Research Report
Study: An Assessment of Citizens' Exposure to Tobacco Marketing
Stead M, Bauld L, Bogdanovica I, Eadie D, MacKintosh AM, Murray S, Angus K, Critchlow N, Miguel Rey J, Hausemer P, Wilhelm C, Berteletti F, Toma A, Burch J & Lester R (2016) Study: An Assessment of Citizens' Exposure to Tobacco Marketing. European Commission. Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety. Health Programme, No. EAHC/2013/HEALTH/10 No. 2014 62 03. Publications Office of the European Union.
Does exposure to cigarette brands increase the likelihood of adolescent e-cigarette use? A cross-sectional study
Best C, van der Sluijs W, Haseen F, Eadie D, Stead M, MacKintosh AM, Pearce J, Tisch C, MacGregor A, Amos A, Miller M, Frank JW & Haw S (2016) Does exposure to cigarette brands increase the likelihood of adolescent e-cigarette use? A cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 6 (2), Art. No.: e008734.
Are financial incentives cost-effective to support smoking cessation during pregnancy?
Boyd K, Briggs A, Bauld L, Sinclair L & Tappin D (2016) Are financial incentives cost-effective to support smoking cessation during pregnancy?. Addiction, 111 (2), pp. 360-370.
Dependence and motivation to stop smoking as predictors of success of a quit attempt among smokers seeking help to quit
Ussher M, Kakar G, Hajek P & West R (2016) Dependence and motivation to stop smoking as predictors of success of a quit attempt among smokers seeking help to quit. Addictive Behaviors, 53, pp. 175-180.
Book Chapter
Stakeholder marketing and the subversion of public health
Hastings G & de Andrade M (2016) Stakeholder marketing and the subversion of public health. In: Spotswood F (ed.) Beyond behaviour change: Key issues, interdisciplinary approaches and future directions. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 181-198.;
Book Chapter
Discussion and integration of key findings
Gell L, Buhringer G, Room R, Allamani A, Eiroa-Orosa FJ, Forberger S, Holmes J, Lingford-Hughes A, McLeod J, Meier P & Stead M (2016) Discussion and integration of key findings. In: Gell L, Bühringer G, McLeod J, Forberger S, Holmes J, Lingford-Hughes A & Meier P (eds.) What Determines Harm from Addictive Substances and Behaviours?. Governance of Addictive Substances and Behaviours Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 157-186.〈=en&
Book Chapter
Determinants of transitions from harmful to low-risk substance use and gambling
McLeod J, Gell L, Holmes J, Allamani A, Baumberg B, Bjerge B, Buhringer G, Eiroa-Orosa FJ, Forberger S, Frank V, Lingford-Hughes A, Meerkerk G, Meier P, Neumann M & Stead M (2016) Determinants of transitions from harmful to low-risk substance use and gambling. In: Gell L, Bühringer G, McLeod J, Forberger S, Holmes J, Lingford-Hughes A & Meier P (eds.) What Determines Harm from Addictive Substances and Behaviours?. Governance of Addictive Substances and Behaviours Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 113-156.〈=en
Book Chapter
Determinants of harmful substance use and harmful gambling
Gell L, McLeod J, Holmes J, Allamani A, Baumberg B, Bjerge B, Buhringer G, Eiroa-Orosa FJ, Forberger S, Frank V, Lingford-Hughes A, Meerkerk G, Meier P, Neumann M & Stead M (2016) Determinants of harmful substance use and harmful gambling. In: Gell L, Bühringer G, McLeod J, Forberger S, Holmes J, Lingford-Hughes A & Meier P (eds.) What Determines Harm from Addictive Substances and Behaviours?. Governance of Addictive Substances and Behaviours Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 77-111.〈=en
Book Chapter
Determinants of risky substance use and risky gambling
McLeod J, Gell L, Holmes J, Allamani A, Bjerge B, Buhringer G, Forberger S, Frank V, Lingford-Hughes A, Meier P, Neumann M, Room R, Baumberg B, Eiroa-Orosa FJ & Stead M (2016) Determinants of risky substance use and risky gambling. In: Gell L, Bühringer G, McLeod J, Forberger S, Holmes J, Lingford-Hughes A & Meier P (eds.) What Determines Harm from Addictive Substances and Behaviours?. Governance of Addictive Substances and Behaviours Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 35-75.〈=en
E-Cigarette Uptake Amongst UK Youth: Experimentation, but Little or No Regular Use in Nonsmokers
Bauld L, MacKintosh AM, Ford A & McNeill A (2016) E-Cigarette Uptake Amongst UK Youth: Experimentation, but Little or No Regular Use in Nonsmokers. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 18 (1), pp. 102-103.
