowledge in new curricula in Scotland and New Zealand
Priestley M & Sinnema C (2014) Downgraded curriculum? An analysis of knowledge in new curricula in Scotland and New Zealand. Curriculum Journal, 25 (1), pp. 50-75.
Book Chapter
The global dimension in education and education for global citizenship: genealogy and critique
Mannion G, Biesta GJJ, Priestley M & Ross H (2014) The global dimension in education and education for global citizenship: genealogy and critique. In: de Oliveira AV (ed.) The political economy of global citizenship education. London: Routledge, pp. 134-147.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Teacher agency: what is it and why does it matter?
Priestley M, Biesta G & Robinson S (2014) Teacher agency: what is it and why does it matter?. Teachers Matter - But how? International Research Conference, Linnaeus University, Vaxjo, Sweden, 23.10.2014-24.10.2014.
Curriculum regulation in Scotland: A wolf in sheep’s clothing is still a wolf
Priestley M (2014) Curriculum regulation in Scotland: A wolf in sheep’s clothing is still a wolf. European Journal of Curriculum Studies, 1 (1), pp. 61-68.
Book Chapter
Schools, teachers and curriculum change: a balancing act?
Priestley M (2013) Schools, teachers and curriculum change: a balancing act?. In: Wise C, Cartwright M & Bradshaw P (eds.) Leading professional practice in education. London: SAGE, pp. 89-106.
Book Chapter
Curriculum deregulation in England and Scotland - Different directions of travel?
Leat D, Livingston K & Priestley M (2013) Curriculum deregulation in England and Scotland - Different directions of travel?. In: Kuiper W & Berkvens J (eds.) Balancing Curriculum Regulation and Freedom across Europe. CIDREE Yearbook, 2013. Enschede, the Netherlands: SLO Netherlands Institute for Curriculum Development, pp. 229-248.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Curriculum regulation in Scotland: A wolf in sheep’s clothing is still a wolf
Priestley M (2013) Curriculum regulation in Scotland: A wolf in sheep’s clothing is still a wolf. European Conference on Curriculum Studies, Braga, Portugal, 18.10.2013-19.10.2013.
Swimming against the tide: A case study of an integrated social studies department
Fenwick A, Minty S & Priestley M (2013) Swimming against the tide: A case study of an integrated social studies department. Curriculum Journal, 24 (3), pp. 454-474.
Book Chapter
The 3-18 Curriculum in Scottish Education
Priestley M (2013) The 3-18 Curriculum in Scottish Education. In: Bryce T, Humes W, Gillies D & Kennedy A (eds.) Scottish Education: Referendum. 4th ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 28-38.
Book Chapter
Teachers as agents of change: teacher agency and emerging models of curriculum
Priestley M, Biesta GJJ & Robinson S (2013) Teachers as agents of change: teacher agency and emerging models of curriculum. In: Priestley M & Biesta G (eds.) Reinventing the curriculum: new trends in curriculum policy and practice. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 187-206.
Edited Book
Reinventing the Curriculum: New Trends in Curriculum Policy and Practice
Priestley M & Biesta GJJ (eds.) (2013) Reinventing the Curriculum: New Trends in Curriculum Policy and Practice. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Book Chapter
Capacities and the curriculum
Biesta G & Priestley M (2013) Capacities and the curriculum. In: Priestley M & Biesta G (eds.) Reinventing the curriculum: new trends in curriculum policy and practice. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 35-50.
Curriculum for Excellence: 'A brilliant idea, but. . .'
Priestley M & Minty S (2013) Curriculum for Excellence: 'A brilliant idea, but. . .'. Scottish Educational Review, 45 (1), pp. 39-52.
Book Chapter
Teacher Agency, Performativity and Curriculum Change: Reinventing the Teacher in the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence?
Priestley M, Robinson S & Biesta GJJ (2012) Teacher Agency, Performativity and Curriculum Change: Reinventing the Teacher in the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence?. In: Jeffrey B & Troman G (eds.) Performativity in UK education: ethnographic cases of its effects, agency and reconstructions. Painswick: Ethnography & Education Publishing.
Educational change in Scotland: Policy, context and biography
Priestley M & Miller K (2012) Educational change in Scotland: Policy, context and biography. Curriculum Journal, 23 (1), pp. 99-116.;
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Understanding teacher agency: The importance of relationships
Priestley M, Biesta GJJ & Robinson S (2012) Understanding teacher agency: The importance of relationships. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada, 13-17 April 2012, Vancouver, 16.04.2012.
