All Outputs

Showing 23501 to 23600 of 35842

Book Chapter

Sutherland EE (2009) The Child in Conflict with the Law. In: Cleland A & Sutherland E (eds.) Children’s Rights in Scotland. 3rd ed. Edinburgh: W. Green, pp. 296-319.

Book Chapter

Sutherland EE (2009) Care of the Child Within the Family. In: Cleland A & Sutherland E (eds.) Children’s Rights in Scotland. 3rd ed. Edinburgh: W. Green, pp. 86-105.

Book Chapter

Sutherland EE & Grant J (2009) International Standards and Scots Law. In: Cleland A & Sutherland E (eds.) Children’s Rights in Scotland. 3rd ed. Edinburgh: W. Green, pp. 40-61.

Book Chapter

Sutherland EE & Cleland A (2009) Children's Rights in Scotland: Where Are We Now?. In: Cleland A & Sutherland E (eds.) Children's Rights in Scotland. 3rd ed. Edinburgh: W. Green, pp. 1-22.


Fayed M & Mouftah HT (2009) On the Relevance of Alpha-hulls to the Boundary Detection Problem in Sensor Networks. Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 34 (3), pp. 95-98.;

Book Chapter

Oram R (2009) The Medieval Bishops of Whithorn, Their Cathedral and Their Tombs. In: Lowe C (ed.) "Clothing for the Soul Divine": Burials at the Tomb of St Ninian: Excavations at Whithorn Priory, 1957-67. Historic Scotland Archaeology Report, 3. Edinburgh: Historic Scotland, pp. 131-166.

Authored Book

Oram R, Martin PF, McKean C, Cathcart A & Neighbour T (2009) Historic Tain: Archaeology and Development. Scottish Burgh Survey. York: Council of British Archaeology.

Book Chapter

O'Hare A, Kusmartsev FV & Kugel KI (2009) 2D Ising Model with Competing Interactions and Its Application to Clusters and Arrays of Pi-Rings, Graphene and Adiabatic Quantum Computing. In: Kusmartsev F (ed.) Condensed Matter Theories, Volume 24: Proceedings of the 32nd International Workshop, Loughborough, United Kingdom, 13-18 August 2008. Condensed Matter Theories, 24. World Scientific, pp. 15-31.

Book Chapter

Alotaibi YA & Hussain A (2009) Speech recognition system and formant based analysis of spoken Arabic vowels. In: Lee Y, Kim t, Fang W & Slezak D (eds.) Future Generation Information Technology: First International Conference, FGIT 2009, Jeju Island, Korea, December 10-12,2009. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5899. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 50-60.

Research Report

Field J (2009) Well-being and happiness. National Institute for Adult Continuing Education (England and Wales) Inquiry into the Future for Lifelong Learning Thematic Papers, 4. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education.

Technical Report

Ruiz-Benito P, Alvarez-Uria P & Zavala MA (2009) 9540 Pinares mediterráneos de pinos mesogeanos endémicos. In: Bases ecológicas preliminares para la conservación de los tipos de hábitat de interés comunitario en España. Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs. Dirección General del Medio Natural y Política Forestal, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Medio Rural y Marino.

Book Chapter

Swanson DM (2009) Where have all the fishes gone?: Living Ubuntu as an ethics of research and pedagogical engagement. In: Caracciolo D & Mungai A (eds.) In the Spirit of Ubuntu: Stories of Teaching and Research. Transgressions: Cultural Studies and Education, 48. Rotterdam: Sense, pp. 3-21.

Book Chapter

Quilliam R, Hodge A & Jones DL (2009) Spatial and temporal dynamics of the extraradical phase of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. In: Andrews M & Andrews M (eds.) Positive plant microbial interactions in relation to plant performance and ecosystem. Aspects of Applied Biology. Wellesbourne: Association of Applied Biologists.

Book Chapter

Paterson B & Bradley P (2009) Restraint related deaths: Lessons for policy and practice from tragedy?. In: Allen D (ed.) Ethical approaches to physical interventions Vol II: changing the agenda. Birmingham: British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD), pp. 127-142.

Book Chapter

Chaudier S & Sauzon V (2009) L'anti-lyrisme et ses enjeux dans l'œuvre de Kundera. In: Boyer-Weinmann M & Thirouin M (eds.) Désaccords parfaits: la réception paradoxale de l’œuvre de Milan Kundera. Grenoble: Éditions littéraires et linguistiques de l'université de Grenoble, pp. 247-264.

