Professor Jane Callaghan

Director Child Wellbeing & Protection

Social Work Colin Bell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Jane Callaghan

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About me

Professor Callaghan is the Director of the Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection. She is a psychologist and interdisciplinary researcher, with an established record of research in areas related to childhood, violence, family life, relationships, discrimination and exclusion, and mental health and identity. Two clear strands are in evidence in her research – research focused on violence, health, children’s mental health, social vulnerability and family life, and a related strand focused on gender, professional identities, and ethnicity.

At the Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection, she leads numerous projects, including the project Make A Change, evaluating the implementation of a programme to provide earlier intervention for people who use violence in their intimate relationships. She is also principal investigator on the NSPCC funded project " The experiences of victims in the criminal justice system: a qualitative research project", which explores the experiences of children giving evidence as victims in criminal justice proceedings. With Dr Louise McCabe, she is co-PI on the Life Changes Trust Evaluation, a five year project that uses creative and co-produced methods to explore the impact of the Life Changes Trust in providing services for children and young people who have experienced care, people with dementia, and people who care for those with dementia.

She has been principal investigator on the four nation European Commission funded project “Understanding Agency and Resistance Strategies – Children’s Experiences of Domestic Violence”, the largest qualitative study of children who live with domestic violence conducted to date. This project is currently extended through the Big Lottery Funded ‘She’ Programme, which provides whole system support for families seeking an end to domestic violence. Current and recent projects include supporting care leavers’ engagement with Higher Education, support needs for women and infants after domestic abuse, and programmes to reduce young children's risk in relation to abuse. In addition, she has completed projects focused on mental health services for looked after children and young offenders, the transformation of mental health services to increase young people’s participation in the interventions offered to them, creative interventions with young people excluded from education, and young care leavers’ engagement with higher education.She has published in a range of international journals, as well as numerous peer reviewed book chapters, and two books. She is editor of the Journal of Gender studies, and an editorial board member for the Journal of Family Violence.

Community Contribution

Expert Advisor, Department of Work and Pensions
Department of Work and Pensions, UK
Prof Callaghan was asked to provide expert advice to the DWP and Lord Freud on the needs of families who have experienced domestic abuse, and families who have experienced bereavement. In this role, she was able to secure six months unconditionality under universal credit for adult carers who had lost a spouse or partner, or who were fleeing domestic abuse.

Expert witness: Home Affairs Select Committee, session on the Domestic Abuse Bill (westminster)
Home Office…-evidence-17-19/
Professor Callaghan provided expert testimony on the experience of children to the Home Affairs Select Committee at Westminster, in 2019.

Expert witness: Scottish Government Evidence Session on the removal of the defence of reasonable chastisement
Scottish Government…february-28-2019
Professor Callaghan gave expert testimony on the removal of the defense of reasonable chastisement that is currently enables parents to use physical punishment with their children. She argued that continuities between physical punishment and other forms of family violence were clearly evidenced, as were the negative outcomes of physical punishment regardless of the motivation of the parent / carer.

Other Project

Early years consultant: Women's Aid Federation England

This project, commissioned by Women's Aid Federation England, focused on the development of a toolkit to enable domestic abuse support workers to provide sensitive support for women who are pregnant of have a child under 3. Domestic abuse has a significant impact on relationships between parents and babies, and this can have long term consequences for children's later development. The project involves interviews with women affected by domestic abuse, who are either pregnant of have young children, and with domestic abuse specialist workers, to inform the development of an approach to supporting women and children that is both woman and infant centred.

The She Project

The SHE provides an integrated support programme for families affected by domestic violence. We have been commissioned to evaluate the intervention as a whole, and to deliver an intervention for children and young people affected by domestic violence and abuse, and for families where there is a baby under 3 years old. Prof Callaghan is Principal Investigator. The project is funded by the Big Lottery Fund. 

Research (27)

Jane is particularly interested in the experiences of children who are affected by domestic abuse and by other forms of family violence. She is also interested in mental health and wellbeing, with a particular focus on CAMH services, looked after children, and children and young people who are marginalised and othered in a range of ways. Her work uses creative methodologies, other qualitative approaches, and mixed methods, to explore the experiences of children who might be regarded as 'vulnerable'.


