Dr Adnan Yilmaz

Lecturer in Education (TESOL)

Education Stirling

Dr Adnan Yilmaz

About me

I work as a lecturer of TESOL in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Stirling. I received my PhD degree from the Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT) Program in the University of Arizona in the United States. My research focuses on language teacher education, intercultural communication, language education for social justice, and instructional technologies. Regarding this research trajectory, I have published different books chapters and articles in different platforms. I have also served as the co-investigator on two large-scale projects funded by the US Embassy Ankara in Turkey - "Social Justice Now! A Project on Raising Pre-service English Language Teachers' Awareness of Social Justice" (http://www.socialjusticeinelt.com/). In these projects, we worked with pre-service English language teachers across different universities in Turkey. After receiving training on integration of different social justice issues language education, they developed their own small-scale social responsibility projects (SRPs) in their local contexts. After completing their SRPs, these pre-service language teachers were funded to present their projects at the Social Justice in ELT Symposium held in Turkey and attend TESOL Convention held in the United States.

Research centres/groups

Research themes