Professor Tessa Parkes


Faculty of Social Sciences Colin Bell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Tessa Parkes

About me

Tessa holds a personal Chair in Substance Use and Inclusion Health. She is also Co-Director of the Salvation Army Centre for Addiction Services and Research at the University of Stirling where she leads a number of research and knowledge exchange projects focused on the reduction of harms and promotion of health and well-being for those impacted by social and health inequalities. She job shares this role with Dr Hannah Carver.

Tessa has experience in the statutory and non-statutory health, social care and housing/ homelessness sectors as a front-line support worker, team leader, and mental health nurse, and has provided consultancy and training to a wide variety of organisations focused on service improvement to better meet the needs of healthcare users with mental health issues including related to problem use of substances. She has a track record of creating positive impact on policy and practice through research. For 20 years her research activity has centred on enhancing the experience of people who use health/social care services, with a clear commitment to social justice, health equity and advocacy for poorly serviced groups including people who use alcohol and drugs.

She has participated in national committees related to drugs and alcohol and equalities, such as the Partnership for Action on Drugs in Scotland, the Drugs Death Taskforce and sub-groups on multiple and complex needs and criminal justice, the National Mission for Drugs Oversight Group (till 2024), and Research England’s Research Excellence Framework Equality and Diversity Panel (EDAP) for the full assessment period (2017-2023).

My research activities centre on drug and alcohol use, homelessness, harm reduction, social inequalities, the role of peers in transforming services for people who use substances. I am a mixed methods researcher experienced in intervention development and research that meanigfully involves people whose lives are effected by the issues being studied.