All Outputs

Showing 23301 to 23400 of 35842

Conference Proceeding

Cambria E, Hussain A, Havasi C & Eckl C (2009) AffectiveSpace: Blending Common Sense and Affective Knowledge to Perform Emotive Reasoning. In: Troyano J, Cruz F & Diaz V V (eds.) WOMSA09: 1st Workshop on Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis. WOMSA'09: 1st Workshop on Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis, Seville, Spain, 13.11.2009-13.11.2009. unknown: Wikibooks, pp. 32-41.

Book Chapter

O'Hare A, Kusmartsev FV & Kugel KI (2009) 2D Ising Model with Competing Interactions and Its Application to Clusters and Arrays of Pi-Rings, Graphene and Adiabatic Quantum Computing. In: Kusmartsev F (ed.) Condensed Matter Theories, Volume 24: Proceedings of the 32nd International Workshop, Loughborough, United Kingdom, 13-18 August 2008. Condensed Matter Theories, 24. World Scientific, pp. 15-31.

Technical Report

Ruiz-Benito P, Alvarez-Uria P & Zavala MA (2009) 9540 Pinares mediterráneos de pinos mesogeanos endémicos. In: Bases ecológicas preliminares para la conservación de los tipos de hábitat de interés comunitario en España. Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs. Dirección General del Medio Natural y Política Forestal, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Medio Rural y Marino.

Book Chapter

Watson C (2009) Mythical spaces and social imaginaries: looking for the global in the local in narratives of (inter)professional identification. In: Forbes J & Watson C (eds.) Service integration in schools: Research and policy discourses, practices and future prospects. Rotterdam: Sense, pp. 157-166.

Book Chapter

Shucksmith J, Spratt J, Philip K & Watson C (2009) Learning how to collaborate? Promoting young people’s health through professional partnership in schools. In: Forbes J & Watson C (eds.) Service integration in schools: Resaerch and policy discourses, practices and future prospects. Rotterdam: Sense, pp. 5-22.


Andersson P, Garnier-Laplace J, Beresford NA, Copplestone D, Howard BJ, Howe P, Oughton D & Whitehouse P (2009) Protection of the environment from ionising radiation in a regulatory context (protect): proposed numerical benchmark values. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 100 (12), pp. 1100-1108.

Technical Report

Schut P, Geng X, Caron R, Townend P, Turner A, Ismail M, Li H, You J, Swan J, Low B, Muro-Medrano PR, Bejar-Hernandez R, Lopez-Pellicer J, Gayan D, Higgins C & Koutroumpas M (2009) Geographic Linkage Service (GLS) Specification. Geospatial Consortium, Inc.

Conference Proceeding

Leibovici DG, Swan J, Anand S & Jackson M (2009) A Spatial Structuration Heuristic for Integrated Automated Map Generalisation with Attribute and Geometry. In: Fairbairn D (ed.) Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 17th Annual Conference: 1-3 April 2009, Durham UK. GISRUK 2009 17th Annual Conference, Durham, UK, 01.04.2009-03.04.2009. Durham: University of Durham.

Conference Proceeding

Anand S, Swan J, Hobona G & Jackson M (2009) Automated Tools for Discovery and Invocation of Water Network Schematization Service. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC) 2009. 8th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Concepcion, Chile, 12.01.2009-16.01.2009. Curran Associates, Inc.

Conference Proceeding

Moore A, Goulding J, Brown E & Swan J (2009) Answertree: a hyperplace-based game for collaborative mobile learning. In: Proceedings of the mLearn 2009 Conference, 26-30 Oct 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA. 8th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2009), Orlando, FL, USA, 26.10.2009-30.10.2009. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, pp. 199-202.

Conference Proceeding

Hobona G, Jackson M, Gould M, Higgins C, Brauner J, Matheus A, Foerster T, Nash E, Lemmens R, Abele S, Swan J, Anand S, Strobel S, Bishr M, Korduan P & James P (2009) Establishing a persistent interoperability test-bed for European geospatial research. In: 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science 2009. 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science 2009, Hannover, Germany, 02.06.2009-05.06.2009. AGILE.