Edited Book

Jones RL & Ward R (eds.) (2009) LGBT issues: looking beyond categories. Policy and Practice in Health and Social Care. Edinburgh: Dunedin Press.

Book Chapter

Squires C (2009) Intertextuality. In: Montgomery H & Watson N (eds.) Children's Literature: Classic Texts and Contemporary Trends. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 276-285.

Book Chapter

Squires C (2009) Marketing at the Millennium. In: Maybin J & Watson N (eds.) Children's Literature: Approaches and Territories. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 183-198.

Research Report

Paterson B, Ryan D & McComish A (2009) Protecting staff from third party workplace violence. Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives (SCHWL); Scottish Government. Healthy Working Lives / Scottish Government, UK.

Edited Book

Carpentier N, Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt P, Kilborn R, Olsson T, Nieminen H, Sundin E & Nordenstreng K (eds.) (2009) Communicative approaches to politics and ethics in Europe. Researching and Teaching Communication Book Series, 5. Tartu, Estonia: Tartu University Press.

Book Chapter

Khan O, Christopher M & Burnes B (2009) The role of product design in global supply chain risk management. In: Zsidisin G & Ritchie B (eds.) Supply Chain Risk: A Handbook of Assessment, Management, and Performance. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 124. New York: Springer, pp. 137-153.

Book Chapter

Boaden RJ & Burnes B (2009) Health care safety and organisational change. In: Hurwitz B & Sheikh A (eds.) Health Care Errors and Patient Safety. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 56-74.

Book Chapter

Edwards R (2009) Re-writing education policy: scribbling in the margins of lifelong learning. In: Simons M, Olssen M & Peters M (eds.) Re-reading Education Policies: A Handbook Studying the Policy Agenda of the 21st Century. Educational Futures: Rethinking Theory and Practice, 32. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, pp. 418-432.

Book Chapter

Li S (2009) A survey of pragmatic information in bilingual English-Chinese learners' dictionaries. In: Ooi V, Pakir A, Talib I & Tan P (eds.) Perspectives in Lexicography: Asia and beyond. Papers on Lexicography and Dictionaries, 1. Tel Aviv, Isreal: K Dictionaries Ltd, pp. 25-38.

Conference Proceeding

Woodward J & Bai R (2009) Canonical representation genetic programming. In: 2009 World Summit on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, 2009 GEC Summit - Proceedings of the 1st ACM/SIGEVO Summit on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, GEC'09. GEC '09 - ACM/SIGEVO Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Summit, Shanghai, China, 12.06.2009-14.06.2009. New York: ACM, pp. 585-592.;

Conference Proceeding

Woodward J & Bai R (2009) Why evolution is not a good paradigm for program induction: A critique of genetic programming. In: 2009 World Summit on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, 2009 GEC Summit - Proceedings of the 1st ACM/SIGEVO Summit on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, GEC'09. GEC '09 First ACM/SIGEVO Summit on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, Shanghai, China, 12.06.2009-14.06.2009. New York: ACM, pp. 593-600.;

Conference Proceeding

Woodward J (2009) Computable and incomputable functions and search algorithms. In: Proceedings - 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, ICIS 2009, volume 1. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, 2009. ICIS 2009, Shanghai, 20.11.2009-22.11.2009. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, pp. 871-875.

Conference Proceeding

Brownlee A, McCall J, Shakya S & Zhang Q (2009) Structure learning and optimisation in a markov-network based estimation of distribution algorithm. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2009. CEC '09. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2009, Trondheim, Norway, 18.05.2009-21.05.2009. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, pp. 447-454.;

Book Review

Dedenbach-Salazar S (2009) Pedro de la Mata. Arte de la lengua cholona (1748). Review of: Pedro de la Mata. Arte de la lengua cholona (1748). Astrid Alexander-Bakkerus (ed.), Volume 1 of Linguistica misionera, Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2007, 257 pp. ISBN 9788484892977. Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana, 7 (1), pp. 281-284.

Book Chapter

Brownlee A, McCall J, Shakya SK & Zhang Q (2009) Structure Learning and Optimisation in a Markov Network Based Estimation of Distribution Algorithm. In: Chen Y (ed.) Exploitation of Linkage Learning in Evolutionary Algorithms. Evolutionary Learning and Optimization, 3. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 45-69.;

Conference Proceeding

Shakya SK, Brownlee A, McCall J, Fournier FA & Owusu G (2009) A fully multivariate DEUM algorithm. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2009. CEC '09. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2009. CEC '09, Trondheim, 18.05.2009-21.05.2009. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, pp. 479-486.;

Conference Paper

Semple S, Apsley A, Moir G, Henderson G & Ayres J (2009) The UCB particle monitor: A tool for logging frequency of smoking and the intensity of second-hand smoke concentrations in the home. Inhaled Particles X, Manchester. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 151 (1), Art. No.: 012038.

