Literature and Languages

Outputs related to Literature and Languages

Showing 401 to 500 of 1693

Book Chapter

Foley M (2018) Towards an Acoustics of Literary Horror. In: Corstorphine K & Kremmel L (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook to Horror Literature. 1st ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Edited Book

(2018) Poetry's Forms and Transformations. L'Esprit Créateur, 58:3. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Website Content

Driscoll B & Squires C (2018) 'Oh Look, a Ferry'; or the Smell of Paper Books. [The Lifted Brow] 24.10.2018.


Dye J, Smith JA, Coffey BI & Harriman-Smith J (2018) XII The Eighteenth Century. The Year's Work in English Studies, 97 (1), pp. 574-607.

Authored Book

Jamie K (2018) Selected Poems. London: Picador.

Book Chapter

Gilbert S (2018) Mapping the Nation: Scotland and Britain. In: Batchelor J & Kaplan C (eds.) The Palgrave History of British Women’s Writing Vol 6 1830 - 1880. The Palgrave History of British Women’s Writing. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 73 - 91.


Berger S, Bull AC, Wóycicka Z, Cercel C, Parish N, Quinkenstein MA, Rowley E, Dodd J & Plumb S (2018) War Museums and Agonistic Memory: a Report. Museum Worlds, 6 (1), pp. 112-124.

Edited Book

Keeble N, Coffey J, Cooper T & Charlton T (eds.) (2018) Reliquiae Baxterianae. London: Forgotten Books.

Book Chapter

Keeble N (2018) 'Come ye out from among them, and be ye separate': Bunyan and the Writing of Dissent. In: Davies M & Owens W (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of John Bunyan. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 133-148.〈=en&cc=gb

Book Chapter

Keeble N (2018) Foreword - The Richard Baxter Treatises: A Catalogue and Guide. In: Argent A (ed.) The Richard Baxter Treatises: A Catalogue and Guide. Suffolk: Boydell and Brewer, pp. vi-viii.

Website Content

Bell L (2018) flatter-blind. The Honest Ulsterman [] 01.06.2018.

Book Chapter

Edwards JD (2018) Its, Blobs and Things: Gothic Beings Out of Time. In: Edwards J & Hoglund J (eds.) B-Movie Gothic: International Perspectives. International Perspectives. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 17-31.

Edited Book

Edwards JD & Hoglund J (eds.) (2018) B-Movie Gothic: International Perspectives. Traditions in World Cinema. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Book Chapter

Jones T (2018) Entering the Darkness: Robert Aickman and the Regions. In: Heholt R & Hughes W (eds.) Gothic Britain: Dark Places in the Provinces and Margins of the British Isles. Gothic Literary Studies. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

Book Chapter

Marshall W (2018) Equality and Difference: Queering Guyane. In: Wood S & MacLeod C (eds.) Locating Guyane. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.


de Pedro Ricoy R, Reynoso González R, Andrade Ciudad L & Howard R (2018) PROYECTO MEJORANDO LA VIDA DE LAS MUJERES A TRAVÉS DEL ROL DE LAS TRADUCTORAS SOCIALES EN EL PERÚ RURAL. LUN Centro de Investigación y Documentación [Video] 24.03.2018.

Edited Book

Ferguson C & Radford A (eds.) (2018) The Occult Imagination in Britain, 1875-1947. Among the Victorians and Modernists, 6. London: Routledge.


Parish N & Wagstaff E (2018) Poetry.

Book Review

Leonardi B (2018) The Portrait in Fiction of the Romantic Period. Review of:
Joe Bray, London and New York: Routledge, 2016, pp. viii + 195. ISBN: 978-1-4094-7039-7. Language and Literature, 27 (1), pp. 65-68.

Book Chapter

Edwards JD (2018) Postcolonial Travel Writing and Postcolonial Theory. In: Clarke R (ed.) Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Travel Writing. Cambridge Companions to Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 19-32.;

Book Review

McQueen F (2017) Branding the 'Beur' author: minority writing and the media in France. Review of: Branding the Beur Author: Minority Writing and the Media in France, 1983-2013, Kathryn A Kleppinger, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2015, 256 pp. ISBN: 9781781381960. Modern and Contemporary France, 25 (3), pp. 342-343.

Book Chapter

Drakakis J (2017) Hospitality, Friendship and Republicanism in Timon of Athens. In: Findlay A & Markidou V (eds.) Shakespeare and Greece. The Arden Shakespeare. London: Bloomsbury Publ Inc, pp. 139-167.

Book Chapter

Squires C (2017) Haud Oan to Europe. In: Stedman G & van Lente S (eds.) It's not just the Economy, Stupid! Brexit and the Cultural Sector. Berlin: Literary Field Kaleidoscope and the Centre for British Studies Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, pp. 17-18.

Book Chapter

Butchard D, Rowberry S, Squires C & Tasker G (2017) Peer Review in Practice. In: Rayner S & Lyons R (eds.) Academic Book of the Future: BOOC. London: UCL Press.;

Book Chapter

Saade B (2017) Hezbollah and its 'Takfiri' Enemy in Syria: Rethinking Relationships between States and Non-State Actors. In: Boserup R, Hazbun W, Makdisi K & Malmvig H (eds.) New Conflict Dynamics: Between Regional Autonomy and Intervention in the Middle East and North Africa. DIIS Books. 2017: Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), pp. 81-92.

Book Chapter

Vine A (2017) Travel and Chorography. In: Lee J (ed.) A Handbook of English Renaissance Literary Studies. Wiley-Blackwell Critical Theory Handbooks. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 411-424.

Book Chapter

Baker P (2017) Barbarie. In: Moreiras A & Villacañas JL (eds.) Conceptos fundamentales del pensamiento latinoamericano actual. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.

Book Chapter

Jones T (2017) "This Hill is Still Dangerous": Alan Garner's Weirdstone Trilogy - A Hauntology. In: Jackson A (ed.) New Directions in Children's Gothic: Debatable Lands. Children's Literature and Culture. London: Routledge, pp. 176-188.

Book Chapter

Smith ADM (2017) Grammaticalization Theory. In: Shackelford T & Weekes-Shackelford V (eds.) Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Cham: Springer, pp. 1-8.;

Book Chapter

Ferguson C (2017) Dracula and the Occult. In: Luckhurst R (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Dracula. Cambridge Companions to Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 57-65.


Olivera GE (2017) Cambios de Marco y Diversidades Sexo-Genéricas en el Documental Argentino: Un Análisis Retórico y Enunciativo de La Hora de los Hornos y Rosa Patria. Cine Documental, 8 (15), pp. 67-94.

Book Chapter

Robinson G (2017) Postcolonial Poetry of Great Britain. In: Ramazani J (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Poetry. Cambridge Companions to Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 110-123.


Baiesi S, Farese C & Halsey K (2017) Subversive Austen: Introduction to the Special Issue. Textus: English Studies in Italy, 30 (3), pp. 7-18.

Book Chapter

Bell L (2017) The Graduation Cap. In: Fifty: The University of Stirling in 50 objects. Stirling: The University of Stirling, pp. 38-41.


Baiesi S (Editor), Farese C (Editor) & Halsey K (Editor) (2017) Special Issue of Textus: English Studies in Italy: Subversive Austen. Textus: English Studies in Italy, 30 (3).


Tuckett J (2017) Toward a Proper Phenomenology of "Religious Experience". Journal for the Study of Religious Experience, 3 (1), pp. 23-43.