Comparing treatment programmes for anorexia
Cotter LJ, Lacey HJ, Morgan JF, Sly R & Ussher M (2016) Comparing treatment programmes for anorexia. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 22 (1), pp. 34-39.
Adolescent girls and young adult women's perceptions of superslims cigarette packaging: a qualitative study
Ford A, Moodie C, Purves R & MacKintosh AM (2016) Adolescent girls and young adult women's perceptions of superslims cigarette packaging: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 6 (1), Art. No.: e010102.
Lay epidemiology and the interpretation of low-risk drinking guidelines by adults in the United Kingdom
Lovatt M, Eadie D, Meier P, Li J, Bauld L, Hastings G & Holmes J (2015) Lay epidemiology and the interpretation of low-risk drinking guidelines by adults in the United Kingdom. Addiction, 110 (12), pp. 1912-1919.
Smoking cessation and socioeconomic status: An update of existing evidence from a national evaluation of english stop smoking services
Hiscock R, Dobbie F & Bauld L (2015) Smoking cessation and socioeconomic status: An update of existing evidence from a national evaluation of english stop smoking services. BioMed Research International, 2015, Art. No.: 274056.
Awareness of lifestyle and colerectal cancer risk: Findings from the BeWEL study
Anderson AS, Caswell S, Macleod M, Craigie A, Stead M & Steele R (2015) Awareness of lifestyle and colerectal cancer risk: Findings from the BeWEL study. BioMed Research International, 2015, Art. No.: 871613.
Why are some people more successful at lifestyle change than others? Factors associated with successful weight loss in the BeWEL randomised controlled trial of adults at risk of colorectal cancer
Stead M, Craigie A, Macleod M, McKell J, Caswell S, Steele R & Anderson AS (2015) Why are some people more successful at lifestyle change than others? Factors associated with successful weight loss in the BeWEL randomised controlled trial of adults at risk of colorectal cancer. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 12, Art. No.: 87.
Rewarding smoking cessation in pregnancy-will women cheat to gain incentives?
Bauld L & Sinclair L (2015) Rewarding smoking cessation in pregnancy-will women cheat to gain incentives?. Commentary on: Ierfino D., Mantzari E., Hirst J., Jones T., Aveyard P., Marteau T., Financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy: a single-arm intervention study assessing cessation and gaming. Addiction 2015: 110:680–8.. Addiction, 110 (4), pp. 689-690.;
Respiratory symptoms and cross-shift lung function in relation to cotton dust and endotoxin exposure in textile workers in Nepal: A cross-sectional study
Paudyal P, Semple S, Gaihre S, Steiner MF, Niven R & Ayres JG (2015) Respiratory symptoms and cross-shift lung function in relation to cotton dust and endotoxin exposure in textile workers in Nepal: A cross-sectional study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 72 (12), pp. 870-876.
Exercise-based treatments for substance use disorders: Evidence, theory, and practicality
Linke SE & Ussher M (2015) Exercise-based treatments for substance use disorders: Evidence, theory, and practicality. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 41 (1), pp. 7-15.
Views from the coalface: What do english stop smoking service personnel think about E-cigarettes?
Hiscock R, Bauld L, Arnott D, Dockrell M, Ross L & McEwen A (2015) Views from the coalface: What do english stop smoking service personnel think about E-cigarettes?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12 (12), pp. 16157-16167.
Consumer Socialization and the Role of Branding in Hazardous Adolescent Drinking
Harris F, Gordon R, Mackintosh AM & Hastings G (2015) Consumer Socialization and the Role of Branding in Hazardous Adolescent Drinking. Psychology and Marketing, 32 (12), pp. 1175-1190.
Prevalence of eating disorders in males: a review of rates reported in academic research and UK mass media
Sweeting H, Walker L, MacLean A, Patterson C, Räisänen U & Hunt K (2015) Prevalence of eating disorders in males: a review of rates reported in academic research and UK mass media. International Journal of Men's Health, 14 (2), pp. 86-112.
