Institute for Social Marketing

Outputs related to Institute for Social Marketing

Showing 1601 to 1632 of 1632

Research Report

Cairns G, Purves R, Bryce S, McKell J, Gordon R & Angus K (2011) Investigating the effectiveness of education in relation to alcohol: A systematic investigation of critical elements for optimum effectiveness of promising approaches and delivery methods in school and family linked alcohol education. Alcohol Research UK. University of Stirling Institute for Social Marketing / Open University.


France E, Wyke S, Ziebland SB, Entwistle VA & Hunt K (2011) How personal experiences feature in women’s accounts of use of information for decisions about antenatal diagnostic testing for foetal abnormality. Social Science and Medicine, 72 (5), pp. 755-762.;


Fullerton DG, Suseno A, Semple S, Kalambo F, Malamba R, White S, Jack S, Calverley PM & Gordon SB (2011) Wood smoke exposure, poverty and impaired lung function in Malawian adults. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 15 (3), pp. 391-398.


Craigie A, Caswell S, Paterson C, Treweek S, Belch JJF, Daly F, Rodger J, Thompson J, Kirk A, Ludbrook A, Stead M, Wardle J, Steele R & Anderson AS (2011) Study protocol for BeWEL: The impact of a BodyWEight and physicaL activity intervention on adults at risk of developing colorectal adenomas. BMC Public Health, 11 (184).


Kasza KA, Hyland AJ, Brown A, Siahpush M, Yong H, McNeill AD, Li L & Cummings KM (2011) The effectiveness of tobacco marketing regulations on reducing smokers' exposure to advertising and promotion: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 8 (2), pp. 321-340.

Research Report

Wyke S, Entwistle V, France E, Hunt K, Jepson R, Thompson A & Ziebland SB (2011) Information for choice: what people need, prefer and use - Executive summary for the National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation programme. National Institute for Health Research. SDO Project, 08/1710/153. NETSCC (NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre)/Queen's Printer and Controller of HMSO.

Research Report

Wyke S, Entwistle V, France E, Hunt K, Jepson R, Thompson A & Ziebland SB (2011) Information for choice: what people need, prefer and use - Report for the National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation programme. National Institute for Health Research. SDO Project, 08/1710/153. NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation (SDO), Southampton.

Book Chapter

MacLean A (2011) Unfamiliar places and other people's spaces: reflections on the practical challenges of researching families in their homes. In: Jamieson L, Simpson R & Lewis R (eds.) Researching Families and Relationships: Reflections on Process. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 56-58.

Conference Abstract

France E, Dow C & Hunt K (2010) Self-Identity, Gender, and Experiences of Coping After Stroke: A Narrative Analysis of Stroke Survivors' Perspectives. The 16th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Qualitative Health Research, Vancouver, Canada, 03/10/2010 - 05/10/2010. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 9 (4), pp. 352-352.


Stead M, Stradling R, MacNeil M, MacKintosh AM, Minty S, McDermott L & Eadie D (2010) Bridging the gap between evidence and practice: A multi-perspective examination of real-world drug education. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 17 (1), pp. 1-20.;

Book Chapter

Hastings G & Cairns G (2010) Food and beverage marketing to children. In: Waters E, Swinburn B, Seidell J & Uauy R (eds.) Preventing Childhood Obesity: Evidence, Policy and Practice. Wiley-Blackwell.

Research Report

Bauld L, Carroll C, Hay G, McKell J, Novak C, Silver K & Templeton L (2010) Alcohol Misusers' experiences of employment and the benefit system. Department of Work and Pensions, UK. Department for Work and Pensions Research Report, 718. Department for Work and Pensions.

Book Chapter

Stead M & Stradling R (2010) The role of schools in drug education and wider substance misuse prevention. In: Aggleton P, Dennison C C & Warwick I (eds.) Promoting Health and Wellbeing through Schools. First ed. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 84-98.

Book Chapter

Bauld L (2010) The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of NHS stop smoking services. In: All Party Parliamentary Group on Smoking and Health: Inquiry into the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of tobacco control: Submission to the 2010 Spending Review and Public Health White Paper Consultation process. London: Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), pp. 47-50.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

De Andrade M (2010) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Socially responsible behaviour or 'a way business is conducted'?. ISM-Open Social Marketing Conference 2010: Social Marketing and Socially Responsible Management: ‘Changing Times, New Challenges’, Milton Keynes, UK, 03.11.2010-03.11.2010.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

De Andrade M (2010) 'Pharmafilliation': A case study. British Sociology Association Medical Conference 2010, Durham,UK, 01.09.2010-03.09.2010.

Research Report

MacDonald L, Angus K, MacAskill S & Eadie D (2010) Rapid literature review of smoking cessation and tobacco control issues across criminal justice system settings. University of Central Lancashire; Department of Health (DH). Insitute for Social Marketing, University of Stirling.