Permanently Progressing? Phase Two: Middle Childhood
PI: Dr Helen Whincup
Funded by: The Nuffield Foundation and Donors (UK)

Developing the evidence base for social care responses to children / families affected by domestic abuse
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Governing parental opioid use: a relational ethnography
PI: Professor Anne Whittaker
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Evaluation of ‘Parents Involved in their Children’s Learning’ (PICL) project
PI: Dr Hannah Hale
Funded by: Midlothian Sure Start

Creating better lives? An Evaluation of the Life Changes Trust
PI: Professor Louise McCabe
Funded by: Life Changes Trust

Equalities, empowerment and the experience of care: An evaluation for the Life Changes Trust
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Life Changes Trust

Domestic Abuse Seminar Series
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Delegates - Conferences

Evaluation of Midlothian Sure Start and their Provision for Fathers
PI: Dr Hannah Hale
Funded by: Midlothian Sure Start

'Vulnerable' families in a time of pandemic
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Make a Change
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Lincolnshire Police & Crime Commissioner

Peer mentoring for young people leaving care
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Falkirk Council

Befriending Services for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in Scotland
PI: Dr Paul Rigby
Funded by: Scottish Government

Safe, Health and Empowered: a holistic programme of support for women and girls who are affected by domestic violence and abuse in Northamptonshire
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: University of Northampton

Open Kindergarten
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Scottish Government

The experiences of victims in the criminal justice system: a qualitative research project
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Mentoring for Children and Young People: an Evaluation
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Renfrewshire Council

Services for Children Experiencing Domestic Abuse
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Action for Children

Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection Conference
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Delegates - Conferences

IAPT project with Northampton
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: University of Northampton

Towards best practice in educating and supporting separated children in Scotland Research Tender Specification
PI: Dr Sian Lucas
Funded by: Scottish Refugee Council

Evaluation of the Safe Strong and Free Programme
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Safe Strong and Free

Scottish Government - Child Trafficking
PI: Dr Paul Rigby
Funded by: Scottish Government

Taking Action on Child Poverty
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Delegates - Conferences

HEFCE Safeguarding catalyst funding: Safe places project
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: University of Northampton

Early Years Resource Consultant
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Women’s Aid Federation of England

Nurturing Citizenship in the Early Years
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Glasgow Centre for Population Health

OK Open Kindergarten
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Scottish Government

Outputs (45)


Conference Paper (unpublished)

Bellussi L (2023) “But one of the best things is, I don’t feel so bound”: how a specialised youth work model can support children affected by domestic abuse.. Alexander J (Research Group), Plumpton J (Research Group) & Callaghan J (Research Group) ECDV Reykjavik 2023; Edinburgh Community Psychology Festival 2023., 01.04.2023.

Research Report

McCabe L, Ashworth R, Bellussi L, Blair N, Brown T, Callaghan J, Cheung M, Emond R, Gibson G, Goodwin K, Gray I, Hamilton T, Lamont M, Oliver H & Ormston R (2021) An independent evaluation of the Life Changes Trust. Final Report. Life Changes Trust. United Kingdom.

Research Report

Rigby P, Malloch M, Beetham T & Callaghan J (2020) Child Trafficking in Scotland. Scottish Government. Social Research. Edinburgh.

Research Report

Hale H, Callaghan J, Gada A & Bellussi L (2020) Open Kindergarten: Improving Family Support Provision in Scotland. Crisp S (Research Group) Children in Scotland. Stirling.;

Project Report

Beetham T & Callaghan J (2019) Safe Strong and Free Programme evaluation. Safe Strong and Free Highland.


Callaghan J (2018) Children's experiences of domestic abuse. Change for Children Conference, Women's Aid Northern Ireland, 07.02.2018-08.02.2018.

Book Chapter

Callaghan JE, Fellin LC & Alexander JH (2017) Children’s experiences of domestic violence: A teaching and training challenge. In: Newnes C & Golding L (eds.) Teaching Critical Psychology International Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 219-237.


Dann C & Callaghan JEM (2017) Embodiment and Excess: Constructions of tattooed mothers in the UK. Psychology of Women Section Review, 19 (1).

Book Chapter

Callaghan JEM, Fellin LC & Alexander JH (2016) Mental Health of Looked-After Children: Embodiment and Use of Space. In: Evans B, Horton J & Skelton T (eds.) Geographies of Children and Young People: Play, Recreation, Health and Well Being. Geographies of Children and Young People, 9. Singapore: Springer, pp. 561-580.

Book Chapter

Alexander JH, Callaghan JE, Sixsmith J & Fellin LC (2016) Children’s Corporeal Agency and Use of Space in Situations of Domestic Violence. In: Evans B, Horton J & Skelton T (eds.) Play and Recreation, Health and Wellbeing. Geographies of Children and Young People, 9. Singapore: Springer, pp. 523-543.;

Authored Book

Callaghan J & Lazard L (2011) Social Psychology. Critical Thinking in Psychology. London: SAGE Publications.


Jane teaches qualitative research methods.


Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy