University of Stirling

Outputs related to University of Stirling

Showing 32001 to 32100 of 32896


Gilvear D, Hunter P & Higgins T (2007) An experimental approach to the measurement of the effects of water depth and substrate on optical and near infra-red reflectance: a field-based assessment of the feasibility of mapping submerged instream habitat. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28 (10), pp. 2241-2256.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Migaud H, Davie A & Taylor J Light perception in Atlantic cod. 2nd Scottish Cod ecology meeting, Glasgow, Scotland.

Book Chapter

McIvor G & McNeill F (2007) Probation in Scotland: past, present and future. In: Gelsthorpe L & Morgan R (eds.) Handbook of Probation. Portland, Oregon: Willan Publishing, pp. 131-154.

Book Review

Mills C (2007) Inventing pollution: Coal, smoke and culture in Britain since 1800. Review of: Inventing Pollution: Coal, Smoke, and Culture in Britain Since 1800 (Series in Ecology & History), Peter Thorsheim, Athens, OH, Ohio University Press, 2006, 360 pp. ISBN 0-8214-1680-4. Social History, 32 (2), pp. 242-242.


Talanian JL, Galloway SD, Shoveller AK, Heigenhauser GJF & Spriet LL (2007) Plasma Taurine Kinetics During a Single Day of Oral Taurine Ingestion (Presentation) American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Symposium 2007, New Orleans, USA, 30.05.2007-02.06.2007.


Petrie K & Zelent A (2007) AML1/ETO, a promiscuous fusion oncoprotein. Commentary on: Fazi et al, Blood 2007; 109(10):4432-4440. Blood, 109 (10), pp. 4109-4110.


Squyres SW, Aharonson O, Clark BC, Cohen BA, Crumpler LS, de Souza Jr PA, Farrand WH, Gellert R, Grant JA, Grotzinger JP, Haldemann AFC, Johnson JR, Klingelhoefer G, Lewis KW & Schröder C (2007) Pyroclastic activity at home plate in Gusev Crater, Mars. Science, 316 (5825), pp. 738-742.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Behr A, Holland K, Johnson M, Lauder W, McKenna E, Porter MA, Rogers S, Roxburgh M, Topping KJ & Watson R (2007) Self-Reported Competence and Self-Efficacy. RCN annual international nursing research conference 2007. Symposium: National evaluation of fitness for practice curricula: Survey of student nurses’ and midwives’ competence, self-efficacy and support mechanisms, Dundee, Scotland, UK, 01.05.2007-04.05.2007.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Behr A, Holland K, Johnson M, Lauder W, McKenna E, Porter MA, Rankin J, Roxburgh M, Topping KJ & Watson R (2007) What is the association between four sources of support for students and self-reported competency?. RCN annual international nursing research conference 2007. Symposium: National evaluation of fitness for practice curricula: Survey of student nurses’ and midwives’ competence, self-efficacy and support mechanisms, Dundee, Scotland, 01.05.2007-04.05.2007.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Roxburgh M, O'Brien S, Howes D, Cowan R, Masters H, Hanif N, Stoddart B, Rankin J & Comerasamy C (2007) Coordinating a Large Scale National Evaluation: Practical Lessons for Researchers. RCN annual international nursing research conference 2007. Symposium: National evaluation of fitness for practice curricula: Survey of student nurses’ and midwives’ competence, self-efficacy and support mechanisms, Dundee, Scotland, 01.05.2007-04.05.2007.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Donaldson JH, Dryburgh N, Mitchell M & Smith FC (2007) Debridement of surgical wounds: a Cochrane systematic review. 17th Conference of the European Wound Management Association, Glasgow, 02.05.2007-04.05.2007.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Hoskins G, Donnan PT, Williams B, Jackson C & Norman P (2007) How valid are quality markers for asthma care?. International Nursing Research Conference, Dundee, 01.05.2007-04.05.2007.

Book Chapter

Maisels F, Sunderland T, Curran B, von Loebenstein K, Oates JF, Usongo L, Dunn A, Asaha S, Balinga M, Defo L & Telfer P (2007) Central Africa’s protected areas and the purported displacement of people: A first critical review of existing data. In: Redford K & Fearn E (eds.) Protected areas and human displacement- a conservation perspective:. WCS Working Papers, 29. Bronx, New York, USA: WCS, pp. 75-89.

Book Review

McCabe L (2007) Perspectives on rehabilitation and dementia. Review of: Perspectives on Rehabilitation and Dementia. Mary Marshall (ed.) London: Jessica Kingsley. (2005) 254pp, ISBN 1-84310-286-2. Journal of Social Policy, 36 (2), pp. 361-362.

