University of Stirling

Outputs related to University of Stirling

Showing 31601 to 31700 of 32896

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Agustsson T, Schram JG, Migaud H, Taylor J, Davie A, Lysa PA, Taranger GL, Pickova J, Bjornsdottir R, Björnsson BT & Sigurgisladottir S The effects of photoperiod manipulations on maturation and growth in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.): use of cold cathode light technology in seacages. European Aquaculture Society Conference 2007, 10/2007, Istanbul, Turkey.

Research Report

McQuaid R, Lindsay C, Dutton M & McCracken M (2007) Best Practice in Inter-Agency Co-operation on Employability. Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland. Employment Research Institute.

Book Review

Fleming D (2007) Filmosophy. Review of:
Daniel Frampton, London: Wallflower Press, 2006. 254 pp. ISBN 1–904–76485–1/76484–3. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 43 (4), pp. 473-473.


Leaver M, Wright J, Hodgson P, Boukouvala E & George S (2007) Piscine UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1B. Aquatic Toxicology, 84 (3), pp. 356-365.;


Soto M, Reynish E, Nourhashemi F & Vellas B (2007) Aspects cliniques de la maladie d'Alzheimer [Clinical aspects of Alzheimer disease]. La Presse Médicale, 36 (10, Part 2), pp. 1491-1499.


Tabner I (2007) Presentation (Presentation) 2007 Property group at Aberdeen University Business School, 26th October 2007 - Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK, 26.10.2007-26.10.2007.

Conference Paper

Nuttall P & Tinson J (2007) Heard but not Seen: A Teenage Centric Approach to Music Consumption Research. Association for Consumer Research Annual North American Conference (ACR07): Memphis, USA, 25-28 October 2007, Memphis, USA, 25.10.2007-28.10.2007. Advances in Consumer Research, 35, pp. 401-408.

Conference Proceeding

Holmes B, Gardner J, Galanouli D & Leitch R (2007) Creating a Communally Constructed Digital Repository: Exploring issues in Accessibility and Sustainability of Online Research Databases. In: Bastiaens T & Carliner S (eds.) E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Oct 15, 2007 in Quebec City, Canada, volume 2007. World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Quebec City, Canada, 15.10.2007-15.10.2007. Chesapeake, VA: AACE, pp. 7444-7452.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Gray M, Donaldson JH, Page L, Henry S & Smith FC (2007) Interim evaluation-Physician's assistant (Anaesthesia). Physicians Assistants in NHS Scotland, Polmont, UK, 01.10.2007-03.10.2007.

Book Chapter

Cathcart A (2007) James V, King of Scotland - and Ireland?. In: The world of the galloglass. Kings, warlords and warriors in Ireland and Scotland, 1200-1600. Dublin: Four Courts Press, pp. 124-43.

Book Chapter

Cathcart A (2007) The Western Gaidhealtachd. In: Scotland: The Making and Unmaking of the Nation, c.1100-1707. The making and Unmaking of the Nation, volume 2. Dundee: Dundee University Press & Open University, pp. 90-106.

Conference Proceeding

Smith L, Austin J, Baker S, Borisyuk R, Eglen SJ, Feng J, Gurney K, Jackson T, Kaiser M, Overton P, Panzeri S, Quiroga RQ, Schultz SR, Sernagor E & Smith VA (2007) The CARMEN e-Science pilot project: Neuroinformatics work packages. In: Cox S (ed.) Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2007, 10-13 September, Nottingham UK. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2007, Nottingham, UK, 10.09.2007-13.09.2007. Edinburgh and Glasgow: University of Edinburgh/University of Glasgow, pp. 591-598.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Palacios Cerezales D (2007) Smoke cans. For a historical-political analysis of the adoption of non-lethal anti-riot techniques [Botes de humo. Por un análisis histórico-político de la adopción de técnicas antidisturbios no letales]. FES 2007: IX Congress of the Spanish Federation of Sociology, Workshop XI, Seguridad, conflicto y orden internacional, Barcelona, Spain, 13.09.2007-17.09.2007.

Book Review

Jovic D (2007) EU Enlargement and the Constitution of Central and Eastern Europe. Review of: EU Enlargement and the Constitutions of Central and Eastern Europe, Anneli Albi, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005, 290 pp. ISBN:9780521845410. European Foreign Affairs Review, 12 (3), pp. 421-422.

Book Review

Murphy D (2007) Globalization, knowledge, and the limits of (inter)disciplinarity. Review of: Beyond Dichotomies: Histories, Identities, Cultures, and the Challenge of Globalization, Elisabeth Mudimbe-Boyi (ed), Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2002, 344pp. ISBN 978-0791453841 Remembering Africa, Elisabeth Mudimbe-Boyi (ed), Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2002, 330pp. ISBN 978-0325070711. Research in African Literatures, 38 (3), pp. 183-188.

Conference Proceeding

Godley PM, Cowie J & Cairns D (2007) Novel Genetic Algorithm Crossover Approaches for Time-series Problems. In: Ridge E, Stutzle R, Birattari M & Hoos H (eds.) SLS-DS 2007: Doctoral Symposium on Engineering Stochastic Local Search Algorithms. IRIDIA - Technical Report Series, TR/IRIDIA/2007-014. SLS-DS 2007: Doctoral Symposium on Engineering Stochastic Local Search Algorithms, Brussels, Belgium, 06.09.2007-08.09.2007. Brussels, Belgium: IRIDIA, pp. 47-51.


Huntingford FA, Adams CE, Braithwaite VA, Kadri S, Pottinger TG, Sandoe P & Turnbull J (2007) The implications of a feelings-based approach to fish welfare: A reply to Arlinghaus et al. Commentary on: Arlinghaus, R.; Cooke, S. J.; Schwab, A.; Cowx, I. G., Fish welfare: a challenge to the feelings-based approach, with implications for recreational fishing, Fish and Fisheries 2007 Vol. 8 No. 1 pp. 57-71. Fish and Fisheries, 8 (3), pp. 277-280.


Roxburgh M (2007) Response. Commentary on: Parahoo K(2007) Commentary on Roxburgh (2006) An exploration of factors which constrain nurses from research participation. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Journal of Clinical Nursing 16, 1763–1764.. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16 (9), p. 1764.

Research Report

Bauld L, McNeill A, Hackshaw L & Murray R (2007) The effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions to reduce the rates of premature death in disadvantaged areas through proactive case finding, retention and access to services. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Book Chapter

McKay JM (2007) Defoe's The storm as a model for contemporary reporting. In: Keeble R & Wheeler S (eds.) The Journalistic Imagination: Literary Journalists from Defoe to Capote and Carter. Abingdon, Oxon: Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp. 15-28.

Conference Proceeding

Smith L, Shahid S, Vernier A & Mtetwa N (2007) Finding events in noisy signals. In: The IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference 13-14 September 2007. IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference, Derry, Northern Ireland, 13.09.2007-14.09.2007. Derry: IET, pp. 31-37.


Cornish F, Zittoun T & Gillespie A (2007) A cultural psychological reflection on collaborative research. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8 (3).

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Morrow S & Idle C (2007) All Change in Professional Cycling. The 15th Congress of the European Association for Sport Management: Workshop on Theoretical Approaches to Change in Professional Sport Organisations, Turin, Italy, 12.09.2007-15.09.2007.


Tabner I (2007) Presentation (Presentation) British Accounting Association (BAA) Scottish Area Group Annual Conference; 11th September 2007, Aberdeen, UK, Aberdeen, UK, 11.09.2007-11.09.2007.