Editorial: Visualising research to reach a larger audience
Webster CW & Meijer A (2024) Editorial: Visualising research to reach a larger audience. Information Polity, 29 (3), pp. 257-259. https://doi.org/10.3233/ip-240009
Research Centre
Lecturer in Criminology, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology
Senior Lecturer, Law
Senior Lecturer, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology
Professor, Communications, Media and Culture
Personal Chair, Management, Work and Organisation
Editorial: Visualising research to reach a larger audience
Webster CW & Meijer A (2024) Editorial: Visualising research to reach a larger audience. Information Polity, 29 (3), pp. 257-259. https://doi.org/10.3233/ip-240009
The Power of Language and Discourse in eGovernment
Webster CW & Meijer A (2024) The Power of Language and Discourse in eGovernment. Fischer C (Editor) & Neumann O (Editor) Information Polity, 29 (2), pp. 119-121. https://doi.org/10.3233/ip-249008
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Webster CW & Fussey P (2024) The Future Governance of Surveillance Cameras in the UK: Findings from an Independent Review of Changes to the Functions of the Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner [BSCC] Arising from the Data Protection and Digital Information [DPDI] Bill. Surveillance in an Age of Crisis, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 28.05.2024-31.05.2024. https://surveillance-studies.net/conference/
The Evolving Surveillance Camera Governance Landscape
Webster CW (2024) The Evolving Surveillance Camera Governance Landscape. National Police Chief's Council Conference, Heathrow, London, 15.04.2024-17.04.2024.
The Governance of AI and Big Data: promises and pitfalls for Public policy and Services
Webster CW (2024) The Governance of AI and Big Data: promises and pitfalls for Public policy and Services. Trans European Dialogue (TED2024), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 07.03.2024-08.03.2024. https://ted2024.pravo.hr/
Team science – Ethics and transparency of author contributions
Webster CW & Meijer A (2024) Team science – Ethics and transparency of author contributions. Information Polity, 29 (1), pp. 1-3. https://doi.org/10.3233/ip-249004
Noto La Diega G (2023) ‘Internet aperto o eccessi proprietari? Brevi note a margine della recente giurisprudenza inglese e scozzese in tema di linking e comunicazione al pubblico. Diritto Mercato Tecnologia, 2023. https://www.dimt.it/la-rivista/internet-aperto-o-eccessi-proprietari-brevi-note-a-margine-della-recente-giurisprudenza-inglese-e-scozzese-in-tema-di-linking-e-comunicazione-al-pubblico/
Policy Review: The Evolving Governance of Surveillance Cameras in the UK
Fussey P & Webster CWR (2023) Policy Review: The Evolving Governance of Surveillance Cameras in the UK. Information Polity, 28 (4), pp. 559-567. https://doi.org/10.3233/ip-239012
Editorial: Improving Diversity in our Journal
Meijer A & Webster W (2023) Editorial: Improving Diversity in our Journal. Information Polity, 28 (4), pp. 451-452. https://doi.org/10.3233/ip-239013
Data Protection and Digital Information Bill: Addressing Risks to Surveillance Oversight
Webster CW & Fussey P (2023) Data Protection and Digital Information Bill: Addressing Risks to Surveillance Oversight. Parliamentary Briefing CRISP.
Presentation / Talk
The Implications of the Proposed Abolition of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner
Webster W & Fussey P (2023) The Implications of the Proposed Abolition of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner. FutureScot. FUTURESCOT Digital Justice and Policing Conference, Glasgow, 07.11.2023-07.11.2023. https://futurescot.com/futurescot-events/digital-justice-policing-2024/
Policy Document
Webster W & Fussey P (2023) Independent report on changes to the functions of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner arising from the Data protection and Digital Innovation Bill. Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner/Home Office. Home Office, London. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/653f7128e6c968000daa9cae/Changes_to_the_functions_of_the_BSCC.pdf
Project Report
Critically Envisioning Biometric Artificial Intelligence In Law Enforcement
Urquhart L, Miranda D, Connon I & Laffer A (2023) Critically Envisioning Biometric Artificial Intelligence In Law Enforcement. EPSRC TAS Hub.
Editorial: The Value of Classic Works in our Field
Albert M & Webster W (2023) Editorial: The Value of Classic Works in our Field. Information Polity, 28 (3), pp. 315-316. https://doi.org/10.3233/ip-239010
Conference Paper (unpublished)
When Technologies Collide: Evolving Governance Mechanisms for Surveillance Cameras in the UK
Webster W & Fussey P (2023) When Technologies Collide: Evolving Governance Mechanisms for Surveillance Cameras in the UK. Permanent Study Group 1: eGovernance. European Group of Public Administration (EGPA), Zagreb, Croatia, 05.09.2023-08.09.2023. https://iias-iisa.org/egpa-2023-conference/
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Contextualising the Processes of Technological Innovation in Public Services: The Case of Indonesia
Webster W, Setiawan H & Murad N (2023) Contextualising the Processes of Technological Innovation in Public Services: The Case of Indonesia. Permanent Study Group 1: eGovernance. European Group of Public Administration (EGPA), Zagreb, Croatia, 05.09.2023-08.09.2023. https://iias-iisa.org/egpa-2023-conference/
Book Chapter
Noto La Diega G (2023) Idea. In: Torremans P, Stamatoudi I, Yu PK & Jutte BJ (eds.) Edward Elgar Encyclopaedia of Intellectual Property Law.
Two Editorials: An Editorial by the Editors-in-Chief and an Editorial by ChatGPT
Meijer A & Webster W (2023) Two Editorials: An Editorial by the Editors-in-Chief and an Editorial by ChatGPT. Information Polity, 28 (2), pp. 159-162. https://doi.org/10.3233/ip-239009
Presentation / Talk
Webster W & Fussey P (2023) The Future Governance of Surveillance Cameras: A Gap Analysis Reflecting on Provisions in the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill. ICDDF 2023 (Digital Video Experts Group & National Police Chief's Council CCTV Conference), Heathrow, 17.04.2023-19.04.2023.
Book Chapter
Noto La Diega G, Cifrodelli G & Dermawan A (2023) Sustainable Patent Governance of Artificial Intelligence: Recalibrating the European Patent System to Foster Innovation (SDG 9). In: Amani B, Ncube C & Rimmer M (eds.) Elgar Companion on Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development Goals. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Electronic performance monitoring and the future of fair work
PI: Dr Tom Montgomery
Funded by: The Royal Society of Edinburgh
From Smart Technologies to Smart Consumer Law: Comparative Perspectives from Germany and the United Kingdom
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council
Evidence Review into Public Experience and Confidence of Body Worn Video in a Policing Context
PI: Professor William Webster
Funded by: Scottish Institute for Policing Research
Emerging Technologies in Policing
PI: Dr Niall Hamilton-Smith
Funded by: Scottish Institute for Policing Research