Research Report

Make a Change: A report on a consultation on adapting Make a Change for older adults.



Callaghan J, Bellussi L & Alexander J (2020) Make a Change: A report on a consultation on adapting Make a Change for older adults.. Respect UK. Stirling.

The Make a Change (MAC) project was developed by Respect in consultation with Women’s Aid Federation England (WAFE). It is designed to fill a significant gap in current service provision for situations where people know that domestic abuse is taking place, but the behaviour or concerns do not meet the threshold for a statutory referral. Make a Change was piloted in Lincolnshire and East Sussex including Brighton & Hove, between 2018 and 2020. As part of the pilot evaluation, the research team was asked to conduct a brief consultation with organisations in East Sussex including Brighton & Hove, who support older adults in the community to explore the feasibility of adapting Make a Change for delivery to this population. We also completed a scoping review of literature on domestic abuse interventions for older adults to establish what is known about what works with this population.

domestic abuse; domestic violence; late life; older adults; perpetrator programme; intimate partner violence

Place of publicationStirling