Book Review

Practical English Language Teaching



Yilmaz A & Tekir S (2010) Practical English Language Teaching. The International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 1 (1), pp. 65-72.

First paragraph: Being a good English language teacher encompasses a multifaceted understanding of teaching and learning processes which starts with having a good command of the knowledge of the subject area; namely the English language itself, pedagogy and culture. These three aspects are so tightly interwoven that one cannot be considered separate from the others, and all of them are of approximately equal importance. Of these three aspects, Practical English Language Teaching basically focuses on language teaching pedagogy and subject area in order to assist both novice and experienced teachers.

The International Journal of Research in Teacher Education: Volume 1, Issue 1

Publication date01/09/2010
Publication date online01/09/2010
Publisher URL
eISSN1308 - 951X