
Editorial: The Value of Classic Works in our Field



Albert M & Webster W (2023) Editorial: The Value of Classic Works in our Field. Information Polity, 28 (3), pp. 315-316. https://doi.org/10.3233/ip-239010

First paragraph: As Editors-in-Chief of the journal Information Polity, we have been active in this field of study since the 1990s. We are both over 50 years old (just) and may not always understand all the details of current technological developments as well as younger scholars. At the same time, we sometimes feel that we are confronted with the same naïve, optimistic expectations about technology that we have heard many times before. We enjoy learning from publications about new technological developments, but in this editorial we would like to make a plea for strengthening the connections between current research and older classic studies. We believe that connecting latest insights to foundational theories is the key to strong academic work (see Meijer & Löfgren (2015) for a quick overview).

Public Administration; Sociology and Political Science; Communication; Information Systems

Information Polity: Volume 28, Issue 3

Publication date05/09/2023
Publication date online05/09/2023
Date accepted by journal05/08/2023
PublisherIOS Press