Book Chapter

Semple S (2009) Dermal exposure assessment. In: Nieuwenhuijsen M (ed.) Exposure Assessment in Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Book Chapter

Little T & Gray C (2009) Contract. In: McFadzean D (ed.) Introduction to Law and Legal Obligations. Second ed. University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN: Dundee University Press, p. 91.

Book Chapter

Savaresi A (2009) The Human Rights Implications of Access to Genetic Resources and the Equitable Sharing of the Benefits Arising from their Utilization. In: Young T (ed.) Covering ABS : Papers and Studies Addressing the Need for Sectoral, Geographical, Legal and International Integration in the ABS Regime. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, pp. 61-74.

Book Chapter

Savaresi A (2009) A Rights-based Approach to Forest Conservation. In: Greiber T, Janki M, Orellana M, Savaresi A & Shelton D (eds.) Conservation with Justice: A Rights-based Approach. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, pp. 63-86.

Book Chapter

Savaresi A & Morgera E (2009) Ownership of Land, Forest and Carbon. In: Costenbader J (ed.) Legal Frameworks for REDD. IUCN Environmental Law and Policy Paper. IUCN, pp. 15-34.

Book Chapter

Stead M & Gordon R (2009) Providing evidence for social marketing's effectiveness. In: French J, Blair-Stevens C, McVey D & Merritt R (eds.) Social Marketing and Public Health: Theory and Practice. First ed. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, p. 81–96.

Book Review

Jahansoozi J (2009) Reconfiguring Public Relations: Ecology, equity and enterprise. Review of: Reconfiguring Public Relations: Ecology, equity, and enterprise, by David McKie and Debashish Munshi, London: Routledge, 2007, 200pp. ISBN 978-0-415-39408-6. Journal of Communication Management, 13 (4), pp. 378-381.

Book Chapter

Kunnas J & Myllyntaus T (2009) Are There Policy Tunnels for China to Follow?. In: Harris P (ed.) China and Global Climate Change: Proceedings of the conference held at Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 18-19 June 2009. First ed. Hong Kong: Lingnan University, Hong Kong, pp. 401-412.

Book Chapter

Kunnas J & Myllyntaus T (2009) Anxiety and technological change - Explaining the decline of sulphur dioxide emissions in Finland since 1950. In: Bleischwitz R, Welfens P & Zhang Z (eds.) Sustainable Growth and Resource Productivity: Economic and Global Policy Issues. First ed. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf Publishing, pp. 194-210.


Kunnas J & Myllyntaus T (2009) Postponed Leap in Carbon Dioxide Emissions: The Impact of Energy Efficiency, Fuel Choices and Industrial Structure on the Finnish Energy Economy, 1800-2005. Global Environment: Journal of History and Natural and Social Sciences, (3), pp. 154-189.

Research Report

Ring NA, Hoskins G, Wilson C, Jepson R, Wyke S, Pinnock H & Sheikh A (2009) Promoting the use of personal action plans in asthma self-management: synthesis of the qualitative evidence and integration of qualitative findings with trial based evidence. Scottish Government - Chief Scientist Office. CSO Report, CZG/2/410. CSO Scotland web site: CSO Scotland, Edinburgh.

Conference Proceeding

Hewer P & Brownlie D (2009) Culinary culture, gastrobrands and identity myths: 'Nigella', an iconic brand in the baking. In: McGill A & Shavitt S (eds.) Advances in Consumer Research, North America, Vol. 36. Advances in Consumer Research, 36. Association of Consumer Research (ACR) North American Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, 23.10.2008-23.10.2008. Association for Consumer Research, pp. 482-487.

Book Chapter

Kyle RG (2009) Familiar Rooms in Foreign Fields: placing the 'BB Atmosphere' in The Boys' Brigade's Recreation Hut, Rouen, France, 1915 – 1919. In: Gilchrist R, Jeffs T, Spence J & Walker J (eds.) Essays in the History of Youth and Community Work: Discovering the Past. Lyme Regis: Russell House, pp. 176-191.

