Detailed protocol for the lifestyle intervention in the BeWEL randomised controlled trial of weight loss in adults who have had a colorectal adenoma
Caswell S, Craigie A, Wardle J, Stead M & Anderson AS (2012) Detailed protocol for the lifestyle intervention in the BeWEL randomised controlled trial of weight loss in adults who have had a colorectal adenoma. BMJ Open, 2 (3).
The association between point-of-sale displays and youth smoking susceptibility
MacKintosh AM, Moodie C & Hastings G (2012) The association between point-of-sale displays and youth smoking susceptibility. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 14 (5), pp. 616-620.
The relationship between workers self-reported changes in health and their attitudes towards a workplace intervention: Lessons from smoke-free legislation across the UK hospitality industry
MacCalman L, Semple S, Galea K, Van Tongeren M, Dempsey S, Hilton S, Gee I & Ayres J (2012) The relationship between workers self-reported changes in health and their attitudes towards a workplace intervention: Lessons from smoke-free legislation across the UK hospitality industry. BMC Public Health, 12 (1), Art. No.: 324.
Young adult smokers' perceptions of illicit tobacco and the possible impact of plain packaging on purchase behaviour
Moodie C, Hastings G & Joossens L (2012) Young adult smokers' perceptions of illicit tobacco and the possible impact of plain packaging on purchase behaviour. European Journal of Public Health, 22 (2), pp. 251-253.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Who is responsible for ineffective pharmaceutical regulation?
De Andrade M (2012) Who is responsible for ineffective pharmaceutical regulation?. ISM-Open Social Marketing and Socially Responsible Management Conference 2012, Milton Keynes, UK, 09.05.2012-09.05.2012.
Effect of offering different levels of support and free nicotine replacement therapy via an English national telephone quitline: Randomised controlled trial
Ferguson J, Docherty G, Bauld L, Lewis S, Lorgelly P, Boyd K, McEwen A & Coleman T (2012) Effect of offering different levels of support and free nicotine replacement therapy via an English national telephone quitline: Randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 344, Art. No.: e1696.
Research Report
The packaging of tobacco products
Ford A (2012) The packaging of tobacco products. Cancer Research UK. The Centre for Tobacco Control Research.
Presentation / Talk
Why training is not enough: successful implementation strategies for ABIs in diverse community settings from around the UK
Fitzgerald N (2012) Why training is not enough: successful implementation strategies for ABIs in diverse community settings from around the UK. Can Brief Interventions Change Scotland's Relationship with Alcohol?, Edinburgh, 27.03.2012-27.03.2012.
The impact of tobacco packaging design on young people: A cross-sectional survey Youth and tobacco packaging: awareness, appreciation and receptivity
Ford A, Moodie C, MacKintosh AM & Hastings G (2012) The impact of tobacco packaging design on young people: A cross-sectional survey Youth and tobacco packaging: awareness, appreciation and receptivity. 15th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Singapore, 20.03.2012-24.03.2012.
A Randomised trial of nicotine assisted reduction to stop in pharmacies - The RedPharm Study
Taskila T, MacAskill S, Coleman T, Etter J, Patel M, Clarke S, Bridson R & Aveyard P (2012) A Randomised trial of nicotine assisted reduction to stop in pharmacies - The RedPharm Study. BMC Public Health, 12 (182).
Research Report
Youth Transitions
Murray S & Gayle V (2012) Youth Transitions. Survey Question Bank: Topic Overview, 8. University of Essex, National Centre for Social Research.
Socioeconomic status and smoking: A review
Hiscock R, Bauld L, Amos A, Fidler JA & Munafo M (2012) Socioeconomic status and smoking: A review. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1248, pp. 107-123.
Do smokers in Europe think all cigarettes are equally harmful-
Brown A, McNeill A, Mons U & Guignard R (2012) Do smokers in Europe think all cigarettes are equally harmful-. European Journal of Public Health, 22 (Supplement 1), pp. 35-40.
Research Report
Needs Assessment: Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Services in Edinburgh City - Final Report
Dowds J, Heywood S, Fitzgerald N & Winterbottom J (2012) Needs Assessment: Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Services in Edinburgh City - Final Report. Edinburgh Alcohol and Drug Partnership. Create Consultancy.
