
AQUASoS; an integrative scalable interdisciplinary approach for climate resilient sustainable aquaculture

Funded by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.

Collaboration with Can Tho University, CEFAS - Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, University of Exeter, University of Leicester, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City International University and Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

Total award value £3,124,647.05

People (6)

Professor Simon MacKenzie

Professor Simon MacKenzie

Professor & Head of Inst of Aquaculture, Aquaculture

Professor Amaya Albalat

Professor Amaya Albalat

Professor, Institute of Aquaculture

Professor Evangelos Spyrakos

Professor Evangelos Spyrakos

Professor, Biological and Environmental Sciences

Professor Trevor Telfer

Professor Trevor Telfer

Professor, Institute of Aquaculture

Professor Andrew Tyler

Professor Andrew Tyler

Scotland Hydro Nation Chair, Scotland's International Environment Centre

Dr Benjamin Clokie

Dr Benjamin Clokie

Lect in Aquatic Health & Host-Env. Int., Institute of Aquaculture