
The impact of computer-assisted language learning on vocabulary teaching: Jing™ and instant messaging.



Bekleyen N & Yilmaz A (2012) The impact of computer-assisted language learning on vocabulary teaching: Jing™ and instant messaging.. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 7 (1), pp. 419-425.

Jing™ is a free computer program that allows users to take a picture of what they see on their computer monitor. It also allows adding texts and highlighting the picture. This study focused on the use of the program in language classes to teach new vocabulary in an enjoyable and innovative way. The instruments included a vocabulary test used to measure the students’ knowledge of the target vocabulary before and after a teaching period. In addition, an interview was conducted to learn the students’ opinions about their learning experience. The results indicated a substantial increase in the students’ post-test scores. It was also found that the students had a positive attitude towards the use of computers in vocabulary learning.

Computer Assisted Language Learning; Teaching Vocabulary; Visuals in Vocabulary Learning; Technology and Language Learning

e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy: Volume 7, Issue 1

Publication date01/01/2012
Publication date online01/01/2012
Date accepted by journal01/08/2011