Research Report
Tackling Illicit Tobacco for Better Health - Final Evaluation Report
McNeill A, Russell A, Bains M, Bauld L, Britton J, Carro-Ripalda S, Eadie D, Heckler S, Hornsby R, Iringe-Koko B, Lewis S & McEwen A (2012) Tackling Illicit Tobacco for Better Health - Final Evaluation Report. Institute for Social Marketing. UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies.
Young people's perceptions of cigarette packaging and plain packaging: An online survey
Moodie C, Ford A, MacKintosh AM & Hastings G (2012) Young people's perceptions of cigarette packaging and plain packaging: An online survey. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 14 (1), pp. 98-105.
Adolescents' perceptions of tobacco control measures in the United Kingdom
Brown A & Moodie C (2012) Adolescents' perceptions of tobacco control measures in the United Kingdom. Health Promotion Practice, 13 (1), pp. 41-47.
Understanding the potential and challenges of adenoma treatment as a prevention opportunity: insights from the BeWEL formative study
Stead M, Caswell S, Craigie A, Eadie D & Anderson AS (2012) Understanding the potential and challenges of adenoma treatment as a prevention opportunity: insights from the BeWEL formative study. Preventive Medicine, 54 (1), pp. 97-103.
Rethinking drinking cultures: A review of drinking cultures and a reconstructed dimensional approach
Gordon R, Heim D & MacAskill S (2012) Rethinking drinking cultures: A review of drinking cultures and a reconstructed dimensional approach. Public Health, 126 (1), pp. 3-11.
Book Chapter
Evaluation in Social Marketing
Stead M & McDermott RJ (2011) Evaluation in Social Marketing. In: Hastings G, Angus K & Bryant C (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Social Marketing. First ed. London, UK: SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 193-207.
Book Chapter
Talking drugs at the captain's corner - an analysis of a pharmaceutical industry conference
De Andrade M (2011) Talking drugs at the captain's corner - an analysis of a pharmaceutical industry conference. In: Lister J (ed.) Europe's Health for Sale: The Heavy Cost of Privatisation. Oxfordshire: Libri Publishing, pp. 171-184.
Impact of the removal of misleading terms on cigarette pack on smokers' beliefs about 'light/mild' cigarettes: cross-country comparisons
Yong H, Borland R, Cummings KM, Hammond D, O'Connor RJ, Hastings G & King B (2011) Impact of the removal of misleading terms on cigarette pack on smokers' beliefs about 'light/mild' cigarettes: cross-country comparisons. Addiction, 106 (12), pp. 2204-2213.
Critical vision in a challenged world
Hastings G, Sugden R & Grindle M (2011) Critical vision in a challenged world. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 29 (1), pp. 30-38.
Editorial: Alcohol marketing to children
Hastings G & Sheron N (2011) Editorial: Alcohol marketing to children. BMJ, 342, p. d1767.
When is social marketing not social marketing?
Hastings G & Angus K (2011) When is social marketing not social marketing?. Journal of Social Marketing, 1 (1), pp. 45-53.
Assessing the cumulative impact of alcohol marketing on young people's drinking: Cross-sectional data findings
Gordon R, Harris F, MacKintosh AM & Moodie C (2011) Assessing the cumulative impact of alcohol marketing on young people's drinking: Cross-sectional data findings. Addiction Research and Theory, 19 (1), pp. 66-75.
Manual / Guide
Brief Advice for Health Behaviour Change: 4 Lifestyle Issues: Trainer’s Manual for NHS Bassetlaw
Fitzgerald N & Heywood S (2011) Brief Advice for Health Behaviour Change: 4 Lifestyle Issues: Trainer’s Manual for NHS Bassetlaw. Glasgow: Create Consultancy Ltd.
Manual / Guide
Ask About Alcohol: Alcohol Brief Interventions Trainer’s Manual
Fitzgerald N, Scott N, McCluskey S, Heywood S, Dowds J & Winterbottom J (2011) Ask About Alcohol: Alcohol Brief Interventions Trainer’s Manual. Glasgow: Create Consultancy Ltd.
Research Report
How healthcare professionals in Scotland develop their communication skills, attitudes and behaviours
McCluskey S, Heywood S & Fitzgerald N (2011) How healthcare professionals in Scotland develop their communication skills, attitudes and behaviours. NHS Education for Scotland. Create Consultancy.