Conference Proceeding

Hewer P & Brownlie D (2009) Culinary culture, gastrobrands and identity myths: 'Nigella', an iconic brand in the baking. In: McGill A & Shavitt S (eds.) Advances in Consumer Research, North America, Vol. 36. Advances in Consumer Research, 36. Association of Consumer Research (ACR) North American Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, 23.10.2008-23.10.2008. Association for Consumer Research, pp. 482-487.

Conference Proceeding

Chamanara A, Oraee K & Mitchell DRG (2009) Unique Push Back Exercises, Practiced at Iron Ore Company of Canada to Optimize Humphrey Pit Designs. In: Singhal R, Mehrotra A, Fytas K & Ge H (eds.) 18th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2009), Volume 1 of 2. 18th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2009), Banff, Alberta, CAnada, 16.11.2009-19.11.2009. Calgary, Canada: Reading Matrix Inc, pp. 216-226.

Book Chapter

Michael MK (2009) Doors to Knowhow: Art-Based Research Practice in Pedagogical Inquiry. In: Blenkinsop S (ed.) The Imagination in Education: Extending the Boundaries in Theory and Practice. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 112-128.

Book Chapter

Donaldson J (2009) Maintaining a safe environment. In: Docherty C & McCallum J (eds.) Foundation Clinical Nursing Skills. Clinical Nursing Skills Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 113-162.

Book Chapter

Ietswaart M & Milner AD (2009) Apraxia. In: Bayne T, Cleeremans A & Wilken P (eds.) The Oxford Companion to Consciousness. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 57-58.

Book Chapter

Telfer T, Atkin H & Corner R (2009) Review of environmental impact assessment and monitoring in aquaculture in Europe and North America. In: Aquaculture Management and Conservation Service, Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Division & FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department (eds.) Environmental impact assessment and monitoring in aquaculture: Requirements, practices, effectiveness and improvements. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper, 527. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, pp. 385-394.

Book Chapter

Olmos Giupponi MB (2009) El Tribunal de Mercosur [The tribunal of Mercosur]. In: Fernandez LC (ed.) Tribunales Internacionales y Espacio Iberoamericano. Madrid, Spain: Civitas.

Authored Book

Olmos Giupponi MB & Ulate Chacon E (2009) El Sistema de Integración Centroamericano [The Central American System of Integration]. Cuadernos Iberoamericanos de Integración, 9. Madrid: Plaza & Valdés.

Book Chapter

Olmos Giupponi MB (2009) Los derechos de los extranjeros en situación irregular: reflexiones a la luz de la práctica del Sistema Interamericano de Promoción y Protección de los Derechos Humanos. In: Escobar HC & Pastor PA (eds.) Los derechos humanos en la sociedad internacional del siglo XXI, Vol 1. Los derechos humanos en la sociedad internacional del siglo XXI, 1. Madrid, Spain: BOE, pp. 227-248.

Book Chapter

Olmos Giupponi MB (2009) Protección del patrimonio cultural en América Latina: la protección del conjunto jesuítico en Argentina y en el Mercosur [Protection of cultural heritage in Latin America]. In: Vacas FF, Zapatero MP, Fernández LC & Prieto dPJ (eds.) La protección jurídico internacional del patrimonio cultural: especial referencia a España. Madrid, Spain: Codex, pp. 401-412.

Book Chapter

Telfer P, Maisels F, Mabiala N, Ampolo A, Tsoumou A, Inkamba-Nkulu C, Nse Esseng S & Bout N (2009) Leconi-Bateke-Lefini Landscape. In: de Wasseige C, Devers D D, de Marcken P, Eba'a AR, Nasi R & Mayaux P (eds.) The Forests of the Congo Basin - State of the Forest 2008. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, pp. 295-304.

Book Chapter

Lucas G, Roberts HM, Edvardsson R, Aldred O, McGovern TH, Vésteinsson O, Sigurgeirsson MA, Chepstow-Lusty A, Simpson I, Gudmundsson G, Lockheart MJ, Obuseng V, Bull ID & Evershed RP (2009) The structural sequence. In: Lucas G (ed.) Hofstaðir: Excavations of a Viking Age feasting hall in North-eastern Iceland. Institute of Archaeology Monograph Series, 1. Reykjavik: The Institute of Archaeology, pp. 55-167.