Conference Abstract
Perspectives on financial incentives to health service providers for increasing breastfeeding and smoking quit rates during pregnancy: a mixed methods study
Hoddinott P, Thomson G, Morgan H, Crossland N, MacLennan G, Dykes F, Stewart F, Bauld L & Campbell MK (2015) Perspectives on financial incentives to health service providers for increasing breastfeeding and smoking quit rates during pregnancy: a mixed methods study. Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood Conference, Grange-over-Sands, 10/06/2015 - 12/06/2015. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 11 (Supplement S2), pp. 113-114.
Book Chapter
Moving from gut feeling to evidence: the case of social work
Mitchell G (2015) Moving from gut feeling to evidence: the case of social work. In: Medicine, Risk, Discourse and Power. 1 ed. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
"It's not just about's the practice nurse that makes it work": a qualitative exploration of the views of practice nurses delivering complex physical activity interventions in primary care
Beighton C, Victor CR, Normansell R, Cook DG, Kerry SM, Iliffe S, Ussher M, Whincup PH, Fox-Rushby J, Woodcock A & Harris T (2015) "It's not just about's the practice nurse that makes it work": a qualitative exploration of the views of practice nurses delivering complex physical activity interventions in primary care. BMC Public Health, 15, Art. No.: 1236.
Integrated exposure for risk assessment in indoor environments based on a review of concentration data on airborne chemical pollutants in domestic environments in Europe
Karakitsios S, Asikainen A, Garden C, Semple S, De Brouwere K, Galea K, Sanchez-Jimenez A, Gotti A, Jantunen M & Sarigiannis D (2015) Integrated exposure for risk assessment in indoor environments based on a review of concentration data on airborne chemical pollutants in domestic environments in Europe. Indoor and Built Environment, 24 (8), pp. 1110-1146.
Evaluating long-term outcomes of NHS stop smoking services (ELONS): A prospective cohort study
Dobbie F, Hiscock R, Leonardi-Bee J, Murray S, Shahab L, Aveyard P, Coleman T, McEwen A, McRobbie H, Purves R & Bauld L (2015) Evaluating long-term outcomes of NHS stop smoking services (ELONS): A prospective cohort study. Health Technology Assessment, 19 (95).
Support for community pharmacy-based alcohol interventions: A Scottish general public survey
Fitzgerald N, Youngson E, Cunningham S, Watson M & Stewart D (2015) Support for community pharmacy-based alcohol interventions: A Scottish general public survey. Public Health, 129 (11), pp. 1431-1438.
Protocol-developing meta-ethnography reporting guidelines (eMERGe)
France E, Ring NA, Noyes J, Maxwell M, Jepson R, Duncan E, Turley R, Jones D & Uny I (2015) Protocol-developing meta-ethnography reporting guidelines (eMERGe). BMC Medical Research Methodology, 15 (1), Art. No.: 103.
Presentation / Talk
Barriers & facilitators to smoking cessation in pregnancy & following childbirth from 3 perspectives: pregnant women, their significant
others, & health professionals
Sinclair L & McKell J (2015) Barriers & facilitators to smoking cessation in pregnancy & following childbirth from 3 perspectives: pregnant women, their significant
others, & health professionals. Scottish Smoking Cessation Conference 2015, Glasgow, Scotland, 24.11.2015-24.11.2015.
Perspectives on financial incentives to health service providers for increasing breast feeding and smoking quit rates during pregnancy: a mixed methods study
Hoddinott P, Thomson G, Morgan H, Crossland N, MacLennan G, Dykes F, Stewart F, Bauld L & Campbell MK (2015) Perspectives on financial incentives to health service providers for increasing breast feeding and smoking quit rates during pregnancy: a mixed methods study. BMJ Open, 5 (11), Art. No.: e008492.
Fine particulate matter concentrations in smoking households: Just how much secondhand smoke do you breathe in if you live with a smoker who smokes indoors?
Semple S, Apsley A, Ibrahim T, Turner S & Cherrie JW (2015) Fine particulate matter concentrations in smoking households: Just how much secondhand smoke do you breathe in if you live with a smoker who smokes indoors?. Tobacco Control, 24 (e3), pp. e205-e211.