Presentation / Talk
Implementation of Brief Interventions in Diverse Settings, Alcohol Screening & Brief Intervention Implementation in a Non HEAT Setting
Fitzgerald N (2011) Implementation of Brief Interventions in Diverse Settings, Alcohol Screening & Brief Intervention Implementation in a Non HEAT Setting. Sharing the Learning Workshop 2011.
Conference Paper (published)
Indoor air pollution and Health - Estimate of the burden of disease in Ireland and Scotland
Shafrir AL, Sánchez Jiménez A, Hurley F, Galea KS, Cowie H, Semple S, Coggins MA & Ayres J (2011) Indoor air pollution and Health - Estimate of the burden of disease in Ireland and Scotland. In: 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2011, volume 1. 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2011, Texas, USA, 05.06.2011-10.06.2011. International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), pp. 386-387.
Conference Paper (published)
Concentrations of indoor air pollutants in Irish and Scottish homes where open combustion takes place
Semple S, Garden C, Coggins M, Galea KS, Whelan P, Cowie H, Hurley F & Ayres JG (2011) Concentrations of indoor air pollutants in Irish and Scottish homes where open combustion takes place. In: 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2011, volume 2. 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2011, Austin, TX, USA, 05.06.2011-10.06.2011. International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), pp. 1431-1433.
Conference Paper (published)
A full chain mechanistic approach assessing health risks from multiple sources in indoor environments
Sarigiannis D, Gotti A, Karakitsios S, Asikainen A, Jantunen M, Semple S, Torfs R, de Brouwere K, Galea K & van Tongeren M (2011) A full chain mechanistic approach assessing health risks from multiple sources in indoor environments. In: 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2011, volume 3. 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2011, Austin, TX, USA, 05.06.2011-10.06.2011. Vermont, USA: International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), pp. 2199-2205.
Conference Paper (published)
Integrated exposure for risk assessment in indoor environments
Asikainen A, Semple S, Sarigiannis D, Torfs R, Karakitsios S, Gotti A, De Brouwere K, Galea K, van Tongeren M & Jantunen M (2011) Integrated exposure for risk assessment in indoor environments. In: 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2011, volume 2. 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2011, Austin, TX, USA, 05.06.2011-10.06.2011. International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), pp. 1001-1002.
Conference Paper (published)
Environmental Tobacco Smoke exposure in indoor spaces. Using realtime instruments to educate smokers, nonsmokers, policy makers and the media
Semple S, Galea KS & Apsley A (2011) Environmental Tobacco Smoke exposure in indoor spaces. Using realtime instruments to educate smokers, nonsmokers, policy makers and the media. In: 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2011, volume 3. 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2011, Austin, TX, USA, 05.06.2011-10.06.2011. International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), pp. 2275-2277.
Cardiovascular risk factors in patients with schizophrenia receiving continuous medical care
Ussher M, Doshi R, Sampuran A & West R (2011) Cardiovascular risk factors in patients with schizophrenia receiving continuous medical care. Community Mental Health Journal, 47 (6), pp. 688-693.
How information about other people's personal experiences can help with healthcare decision-making: a qualitative study
Entwistle V, France E, Wyke S, Jepson R, Hunt K, Ziebland SB & Thompson A (2011) How information about other people's personal experiences can help with healthcare decision-making: a qualitative study. Patient Education and Counseling, 85 (3), pp. e291-e298.
Blood pressure reactions to acute mental stress and future blood pressure status: Data from the 12-year follow-up of the West of Scotland Study
Carroll D, Phillips A, Der G, Hunt K & Benzeval M (2011) Blood pressure reactions to acute mental stress and future blood pressure status: Data from the 12-year follow-up of the West of Scotland Study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 73 (9), pp. 737-742.
Assessment of alcohol problems using AUDIT in a prison setting: more than an 'aye or no' question
MacAskill S, Parkes T, Brooks O, Graham L, McAuley A & Brown A (2011) Assessment of alcohol problems using AUDIT in a prison setting: more than an 'aye or no' question. BMC Public Health, 11 (Article 865), pp. 1-12.
Preventing adolescents' uptake of smoking
Coleman T & Bauld L (2011) Preventing adolescents' uptake of smoking. Thorax, 66 (10), pp. 842-844.