Book Chapter

Dakin SC & Watt R (2009) Finding and discriminating faces using biological barcodes. In: Stoica A, Arlsan T, Erdogan A, Higuchi T, Bouridane A & El-Rayis A (eds.) 2009 International Symposium on Bio-inspired, Learning, and Intelligent Systems for Security, BLISS 2009. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society Press, p. 50.;

Book Chapter

Watson R (2009) The Modern Scottish Literary Renaissance. In: Brown I & Riach A (eds.) The Edinburgh Companion to Twentieth-Century Scottish Literature. Edinburgh Companions to Scottish Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 75-87.

Book Chapter

Bucken-Knapp G (2009) Labor Migration and Migration Policy. In: Bucken-Knapp G (ed.) Defending the Swedish Model: Social Democrats, Trade Unions, and Labor Migration Policy Reform. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, pp. 1-28.

Conference Proceeding

Maharaj S, McCaig C & Shankland C (2009) Studying the effects of adding spatiality to a process algebra model. In: Clark A & Guerriero M (eds.) 8th Workshop on Process Algebra and Stochastically Timed Activities: PASTA 2009. 8th Workshop on Process Algebra and Stochastically Timed Activities (PASTA 2009): Edinburgh, UK, Edinburgh, 26.08.2009-26.08.2009. Edinburgh, UK: University of Edinburgh, pp. 153-158.

Conference Paper

Graham B, Menzies J & Dutia MB (2009) Model of hyperpolarization dependent LTD in MVN neurons. CNS 2009: Annual Meeting of the Organization for Computational Neurosciences: Berlin, Germany, Berlin, Germany, 18.07.2009-23.07.2009. BMC Neuroscience, 10 (Supplement 1), pp. 205-205.

Conference Proceeding

Gheyas IA & Smith L (2009) A Novel Nonparametric Multiple Imputation Algorithm for Estimating Missing Data. In: Ao S, Gelman L, Hukins D, Hunter A & Korsunsky A (eds.) Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2009: Volume 2. ICCSDE'09: The 2009 International Conference of Computational Statistics and Data Engineering: London, U.K., 1-3 July, 2009, London, UK, 01.07.2009-03.07.2009. Hong Kong: Newswood Limited, pp. 1281-1286.

Conference Proceeding

Gheyas IA & Smith L (2009) A Neural Network Approach to Time Series Forecasting. In: Ao S, Gelman L, Hukins D, Hunter A & Korsunsky A (eds.) Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2009: Volume 2. ICCSDE'09: The 2009 International Conference of Computational Statistics and Data Engineering: London, U.K., 1-3 July, 2009, London, UK, 01.07.2009-03.07.2009. Hong Kong: Newswood Limited, pp. 1292-1296.

Conference Paper

Cutsuridis V, Cobb SR & Graham B (2009) Modeling the effects of GABA-A inhibition on the spike timing-dependent plasticity of a CA1 pyramidal cell. CNS 2009 - Annual Meeting of the Organization for Computational Neurosciences: Berlin, Germany, Berlin, Germany, 18.07.2009-23.07.2009. BMC Neuroscience, 10 (Supplement 1), pp. 191-192.;

Conference Proceeding

Cutsuridis V, Cobb SR & Graham B (2009) How Bursts Shape the STDP Curve in the Presence/Absence of GABAergic Inhibition. In: Alippi C, Polycarpou M, Panayioutou C & Ellinas G (eds.) Artificial Neural Networks – ICANN 2009: 19th International Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, September 14-17, 2009, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5768. ICANN 2009: 19th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks: An Annual Conference of the European Neural Network Society, Limassol, Cyprus, 14.09.2009-17.09.2009. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 229-238.;

Conference Proceeding

Campbell GA & Turner KJ (2009) Goals and Policies for Sensor Network Management. In: Benveniste M, Braem B, Dini C C, Fortino G, Karnapke R, Mauri J & Monsi M (eds.) SENSORCOMM '08: Proceedings of the 2008 Second International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications. SENSORCOMM '08: Second International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, Cap Esterel, France, 25.08.2008-31.08.2008. Washington DC, USA: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 354-359.

Conference Proceeding

Buford J & Kolberg M (2009) Hybrid Overlay Multicast Simulation and Evaluation. In: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (ed.) 2009 6th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference: "Empowering the Connected Consumer". CCNC 2009: 6th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 10.01.2009-13.01.2009. New York, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, pp. 1-2.;

Conference Proceeding

Brown A, Kolberg M & Buford J (2009) Chameleon: An adaptable 2-tier variable hop overlay. In: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (ed.) CCNC'09: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Consumer Communications and Networking Conference. CCNC 2009 - 6th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 2009, Las vegas, USA, 10.01.2009-13.01.2009. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, pp. 770-775.;