Preprint / Working Paper
Teachers as agents of change: An exploration of the concept of teacher agency
Priestley M, Biesta GJJ & Robinson S (2012) Teachers as agents of change: An exploration of the concept of teacher agency.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Curriculum for Excellence: 'A brilliant idea, but. . .'
Priestley M & Minty S (2012) Curriculum for Excellence: 'A brilliant idea, but. . .'. European Conference for Educational Research, 21 September 2012, Cadiz., Cadiz, 21.09.2012.
Research Report
Developing Curriculum for Excellence in Highland Schools: A report on the qualitative findings for the Highland Council and the Scottish Government
Minty S & Priestley M (2012) Developing Curriculum for Excellence in Highland Schools: A report on the qualitative findings for the Highland Council and the Scottish Government. Stirling: University of Stirling.
Research Report
Developing Curriculum for Excellence: Summary of findings from research undertaken in a Scottish local authority
Priestley M & Minty S (2012) Developing Curriculum for Excellence: Summary of findings from research undertaken in a Scottish local authority. University of Stirling.
Teacher agency in curriculum making: agents of change and spaces for manoeuvre
Priestley M, Edwards R, Miller K & Priestley A (2012) Teacher agency in curriculum making: agents of change and spaces for manoeuvre. Curriculum Inquiry, 42 (2), pp. 191-214.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Mapping teacher agency: an ecological approach to understanding teachers' work
Priestley M, Robinson S & Biesta GJJ (2011) Mapping teacher agency: an ecological approach to understanding teachers' work. Oxford Ethnography and Education conference, 20 September 2011, Oxford, Oxford, 20.09.2011.
The global dimension in education and education for global citizenship: genealogy and critique
Mannion G, Biesta GJJ, Priestley M & Ross H (2011) The global dimension in education and education for global citizenship: genealogy and critique. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9 (3-4), pp. 443-456.;
Teacher beliefs and the mediation of curriculum innovation in Scotland: A socio-cultural perspective on professional development and change
Wallace C & Priestley M (2011) Teacher beliefs and the mediation of curriculum innovation in Scotland: A socio-cultural perspective on professional development and change. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 43 (3), pp. 357-381.;
Conference Paper (unpublished)
School-Based Curriculum Development in Scotland: Curriculum Policy and Enactment
Minty S & Priestley M (2011) School-Based Curriculum Development in Scotland: Curriculum Policy and Enactment. European Conference for Educational Research, 15 September 2011, Berlin, Berlin, 15.09.2011.
Whatever happened to curriculum theory? Critical realism and curriculum change
Priestley M (2011) Whatever happened to curriculum theory? Critical realism and curriculum change. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 19 (2), pp. 221-237.
Teacher learning communities and educational change in Scotland: the Highland experience
Priestley M, Miller K, Barrett L & Wallace C (2011) Teacher learning communities and educational change in Scotland: the Highland experience. British Educational Research Journal, 37 (2), pp. 265-284.
Schools, teachers, and curriculum change: A balancing act?
Priestley M (2011) Schools, teachers, and curriculum change: A balancing act?. Journal of Educational Change, 12 (1), pp. 1-23.
Book Chapter
Education in a Global Space: The Framing of 'Education for Citizenship'
Priestley M, Mannion G, Biesta G & Ross H (2010) Education in a Global Space: The Framing of 'Education for Citizenship'. In: Wisely T, Barr I, Britton A & King B (eds.) Education in a Global Space: Research and Practice in Initial Teacher Education. Edinburgh: International Development Education Association of Scotland (IDEAS)/SCOTDEC, pp. 27-36.
Preprint / Working Paper
Curriculum Development in Highland Schools: an approach to managing change
Priestley M (2010) Curriculum Development in Highland Schools: an approach to managing change.
Levels and equivalence in credit and qualifications frameworks: Contrasting the prescribed and enacted curriculum in school and college
Miller K, Edwards R & Priestley M (2010) Levels and equivalence in credit and qualifications frameworks: Contrasting the prescribed and enacted curriculum in school and college. Research Papers in Education, 25 (2), pp. 225-243.
The development of Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence: Amnesia and Déjà Vu
Priestley M & Humes W (2010) The development of Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence: Amnesia and Déjà Vu. Oxford Review of Education, 36 (3), pp. 345-361.
Curriculum for Excellence: transformational change or business as usual?
Priestley M (2010) Curriculum for Excellence: transformational change or business as usual?. Scottish Educational Review, 42 (1), pp. 23-36.[1]
Social Studies in Scotland’s school curriculum: a case for a more integrated approach
Priestley M (2009) Social Studies in Scotland’s school curriculum: a case for a more integrated approach. Education In The North, (17).