Exposure to smoking in films and own smoking among Scottish adolescents: A cross-sectional study
Hunt K, Henderson M, Wight D & Sargent J (2011) Exposure to smoking in films and own smoking among Scottish adolescents: A cross-sectional study. Thorax, 66 (10), pp. 866-874.
Smoking in movies and adolescent smoking: Cross-cultural study in six European countries
Morgenstern M, Poelen E, Scholte R, Karlsdottir S, Jonsson SH, Mathis F, Faggiano F, Florek E, Sweeting H, Hunt K, Sargent J & Hanewinkel R (2011) Smoking in movies and adolescent smoking: Cross-cultural study in six European countries. Thorax, 66 (10), pp. 875-883.
Support for removal of point-of-purchase tobacco advertising and displays: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Canada Survey
Brown A, Boudreau C, Moodie C, Fong GT, Li GY, McNeill A, Thompson ME, Hassan L, Hyland A, Thrasher JF, Yong H, Borland R, Hastings G & Hammond D (2011) Support for removal of point-of-purchase tobacco advertising and displays: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Canada Survey. Tobacco Control.
Consumer perceptions of cigarette pack design in France: A comparison of regular, limited edition and plain packaging
Gallopel-Morvan K, Moodie C, Hammond D, Eker F, Beguinot E & Martinet Y (2011) Consumer perceptions of cigarette pack design in France: A comparison of regular, limited edition and plain packaging. Tobacco Control.;
Young adult smokers' perceptions of plain packaging: A pilot naturalistic study
Moodie C, MacKintosh AM, Hastings G & Ford A (2011) Young adult smokers' perceptions of plain packaging: A pilot naturalistic study. Tobacco Control, 20 (5), pp. 367-373.;
Research Report
An evaluation to assess the implementation of NHS delivered Alcohol Brief Interventions: Final Report
Parkes T, Atherton I, Evans J, Gloyn S, McGhee S, Stoddart B, Eadie D, Brooks O, MacAskill S, Petrie D & Choudury H (2011) An evaluation to assess the implementation of NHS delivered Alcohol Brief Interventions: Final Report. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Health warning design: Some lessons from the UK and beyond
Moodie C (2011) Health warning design: Some lessons from the UK and beyond. European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.
Presentation / Talk
Young adult smokers' perceptions of plain packaging: A pilot naturalistic study
Moodie C (2011) Young adult smokers' perceptions of plain packaging: A pilot naturalistic study.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
"It doesn't feel like you are holding cigarettes": The impact of branded and plain tobacco packaging on young people
Ford A, Moodie C, MacKintosh AM & Hastings G (2011) "It doesn't feel like you are holding cigarettes": The impact of branded and plain tobacco packaging on young people. SRNT-E Annual Meeting 2011, Antalya, Turkey, 08.09.2011-11.09.2011.
Technical Report
A literature review of trust and reputation management in communicable disease public health
Cairns G, MacDonald L, De Andrade M & Angus K (2011) A literature review of trust and reputation management in communicable disease public health. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
Evaluation of a nationally disseminated self-help intervention for smoking cessation ('Quit Kit')
Ussher M, Chambers M, Adams R, Croghan E & Murray R (2011) Evaluation of a nationally disseminated self-help intervention for smoking cessation ('Quit Kit'). Tobacco Control, 20 (5), pp. 380-382.
Washout policies in long-term indwelling urinary catherterization in adults: a short version Cochrane review
Sinclair L, Hagen S & Cross S (2011) Washout policies in long-term indwelling urinary catherterization in adults: a short version Cochrane review. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 30 (7), pp. 1208-1212.
UK newspapers' representations of the 2009-10 outbreak of swine flu: One health scare not over-hyped by the media?
Hilton S & Hunt K (2011) UK newspapers' representations of the 2009-10 outbreak of swine flu: One health scare not over-hyped by the media?. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65 (10), pp. 941-946.
Acute effects of moderate intensity aerobic exercise on affective withdrawal symptoms and cravings among women smokers
Williams D, Dunsiger S, Whiteley J, Ussher M, Ciccolo J & Jennings E (2011) Acute effects of moderate intensity aerobic exercise on affective withdrawal symptoms and cravings among women smokers. Addictive Behaviors, 36 (8), pp. 894-897.
