Research Report

Make A Change: A report on a consultation with LGBTQ+ groups in Brighton and Hove on the development of an early response for LGBTQ+ people who behave abusively in intimate relationships.



Callaghan J & Bellussi L (2020) Make A Change: A report on a consultation with LGBTQ+ groups in Brighton and Hove on the development of an early response for LGBTQ+ people who behave abusively in intimate relationships.. Respect UK. Stirling.

This document reports on a consultation with LGBTQ+ groups in Brighton and Hove on the Make a Change (MAC) intervention, developed by Respect and Women’s Aid to provide an earlier response to domestic abuse than traditional domestic abuse perpetrator interventions enable. It is designed to address the needs of people concerned about their behaviour, before it escalates to the point where intervention is mandated by courts or by child protection orders. The MAC model has four components: a group-based intervention for people who are worried about their behaviour and/or have used abusive behaviours; integrated one-to-one support for partners/ex-partners; the ‘Recognise, Respond, Refer’ training to improve domestic abuse awareness of practitioners in public, voluntary and private sector organisations; and a community strand that aims to raise awareness of domestic abuse, to address the barriers faced by those seeking help, and to change the social context that enables it to go unchallenged. The intervention was based in East Sussex (including Brighton and Hove) and was supported by The Office of Police Commissioners, Police and Local Authorities in both areas. It was delivered by The Jenkins Centre and SoLDAS in Lincolnshire and by Cranstoun and Rise in East Sussex.

domestic abuse; domestic violence; intimate partner violence; LGBTQ; perpetrator programme

Place of publicationStirling