The London exercise and pregnant smokers (LEAP) trial: A randomised controlled trial of physical activity for smoking cessation in pregnancy with an economic evaluation
Ussher M, Lewis S, Aveyard P, Manyonda I, West R, Lewis B, Marcus B, Riaz M, Taylor A, Barton P, Daley A, Essex H, Esliger DW & Coleman T (2015) The London exercise and pregnant smokers (LEAP) trial: A randomised controlled trial of physical activity for smoking cessation in pregnancy with an economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment, 19 (84), pp. 1-135.
Conference Paper (published)
The barriers and facilitators to smoking cessation during pregnancy from the perspectives of both pregnant women and their partners: a synthesis of qualitative studies and evidence from exploratory interviews
Ford AJ, Sinclair LA, Flemming K, McKell J, Angus K, Mccaughan D, Graham H & Bauld L (2015) The barriers and facilitators to smoking cessation during pregnancy from the perspectives of both pregnant women and their partners: a synthesis of qualitative studies and evidence from exploratory interviews. In: SRNT-Europe 16th Annual Conference Programme and Proceedings Book. SRNT-Europe 16th Annual Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 10.09.2015-12.09.2015. Utrecht, The Netherlands: NNVT - Nederlands Netwerk voor Tabaksonderzoek, p. 118.
Levels of house dust mite allergen in cars
Mason HJ, Smith I, Anua SM, Tagiyeva N, Semple S & Devereux G (2015) Levels of house dust mite allergen in cars [Razine alergena prašinskih grinja u automobilima]. Arhiv za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju, 66 (3), pp. 209-212.
Chronic household air pollution exposure is associated with impaired alveolar macrophage function in Malawian non-smokers
Rylance J, Chimpini C, Semple S, Russell DG, Jackson MJ, Heyderman RS & Gordon SB (2015) Chronic household air pollution exposure is associated with impaired alveolar macrophage function in Malawian non-smokers. PLoS ONE, 10 (9), Art. No.: e0138762.
E-cigarette marketing in UK stores: An observational audit and retailers' views
Eadie D, Stead M, MacKintosh AM, MacDonald L, Purves R, Pearce J, Tisch C, van der Sluijs W, Amos A, MacGregor A & Haw S (2015) E-cigarette marketing in UK stores: An observational audit and retailers' views. BMJ Open, 5 (9), Art. No.: e008547.
The barriers and facilitators to smoking cessation experienced by women’s partners during pregnancy and the post-partum period: a systematic review of qualitative research
Flemming K, Graham H, McCaughan D, Angus K & Bauld L (2015) The barriers and facilitators to smoking cessation experienced by women’s partners during pregnancy and the post-partum period: a systematic review of qualitative research. BMC Public Health, 15, Art. No.: 849.
Evaluation of reliability and validity of the General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPPAQ) in 60-74 year old primary care patients
Ahmad S, Harris T, Limb ES, Kerry SM, Victor CR, Ekelund U, Iliffe S, Whincup PH, Beighton C, Ussher M & Cook DG (2015) Evaluation of reliability and validity of the General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPPAQ) in 60-74 year old primary care patients. BMC Family Practice, 16, Art. No.: 113.
Public health and the value of disobedience
Hastings G (2015) Public health and the value of disobedience. Public Health, 129 (8), pp. 1046-1054.
'Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?'
Hastings G (2015) 'Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?'. Addiction, 110 (8), pp. 1226-1227.
A quantitative content analysis of UK newsprint coverage of proposed legislation to prohibit smoking in private vehicles carrying children
Patterson C, Semple S, Wood K, Duffy S & Hilton S (2015) A quantitative content analysis of UK newsprint coverage of proposed legislation to prohibit smoking in private vehicles carrying children. BMC Public Health, 15, Art. No.: 760.
Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of cooking skills in UK adults: cross-sectional analysis of data from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey
Adams J, Goffe L, Adamson A, Halligan J, O'Brien N, Purves R, Stead M, Stocken D & White M (2015) Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of cooking skills in UK adults: cross-sectional analysis of data from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 12 (1), Art. No.: 99.
The use of cigarette package inserts to supplement pictorial health warnings: An evaluation of the Canadian policy
Thrasher JF, Osman A, Abad-Vivero EN, Hammond D, Bansal-Travers M, Cummings KM, Hardin J & Moodie C (2015) The use of cigarette package inserts to supplement pictorial health warnings: An evaluation of the Canadian policy. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 17 (7), pp. 870-875.