Book Review

Shaw E (2007) T H Green and the development of ethical socialism,. Review of: T H Green and the Development of Ethical Socialism, M. Carter. Exeter, Imprint Academic 2003, 223 pp. ISBN 0 907845 32 0. Parliamentary Affairs, 60 (2), pp. 363-369.

Book Review

Jenkinson J (2007) New medical challenges during the Scottish Enlightenment. Review of: New Medical Challenges during the Scottish Enlightenment Günter B. Risse. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2005. Pp. 392. ISBN 9042018143.. Social History of Medicine, 20 (1), pp. 171-172.


Blake S, Strindberg S, Boudjan P, Makombo C, Inogwabini B, Ilambu O, Grossmann F, Bene-Bene L, de Semboli B, Mbenzo V, S'hwa D, Bayogo R, Williamson EA, Fay M, Hart J & Maisels F (2007) Forest elephant crisis in the Congo Basin. PLoS Biology, 5 (4), p. e111.;

Book Review

Murdoch B (2007) The life of Adam and Eve in Greek: A critical edition. Review of: The Life of Adam and Eve in Greek: A Critical Edition. By Johannes Tromp. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2005. Pp. viii + 206. isbn 9 0041 4317 3.. Journal of Theological Studies, 58 (1), pp. 173-176.

Book Review

Squires C (2007) Aaron Jaffe. Modernism and the Culture of Celebrity. Review of: Aaron Jaffc. Modernism and the Culture of Celebrity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. xii, 248p. ill. ISBN 978-0-521-84301-0.. Sharp News, 16 (2), p. 7.

Book Chapter

Simpson I & Adderley WP (2007) Geoarchaeological investigations at Qassiarsuk (Brattahlið), Greenland. In: Edvardsson R (ed.) Archaeological excavations at Qassiarsuk 2005-2006 Field Report (Data Structure Report). Bolungarvík, Greenland: Náttúrustofa Vestfjarða, NABO, Grønlands Nationalmuseum & Arkiv, pp. 40-54.

Book Chapter

Hames S (2007) Don Paterson and Poetic Autonomy. In: Schoene B (ed.) The Edinburgh Companion to Contemporary Scottish Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 245-254.

Book Review

Bebbington DW (2007) Faith, duty, and the power of mind: The cloughs and their circle, 1820-1960. Review of: Faith, Duty, and the Power of Mind: The Cloughs and Their Circle, 1820–1960, Gillian Sutherland, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, 278 pp, ISBN 9780521326360. Journal of British Studies, 46 (2), pp. 470-471.

Book Review

Burt S (2007) Shopping tourism, retailing and leisure. Review of: Shopping Tourism, Retailing and Leisure. Timothy, D. Clevedon, Channel View, (2005) (222pp. pbk, ISBN: 1873150598).. Tourism Management, 28 (2), pp. 636-636.

Book Review

Stachura P (2007) The massacre in Jedwabne, July 10, 1941: Before, during, and after. Review of: The Massacre in Jedwabne, July 10, 1941: Before, During, and After. By Marek Jan Chodakiewicz. New York, Columbia University Press. 2005. vii + 277pp. ISBN-13: 978-0880335546. History, 92 (306), pp. 276-277.

Book Chapter

Gibson G & Neely S (2007) Scottish Television Drama and Parochial Representation. In: Schoene B (ed.) The Edinburgh Companion to Contemporary Scottish Literature. Edinburgh Companions to Scottish Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 106-114.

Book Review

Law R (2007) Diasporic Africa: A reader. Review of: Diasporic Africa: A Reader, Michael A. Gomez, New York, NYU Press, 2006, 326 pp. ISBN-13 978-0814731659. African Affairs, 106 (423), pp. 330-332.

Book Review

Shaw E (2007) Fightback! Labour's traditional right in the 1970s and 1980s. Review of: Fightback! Labour's Traditional Right in the 1970s and 1980s, D. Hayter. Manchester, MUP, 2005, 211 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0719072710. Parliamentary Affairs, 60 (2), pp. 363-369.

Book Review

Lee PC (2007) Review of Homosexual Behaviour in Animals: An Evolutionary Perspective. Review of: Sommer, Volker (Ed); Vasey, Paul L. (Ed). (2006). Homosexual Behaviour in Animals. An Evolutionary Perspective; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2006). Pp. ix+382. ISBN 978-0-521-86446-6. Animal Behaviour, 73 (4), pp. 735-736.


Gibson G, Timlin A, Curran S & Wattis J (2007) The impact of location on satisfaction with dementia services amongst people with dementia and their informal carers: a comparative evaluation of a community-based and a clinic-based memory service.. International Psychogeriatrics, 19 (2), pp. 267-277.