Acute exposure to biomass smoke causes oxygen desaturation in adult women
Kurmi OP, Gaihre S, Semple S & Ayres JG (2011) Acute exposure to biomass smoke causes oxygen desaturation in adult women. Thorax, 66 (8), pp. 724-725.
Quantification of wet-work exposure in nurses using a newly developed wet-work exposure monitor
Visser M, Behroozy A, Verberk M, Semple S & Kezic S (2011) Quantification of wet-work exposure in nurses using a newly developed wet-work exposure monitor. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 55 (7), pp. 810-816.
Plain packaging increases visual attention to health warnings on cigarette packs in non-smokers and weekly smokers but not daily smokers
Munafo M, Roberts N, Bauld L & Leonards U (2011) Plain packaging increases visual attention to health warnings on cigarette packs in non-smokers and weekly smokers but not daily smokers. Addiction, 106 (8), pp. 1505-1510.
Young adult smokers' perceptions of cigarette pack innovation, pack colour and plain packaging
Moodie C & Ford A (2011) Young adult smokers' perceptions of cigarette pack innovation, pack colour and plain packaging. Australasian Marketing Journal, 19 (3), pp. 174-180.
Commentary on Munafo et al. (2011): Growing international momentum for plain tobacco packaging
Moodie C & Hoek J (2011) Commentary on Munafo et al. (2011): Growing international momentum for plain tobacco packaging. Commentary on: Munafò M., Roberts N., Bauld L., Ute L. 'Plain packaging
increases visual attention to health warnings on cigarette
packs in non-smokers and weekly smokers but not daily
smokers'. Addiction 2011; 106: 1505–10.. Addiction, 106 (8), pp. 1511-1512.
School nurses' experiences of delivering the UK HPV vaccination programme in its first year
Hilton S, Hunt K, Bedford H & Petticrew M (2011) School nurses' experiences of delivering the UK HPV vaccination programme in its first year. BMC Infectious Diseases, 11, Art. No.: 226.
A survey of schoolchildren's exposure to secondhand smoke in Malaysia
Abidin EZ, Semple S, Omar A, Rahman HA, Turner SW & Ayres JG (2011) A survey of schoolchildren's exposure to secondhand smoke in Malaysia. BMC Public Health, 11, Art. No.: 634.
Resistance training as an aid to standard smoking cessation treatment: A pilot study
Ciccolo J, Dunsiger S, Williams D, Bartholomew J, Jennings E, Ussher M, Kraemer W & Marcus B (2011) Resistance training as an aid to standard smoking cessation treatment: A pilot study. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 13 (8), pp. 756-760.
A randomised placebo-controlled trial of oral hydrocortisone for treating tobacco withdrawal symptoms
Ussher M, Aveyard P, Reid F, West R, Evans P, Clow A, Hucklebridge F, Fuller J, Ibison J & Steptoe A (2011) A randomised placebo-controlled trial of oral hydrocortisone for treating tobacco withdrawal symptoms. Psychopharmacology, 216 (1), pp. 43-51.
Impact of Alcohol Marketing on Youth Drinking
Hastings G (2011) Impact of Alcohol Marketing on Youth Drinking. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 46 (4), pp. 506-506.
Consumer understanding of cigarette emission labelling
Gallopel-Morvan K, Moodie C, Hammond D, Eker F, Beguinot E & Martinet Y (2011) Consumer understanding of cigarette emission labelling. European Journal of Public Health, 21 (3), pp. 373-375.
A framework for sustainable marketing
Gordon R, Carrigan M & Hastings G (2011) A framework for sustainable marketing. Marketing Theory, 11 (2), pp. 143-163.
Research Report
Investigating the effectiveness of education in relation to alcohol: A systematic investigation of critical elements for optimum effectiveness of promising approaches and delivery methods in school and family linked alcohol education
Cairns G, Purves R, Bryce S, McKell J, Gordon R & Angus K (2011) Investigating the effectiveness of education in relation to alcohol: A systematic investigation of critical elements for optimum effectiveness of promising approaches and delivery methods in school and family linked alcohol education. Alcohol Research UK. University of Stirling Institute for Social Marketing / Open University.