Adolescent socioeconomic and school-based social status, smoking, and drinking
Sweeting H & Hunt K (2015) Adolescent socioeconomic and school-based social status, smoking, and drinking. Journal of Adolescent Health, 57 (1), pp. 37-45.
Presentation / Talk
The barriers and facilitators to smoking cessation experienced by women during pregnancy: A qualitative exploration
Ford A, Angus K & Sinclair L (2015) The barriers and facilitators to smoking cessation experienced by women during pregnancy: A qualitative exploration. UK Nicotine & Smoking Cessation Conference (UKNSCC), Manchester, England, 09.06.2015-10.06.2015.
Using Incentives to Encourage Smoking Abstinence Among Pregnant Indigenous Women? A Feasibility Study
Glover M, Kira A, Walker N & Bauld L (2015) Using Incentives to Encourage Smoking Abstinence Among Pregnant Indigenous Women? A Feasibility Study. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 19 (6), pp. 1393-1399.
Research Report
Process evaluation of the implementation of Universal Free School Meals: Research with parents
Ford A, Eadie D & Stead M (2015) Process evaluation of the implementation of Universal Free School Meals: Research with parents. NHS Health Scotland.
Qualitative systematic review: barriers and facilitators to smoking cessation experienced by women in pregnancy and following childbirth
Flemming K, McCaughan D, Angus K & Graham H (2015) Qualitative systematic review: barriers and facilitators to smoking cessation experienced by women in pregnancy and following childbirth. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71 (6), pp. 1210-1226.
Authors' reply to Braillon and Bewley
Ussher M, Coleman T, West R, Aveyard P & Lewis S (2015) Authors' reply to Braillon and Bewley. Commentary on: Braillon A, Bewley S. 'Trials on physical activity for smoking cessation in pregnancy missed a trick or two', BMJ 2015, 351:h3554. BMJ, 350, Art. No.: h3555.
A systematic review and metaethnography to identify how effective, cost-effective, accessible and acceptable self-management support interventions are for men with long-term conditions (SELF-MAN)
Galdas P, Darwin Z, Fell J, Kidd L, Bower P, Blickem C, McPherson K, Hunt K, Gilbody S & Richardson G (2015) A systematic review and metaethnography to identify how effective, cost-effective, accessible and acceptable self-management support interventions are for men with long-term conditions (SELF-MAN). Health Services and Delivery Research, 3 (34), pp. 1-302.
Novel means of using cigarette packaging and cigarettes to communicate health risk and cessation messages: A qualitative study
Moodie C, Purves R, McKell J & De Andrade M (2015) Novel means of using cigarette packaging and cigarettes to communicate health risk and cessation messages: A qualitative study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 13 (3), pp. 333-344.
Financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy: Randomized controlled trial
Tappin D, Bauld L, Purves D, Boyd K, Sinclair L, MacAskill S, McKell J, Friel B, McConnachie A, de Caestecker L, Tannahill C, Radley A & Coleman T (2015) Financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy: Randomized controlled trial. Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey, 70 (5), pp. 297-298.
Transformation and time-out: The role of alcohol in identity construction among Scottish women in early midlife
Emslie C, Hunt K & Lyons AC (2015) Transformation and time-out: The role of alcohol in identity construction among Scottish women in early midlife. International Journal of Drug Policy, 26 (5), pp. 437-445.
"It's not healthy and it's decidedly not masculine": a media analysis of UK newspaper representations of eating disorders in males
MacLean A, Sweeting H, Walker L, Patterson C, Raisanen U & Hunt K (2015) "It's not healthy and it's decidedly not masculine": a media analysis of UK newspaper representations of eating disorders in males. BMJ Open, 5 (5), Art. No.: e007468.
Efficacité des paquets de cigarettes neutres sur des fumeuses en France: Une étude dans un contexte réel de consummation
Gallopel-Morvan K, Moodie C, Eker F, Beguinot E & Martinet Y (2015) Efficacité des paquets de cigarettes neutres sur des fumeuses en France: Une étude dans un contexte réel de consummation [Effectiveness of plain packaging combined with warnings among female smokers in France: A naturalistic approach]. Bulletin Epidemiologique Hebdomadaire, 17-18, pp. 308-315.