Project Report

The "Reducing the Impact of Sexual Exploitation" (RISE) Project: An Implementation evaluation



Callaghan J, Rigby P & Beetham T (2019) The "Reducing the Impact of Sexual Exploitation" (RISE) Project: An Implementation evaluation. Barnardo's Scotland. Stirling: University of Stirling.

This project reports on the implementation evaluation of a two year pilot "Reducing the Impact of Sexual Exploitation (RISE)", that ran in Aberdeen and Dundee. The project was designed to address the Scottish Government’s National Action Plan to Prevent and Tackle Child Sexual Exploitation (2014, 2016), through the deployment of CSE advisors. The overall aim of RISE is to identify, protect and support children and young people who are vulnerable or at risk of CSE, and those who have been identified as victims, and to prevent CSE by disrupting patterns of perpetration. The work of the CSE Advisors has three major strands: training and consultation; direct work with children and families; and improving intelligence sharing. Evaluation Aims: The aim of this research was to evaluate the implementation of RISE, and to identify early indications of potential impact. Four main research objectives underpin this principle aim: i)To examine the processes and structures which have been put in place to implement the project ii)To assess the effectiveness of these processes and structures across the two pilot sites iii)To provide an indication of the overall impact of the project – by gaining insights into the impact the project has on the intended outcomes of the pilot iv)To identify the key lessons learned in implementation of the project and identify potential challenges and opportunities for the future delivery and sustainability of the project Method The implementation evaluation takes a mixed method approach to examine the impact of the RISE project on the service landscape in the two pilot sites. Focus groups were conducted with 31 professionals from policing, social care, education, health and the voluntary sector in each site. Individual interviews were conducted with the CSE Advisors. In addition, the research team examined routinely collected service data, including anonymised and aggregated outcomes data for children and young people, and self-assessment questionnaires for participants on CSE training programmes. Qualitative data was analysed thematically (Braun and Clarke 2006) and quantitative data was analysed descriptively and using a repeated measures ANOVA. Data was then mapped against an implementation framework using a matrix based analysis, to explore service and implementation outcomes. Findings The CSE Advisor role was highly valued in both pilot sites, and was viewed as an effective way to support an improved and more appropriate response to children and young people who are at risk of or have experienced CSE. The introduction of the CSE Advisor role was seen as an effective way to improve professional responses to CSE, to provide targeted support for children, young people and carers, to enhance professional knowledge and skills. CSE Advisors have played a vital role in improving multiagency collaboration and information sharing, and multiagency and police partners indicated that the implementation of the CSE Advisor role has resulted in more trauma-aware practice, and trauma sensitive systems. Stakeholder professionals also indicated that there was evidence that the role had supported more effective disruption of perpetration.

child sexual exploitation; interventions

Publication date08/04/2019
Publication date online08/04/2019
Place of publicationStirling