Conference Paper

Semple S, Apsley A, Moir G, Henderson G & Ayres J (2009) The UCB particle monitor: A tool for logging frequency of smoking and the intensity of second-hand smoke concentrations in the home. Inhaled Particles X, Manchester. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 151 (1), Art. No.: 012038.

Book Chapter

Semple S (2009) Dermal exposure assessment. In: Nieuwenhuijsen M (ed.) Exposure Assessment in Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Book Chapter

Little T & Gray C (2009) Contract. In: McFadzean D (ed.) Introduction to Law and Legal Obligations. Second ed. University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN: Dundee University Press, p. 91.

Edited Book

Cheung R & Fleming D (eds.) (2009) Cinema, Identities and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Dickson K, Marshall M, Boyle J, McCartney E, O'Hare AE & Forbes JF (2009) Cost analysis of direct versus indirect and individual versus group modes of manual-based speech-and-language therapy for primary school-age children with primary language impairment. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 44 (3), pp. 369-381.

Authored Book

Ray M, Bernard M & Phillips J (2009) Critical issues in social work with older people. Reshaping Social Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book Chapter

Viana V (2009) Verbos modais na escrita de universitários de língua inglesa: Uma perspectiva de corpus [Modal verbs in the writing of English undergraduates: A corpus perspective]. In: Zyngier S, Viana V & Jandre J (eds.) Linguagem, criatividade e ensino: abordagens empíricas e interdisciplinares [Language, creativity & teaching: empirical and interdisciplinary approaches]. Rio de Janeiro: Publit, pp. 49-77.

Book Chapter

Chesnokova A, Zyngier S, Viana V, Jandre J & Nero S (2009) Universal poe(try)? Reacting to “Annabel Lee” in English, Portuguese and Ukrainian. In: Zyngier S, Viana V & Jandre J (eds.) Linguagem, criatividade e ensino: abordagens empíricas e interdisciplinares [Language, creativity & teaching: empirical and interdisciplinary approaches]. Rio de Janeiro: Publit, pp. 191-209.

Book Chapter

Viana V, Chesnokova A, Zyngier S & van Peer W (2009) Budding researchers in the Humanities: An intercultural online project. In: Gearhart D (ed.) Cases on distance delivery and learning outcomes: Emerging trends and programs. Hershey, PA, USA: Information Science Reference, pp. 231-244.;


Tyler A, Hunter P, Carvalho L, Codd G, Elliott JA, Ferguson CA, Hanley N, Hopkins D, Maberly SC, Mearns KJ & Scott EM (2009) Strategies for monitoring and managing mass populations of toxic cyanobacteria in recreational waters: a multi-interdisciplinary approach. Environmental Health, 8 (Suppl 1), p. S11.;

Book Chapter

Biesta GJJ (2009) How to use pragmatism pragmatically: Suggestions for the 21st century. In: Rud A, Garrison J & Stone L (eds.) John Dewey at One Hundred-Fifty: Reflections for a New Century. West Lafayette IN: Purdue University Press, pp. 30-39.


Bacles C, Brooks J, Lee DJ, Schenk PM, Lowe AJ & Kremer A (2009) Reproductive biology of Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata and effective pollination across its native range in Queensland, Australia. Southern Forests: A Journal of Forest Science, 71 (2), pp. 125-132.;

Book Chapter

Haggis T (2009) Student Learning Research: A Broader View. In: Tight M, Mok K, Huisman J & Morphew C (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Higher Education. Routledge International Handbooks of Education. London: Routledge, pp. 23-36.

Authored Book

Ivanic R, Edwards R, Barton D, Martin-Jones M, Fowler Z, Hughes B, Mannion G, Miller K, Satchwell C & Smith J (2009) Improving Learning in College: Rethinking Literacies Across the Curriculum. Improving Learning. London: Routledge.

