Professor William Webster

Personal Chair

Management, Work and Organisation University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor William Webster

About me

William Webster is Professor of Public Policy and Management at the Stirling Management School, University of Stirling. He is a Director of CRISP (the Centre for Research into Information Surveillance and Privacy), a research centre dedicated to the responsible use of new digital technologies and understanding the social impacts and consequences of technologically mediated surveillance. Professor Webster has research expertise in the policy processes, regulation and governance of CCTV, surveillance in everyday life, privacy and surveillance ethics, as well as public policy and service delivery relating to data protection, eGovernment, and electronic public services. He is currently co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal Information Polity, co-chair of the Scottish Privacy Forum and co-chair of the EGPA (European Group of Public Administration) Permanent Study Group on eGovernment, and between 2009 and 2014 he led the Living in Surveillance Societies (LiSS) COST Action. He is also involved in a number of international research projects, including the ESRC SmartGov (Smart Governance of Sustainable Cities) project and the European Commission funded Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies (IRISS) and ASSERT projects. Professor Webster has recently completed commissioned research for Police Scotland and the Scottish Government examining the use of Body-worn Video cameras in policing contexts and on the oversight mechanisms for emerging technologies in law enforcement. Professor Webster has been a member of the strategy group of the UK Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner and has recently joined the Advisory Board of the Scottish Biometrics Commissioner. At the University of Stirling, Professor Webster has held a number of leadership roles, including Head of the Division of Management, Work and Organization for five years (2014-9), and at other times the Divisional Research Coordinator, the Research Post-graduate Coordinator and Director of the Public Service Management MBA and Masters of Business and Management Research (MRes) Programmes.