Research Report

Peer mentoring for the transition from care. An Evaluation of a Pilot produced for Falkirk Local Authority.



Tanya B, Bellussi L & Callaghan J (2020) Peer mentoring for the transition from care. An Evaluation of a Pilot produced for Falkirk Local Authority.. Falkirk Council. Stirling.

Falkirk Council commissioned researchers at the Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection to undertake an evaluation of the peer mentoring project that they provide to young care leavers through the Leaving Care Team at the Council. It is known that the transition from care to independent living is a particularly difficult time for young care leavers (Harrison, 2017). Therefore, the peer mentoring project was developed as an innovative way to support young people during this transition.

peer mentoring; young people; care leavers; care experience

FundersFalkirk Council
Place of publicationStirling