Edited Book

Field J, Gallacher J & Ingram R (eds.) (2009) Researching Transitions in Lifelong Learning. London: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Field J, Ingram R & Gallacher J (2009) Conclusion - researching transitions: trends and future prospects. In: Field J, Ingram R & Gallacher J (eds.) Researching Transitions in Lifelong Learning. London: Routledge, pp. 225-227.

Book Chapter

Field J (2009) Lifelong Learning and community. In: Jarvis P (ed.) The Routledge International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Routledge International Handbooks of Education. London: Routledge, pp. 153-162.

Book Chapter

Biesta GJJ (2009) Education between accountability and responsibility. In: Simons M, Olssen M & Peters M (eds.) Re-Reading Education Policies: A Handbook Studying the Policy Agenda of the 21st Century. Educational Futures: Rethinking Theory and Practice, Volume 32. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 650-666.

Book Chapter

Biesta GJJ (2009) Education after the death of the subject: Levinas and the pedagogy of interruption. In: Leonardo Z (ed.) Handbook Of Cultural Politics And Education. Contexts in Education, Volume 4. Rotterdam: Sense Publichers, pp. 289-302.

Book Chapter

Biesta GJJ (2009) What is at stake in a pedagogy of interruption?. In: Grinberg J, Lewis T & Laverty M (eds.) Philosophy of Education: Modern and Contemporary Ideas at Play. 2nd ed. Dubuque, IA: KendallHunt, pp. 788-806.

Authored Book

Biesta GJJ (2009) Læring retur: demokratisk dannelse for en menneskelig fremtid [Learning Returns: Democratic education for a human future]. Pædagogisk filosofi/Unge Pædagogers serie. Copenhagen: Unge Pædagogers.

Book Chapter

Biesta GJJ (2009) Pragmatism's contribution to understanding learning-in-context. In: Edwards R, Biesta G & Thorpe M (eds.) Rethinking Contexts for Learning and Teaching: Communities, Activities and Networks. London/New York: Routledge, pp. 61-73.

Research Report

Satsangi M & Crawford J (2009) Investigation of Occupancy Controls in Rural Housing. Scottish Government - Governance & Communities - Housing & Regneration, Culture and Commonwealth Games. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

Book Chapter

Graham B & Cutsuridis V (2009) Dynamical Information Processing in the CA1 Microcircuit of the Hippocampus. In: Heinke D & Mavritsaki E (eds.) Computational Modelling in Behavioural Neuroscience: Closing the Gap Between Neurophysiology and Behaviour. Advances in Behavioural Brain Science. Hove: Taylor and Francis (Psychology Press), pp. 1-20.

Book Chapter

Kolberg M (2009) Employing Multicast in P2P Overlay Networks. In: Shen X, Yu H, Buford J & Akon M (eds.) Handbook of Peer-to-Peer Networking. New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London: Springer, pp. 861-874.

Book Chapter

Kotzab H, Teller C & Girz HR (2009) The GSI Databar and Its Future Application - Results from a Delphi Study. In: Schnedlitz P, Morschett D, Rudolph T, Schramm-Klein H & Swoboda B (eds.) European Retail Research. European Retail Research, Volume 23, Issue II. Wiesbaden: Springer (Gabler Verlag), pp. 77-88.

Book Chapter

Gittenberger E & Teller C (2009) Betriebstypenspezifisches Kaufverhalten von älteren Konsumentlnnen [Store Format Specific Shopping Behaviour of Elderly Consumers]. In: Hanappi-Egger E & Schnedlitz P (eds.) Ageing Society. Altern in der Stadt: Aktuelle Trends und ihre Bedeutung für die strategische Stadtentwicklung. Vienna, Austria: Facultas, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, pp. 346-394.

Book Review

Jovic D (2009) Development on the Periphery: Democratic Transitions in Southern and Eastern Europe. Review of:
Howard J. Wiarda, Boulder, CO, New York, Toronto, London and Oxford, Rowman & Littlefield, 2006, 256 pp. ISBN 0742530337. Slavonic and East European Review, 87 (1), pp. 171-173.