Dr Susan Fitzer


Institute of Aquaculture Pathfoot F13

Dr Susan Fitzer

About me

I am a Lecturer in marine invertebrate physiology and Programme Director of Marine Biology in the Institute of Aquaculture. I joined the Institute of Aquaculture in January 2018 as a NERC Independent Research Fellow after 6 years of Post-Doctoral research at the University of Glasgow examining the impact of climate change on mussel shell growth. My research examines how climate change affects shell growth in commercial mussel and oyster aquaculture.

It was during my PhD at Newcastle University that I developed an interest in the impacts of climate change and in particular ocean acidification and warming on marine plankton, as a food source for juvenile fish studying the multigenerational effects of CO2-induced ocean acidification on the copepod Tisbe battagliai (PhD 2012). Before undertaking a PhD I worked as a research technician at the Scottish Association for Marine Science within the Marine Biogeochemistry department. Prior to this I graduated from Plymouth University with a master’s degree in Applied Marine Science and an interest in the characterisation of boatyard paints as a source of copper in an estuary (MSc 2006). I come from a background of marine biology and biogeosciences, graduating from Plymouth University with a degree in Marine Science and Oceanography (BSc Hons 2005) and an interest in temperature effects on respiration and metabolism in poikilothermic tropical amphibious fishes.

As a marine biologist, with expertise in marine invertebrate physiology, I am interested in how understanding mechanisms of biomineralisation pathways can be used to predict the climate change impact on shellfish aquaculture. I am interested in the impact of different forms of climate change driven coastal acidification on shell growth, comparing the impact of ocean acidification, and the deleterious effects of runoff for example from acid sulphate soils which also decreases environmental pH. Changes in the carbon source may limit shell formation although biomineralising shellfish such as mussels and oysters can control biomineral growth. Understanding this process of shell growth is vital to predict how vulnerable shellfish are to shell breakage and reduced survival under exposure of climate change induced coastal acidification.

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