Institute of Aquaculture

We are part of:

People (17)

Mr Ahmed Abozeid

Mr Ahmed Abozeid

PhD Researcher, Institute of Aquaculture

Professor Gordon Bell

Professor Gordon Bell

Emeritus Professor, Institute of Aquaculture

Mausam Budhathoki

Mausam Budhathoki

PhD Researcher, Institute of Aquaculture

Miss Jessica Di Toro

Miss Jessica Di Toro

PhD Researcher, Institute of Aquaculture

Mr James Dick

Mr James Dick

Technical Manager (FNS)

Professor Hugh Ferguson

Professor Hugh Ferguson

Emeritus Professor, Institute of Aquaculture

Mrs Jacquie Ireland

Mrs Jacquie Ireland

Lead Technical Specialist (FNS)

Dr Noel Juvigny-Khenafou

Dr Noel Juvigny-Khenafou

Lect in Aquatic Environmental Science, Institute of Aquaculture

Miss Gayatri Kachh

Miss Gayatri Kachh

PhD Researcher, Institute of Aquaculture

Mr Richard Kane

Mr Richard Kane

Learning & Teaching Coordinator (FNS)

Miss Irene Martín Moltó

Miss Irene Martín Moltó

PhD Researcher, Institute of Aquaculture

Mr Reed Ozretich

Mr Reed Ozretich

PhD Researcher, Institute of Aquaculture

Dr Adam Powell

Dr Adam Powell

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Aquaculture

Mr Ibrahim Rashid

Mr Ibrahim Rashid

PhD Researcher, Institute of Aquaculture

Professor Randolph Richards

Professor Randolph Richards

Emeritus Professor, Institute of Aquaculture

Professor Lindsay Ross

Professor Lindsay Ross

Emeritus Professor, Institute of Aquaculture

Miss Mette Tollervey

Miss Mette Tollervey

PhD Researcher, Institute of Aquaculture