
ROBUST-SMOLT Impact of Early Life History in Freshwater Recirculation Aquaculture Systems on A. Salmon Robustness and Susceptibility to Disease at Sea

Funded by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.

The project aims to characterise the impacts of freshwater environmental conditions (RAS vs. freshwater loch systems) (water, temperature, light, nutrition) on post-smolt performances and robustness at sea. The main hypothesis tested by the project is that early life history of salmon produced in freshwater RAS impacts on microbiomes, immune barriers and robustness at sea especially for complex gill pathologies, and that this is due to “manipulated” environmental conditions in RAS especially water chemistry and microbiology, nutrition and photothermal manipulations.

Total award value £357,521.47

People (6)

Professor Herve Migaud

Professor Herve Migaud

Honorary Professor, Aquaculture

Professor Simon MacKenzie

Professor Simon MacKenzie

Professor & Head of Inst of Aquaculture, Institute of Aquaculture

Professor James Bron

Professor James Bron

Professor, Institute of Aquaculture

Dr Darren Green

Dr Darren Green

Senior Lecturer, Institute of Aquaculture

Professor Amaya Albalat

Professor Amaya Albalat

Professor, Institute of Aquaculture

Professor Brett Glencross

Professor Brett Glencross

Honorary Professor, Institute of Aquaculture

Research programmes

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