
Ageing in Wales: policy responses to an ageing population



Phillips J & Burholt V (2007) Ageing in Wales: policy responses to an ageing population. Contemporary Wales, 19 (1), pp. 180-197.

Wales is ageing at a greater rate than its counterparts in the UK. Nearly one in four people are over the age of sixty and one in eight are over seventy. The demographic shift over the last forty years, during which the numbers over eighty-five have increased fourfold, has meant that policy-makers have had to turn their attention to issues of ageing and place older people high on the policy agenda. The purpose of this article is twofold: first, we give a broad overview of the issues surrounding the experiences of ageing in Wales and second, we investigate the main social policy responses followed by the Welsh Assembly Government to an ageing population. In conclusion we consider what form a Welsh social policy of ageing in the twenty-first century may take to meet these issues.

Older people -- Services for -- Wales

Contemporary Wales: Volume 19, Issue 1

Publication date30/04/2007
PublisherUniversity of Wales Press
Publisher URL…0000001/art00012
Place of publicationNational Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru