Providing feedback: Exploring a model (emotion, content, outcomes) for facilitating multisource feedback
Sargeant J, McNaughton E, Mercer SW, Murphy D, Aitchison P & Bruce DA (2011) Providing feedback: Exploring a model (emotion, content, outcomes) for facilitating multisource feedback. Medical Teacher, 33 (9), pp. 744-749.
Assessing Asthma control in UK primary care: Use of routinely collected prospective observational consultation data to determine appropriateness of a variety of control assessment models
Hoskins G, Williams B, Jackson C, Norman P & Donnan PT (2011) Assessing Asthma control in UK primary care: Use of routinely collected prospective observational consultation data to determine appropriateness of a variety of control assessment models. BMC Family Practice, 12 (105).
Conference Paper (unpublished)
The development, implementation and evaluation of online video in clinical skills education for undergraduate student nurses
Holland A, Smith FC, Adamson E, McCrossan G, Watt S & Penny KI (2011) The development, implementation and evaluation of online video in clinical skills education for undergraduate student nurses. Scottish Clinical Skills Network 11th Annual Conference, St Andrews, 15.09.2011-16.09.2011.
UK newspapers' representations of the 2009-10 outbreak of swine flu: One health scare not over-hyped by the media?
Hilton S & Hunt K (2011) UK newspapers' representations of the 2009-10 outbreak of swine flu: One health scare not over-hyped by the media?. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65 (10), pp. 941-946.
Myostatin levels in skeletal muscle of hibernating ground squirrels
Brooks N, Myburgh KH & Storey KB (2011) Myostatin levels in skeletal muscle of hibernating ground squirrels. Journal of Experimental Biology, 214 (15), pp. 2522-2527.
Midwifery early labour series-Call for papers
Spiby H & Cheyne H (2011) Midwifery early labour series-Call for papers. Midwifery, 27 (4), pp. 387-388.
Stand up for your health: Is it time to rethink the physical activity paradigm?
Yates T, Wilmot EG, Khunti K, Biddle SJH, Gorely T & Davies MJ (2011) Stand up for your health: Is it time to rethink the physical activity paradigm?. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 93 (2), pp. 292-294.
Young adult smokers' perceptions of cigarette pack innovation, pack colour and plain packaging
Moodie C & Ford A (2011) Young adult smokers' perceptions of cigarette pack innovation, pack colour and plain packaging. Australasian Marketing Journal, 19 (3), pp. 174-180.
Commentary on Munafo et al. (2011): Growing international momentum for plain tobacco packaging
Moodie C & Hoek J (2011) Commentary on Munafo et al. (2011): Growing international momentum for plain tobacco packaging. Commentary on: Munafò M., Roberts N., Bauld L., Ute L. 'Plain packaging
increases visual attention to health warnings on cigarette
packs in non-smokers and weekly smokers but not daily
smokers'. Addiction 2011; 106: 1505–10.. Addiction, 106 (8), pp. 1511-1512.
Decayed and missing teeth and oral-health-related factors: Predicting depression in homeless people
Coles E, Chan K, Collins J, Humphris G, Richards D, Williams B & Freeman R (2011) Decayed and missing teeth and oral-health-related factors: Predicting depression in homeless people. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 71 (2), pp. 108-112.
The effectiveness of two novel techniques in establishing the mechanical and contractile responses of biceps femoris
Ditroilo M, Hunter A, Haslam S & De Vito G (2011) The effectiveness of two novel techniques in establishing the mechanical and contractile responses of biceps femoris. Physiological Measurement, 32 (8), pp. 1315-1326.
In groups, out groups and contested identities in Scottish international football
Bradley J (2011) In groups, out groups and contested identities in Scottish international football. Sport in Society, 14 (6), pp. 818-832.
Plain packaging increases visual attention to health warnings on cigarette packs in non-smokers and weekly smokers but not daily smokers
Munafo M, Roberts N, Bauld L & Leonards U (2011) Plain packaging increases visual attention to health warnings on cigarette packs in non-smokers and weekly smokers but not daily smokers. Addiction, 106 (8), pp. 1505-1510.
Routine outcome measurement in practice: Overcoming challenges, seeking solutions, demonstrating impact
Duncan E (2011) Routine outcome measurement in practice: Overcoming challenges, seeking solutions, demonstrating impact. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 58 (4), pp. 221-221.
Acute effects of moderate intensity aerobic exercise on affective withdrawal symptoms and cravings among women smokers
Williams D, Dunsiger S, Whiteley J, Ussher M, Ciccolo J & Jennings E (2011) Acute effects of moderate intensity aerobic exercise on affective withdrawal symptoms and cravings among women smokers. Addictive Behaviors, 36 (8), pp. 894-897.
Quantification of wet-work exposure in nurses using a newly developed wet-work exposure monitor
Visser M, Behroozy A, Verberk M, Semple S & Kezic S (2011) Quantification of wet-work exposure in nurses using a newly developed wet-work exposure monitor. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 55 (7), pp. 810-816.
Acute exposure to biomass smoke causes oxygen desaturation in adult women
Kurmi OP, Gaihre S, Semple S & Ayres JG (2011) Acute exposure to biomass smoke causes oxygen desaturation in adult women. Thorax, 66 (8), pp. 724-725.
School nurses' experiences of delivering the UK HPV vaccination programme in its first year
Hilton S, Hunt K, Bedford H & Petticrew M (2011) School nurses' experiences of delivering the UK HPV vaccination programme in its first year. BMC Infectious Diseases, 11, Art. No.: 226.
The influence of carbohydrate-protein co-ingestion following endurance exercise on myofibrillar and mitochondrial protein synthesis
Breen L, Philp A, Witard O, Jackman SR, Selby A, Smith K, Baar K & Tipton K (2011) The influence of carbohydrate-protein co-ingestion following endurance exercise on myofibrillar and mitochondrial protein synthesis. Journal of Physiology, 589 (16), pp. 4011-4025.
Edited Book
Coping and emotion in sport
Thatcher J, Jones MV & Lavallee D (eds.) (2011) Coping and emotion in sport, 2nd ed. Oxford: Routledge.
A survey of schoolchildren's exposure to secondhand smoke in Malaysia
Abidin EZ, Semple S, Omar A, Rahman HA, Turner SW & Ayres JG (2011) A survey of schoolchildren's exposure to secondhand smoke in Malaysia. BMC Public Health, 11, Art. No.: 634.
"I'm on it 24/7 at the moment": A qualitative examination of multi-screen viewing behaviours among UK 10-11 year olds
Jago R, Sebire SJ, Gorely T, Hoyos Cillero I & Biddle SJH (2011) "I'm on it 24/7 at the moment": A qualitative examination of multi-screen viewing behaviours among UK 10-11 year olds. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 8, Art. No.: 85.
Resistance training as an aid to standard smoking cessation treatment: A pilot study
Ciccolo J, Dunsiger S, Williams D, Bartholomew J, Jennings E, Ussher M, Kraemer W & Marcus B (2011) Resistance training as an aid to standard smoking cessation treatment: A pilot study. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 13 (8), pp. 756-760.
A randomised placebo-controlled trial of oral hydrocortisone for treating tobacco withdrawal symptoms
Ussher M, Aveyard P, Reid F, West R, Evans P, Clow A, Hucklebridge F, Fuller J, Ibison J & Steptoe A (2011) A randomised placebo-controlled trial of oral hydrocortisone for treating tobacco withdrawal symptoms. Psychopharmacology, 216 (1), pp. 43-51.
Disability, distress and unemployment in neurology outpatients with symptoms 'unexplained by organic disease'
Carson AJ, Stone JC, Hibberd C, Murray G, Duncan RDD, Coleman RJ, Warlow CP, Roberts RC, Pelosi AJ, Cavanagh JTO, Matthews KB, Goldbeck R, Hansen CH & Sharpe MC (2011) Disability, distress and unemployment in neurology outpatients with symptoms 'unexplained by organic disease'. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 82 (7), pp. 810-813.
Community and health professionals' attitude toward depression: A pilot study in nine EAAD countries
Scheerder G, Audenhove Cv, Arensman E, Bernik B, Giupponi G, Horel AC, Maxwell M, Sisask M, Szekely A, Varnik A & Hegerl U (2011) Community and health professionals' attitude toward depression: A pilot study in nine EAAD countries. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 57 (4), pp. 387-401.
Depression and Anxiety Related Subtypes in Parkinson's Disease
Brown R, Landau S, Hindle J, Playfer J, Mike S, Wilson K, Hurt C, Anderson R, Carnell J, Dickinson L, Gibson G, Van Schaick R, Sellwood K, Thomas B & Burn D (2011) Depression and Anxiety Related Subtypes in Parkinson's Disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 82 (7), pp. 803-809.
Impact of Alcohol Marketing on Youth Drinking
Hastings G (2011) Impact of Alcohol Marketing on Youth Drinking. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 46 (4), pp. 506-506.
Physical activity and body composition outcomes of the GreatFun2Run intervention at 20 month follow-up
Gorely T, Morris JG, Musson H, Brown S, Nevill A & Nevill ME (2011) Physical activity and body composition outcomes of the GreatFun2Run intervention at 20 month follow-up. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 8, Art. No.: 74.
Sedentary Behavior What's in a Definition?
Yates T, Wilmot EG, Davies MJ, Gorely T, Edwardson CL, Biddle SJH & Khunti K (2011) Sedentary Behavior What's in a Definition?. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 40 (6), pp. e33-e34.
Research Report
Investigating the effectiveness of education in relation to alcohol: A systematic investigation of critical elements for optimum effectiveness of promising approaches and delivery methods in school and family linked alcohol education
Cairns G, Purves R, Bryce S, McKell J, Gordon R & Angus K (2011) Investigating the effectiveness of education in relation to alcohol: A systematic investigation of critical elements for optimum effectiveness of promising approaches and delivery methods in school and family linked alcohol education. Alcohol Research UK. University of Stirling Institute for Social Marketing / Open University.
Proteomic analysis of urinary upper gastrointestinal cancer markers
Husi H, Stephens N, Cronshaw A, MacDonald A, Gallagher IJ, Greig C, Fearon KCH & Ross JA (2011) Proteomic analysis of urinary upper gastrointestinal cancer markers. PROTEOMICS - Clinical Applications, 5 (5-6), pp. 289-299.
A framework for sustainable marketing
Gordon R, Carrigan M & Hastings G (2011) A framework for sustainable marketing. Marketing Theory, 11 (2), pp. 143-163.
Consumer understanding of cigarette emission labelling
Gallopel-Morvan K, Moodie C, Hammond D, Eker F, Beguinot E & Martinet Y (2011) Consumer understanding of cigarette emission labelling. European Journal of Public Health, 21 (3), pp. 373-375.
Developing Communication and Organization Skills: The ELITE Life Skills Reflective Practice Intervention
Jones MI, Lavallee D & Tod D (2011) Developing Communication and Organization Skills: The ELITE Life Skills Reflective Practice Intervention. Sport Psychologist, 25 (2), pp. 159-176.
The buck stops here: Midwives and maternity care in rural Scotland
Harris FM, van Teijlingen E, Hundley V, Farmer J, Bryers H, Caldow J, Ireland JM, Kiger A & Tucker J (2011) The buck stops here: Midwives and maternity care in rural Scotland. Midwifery, 27 (3), pp. 301-307.
Understanding what asthma plans mean: a linguistic analysis of terminology used in published texts
Ring NA, Pinnock H, Wilson C, Hoskins G, Jepson R, Wyke S & Sheikh A (2011) Understanding what asthma plans mean: a linguistic analysis of terminology used in published texts. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 20 (2), pp. 170-177.
Conference Abstract
Double blind randomised controlled study of the acute (immediate) cardiovascular effects of reflexology: A pilot study in health volunteers
Jones J, Thomson P, Lauder W & Leslie S (2011) Double blind randomised controlled study of the acute (immediate) cardiovascular effects of reflexology: A pilot study in health volunteers. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 3 (2), pp. e108-e109.;
Provision of advice on alcohol use in community pharmacy: A cross-sectional survey of pharmacists' practice, knowledge, views and confidence
McCaig D, Fitzgerald N & Stewart D (2011) Provision of advice on alcohol use in community pharmacy: A cross-sectional survey of pharmacists' practice, knowledge, views and confidence. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 19 (3), pp. 171-178.
The individual and the state: A social historical analysis of the east german 'Doping System'
Dimeo P, Hunt TM & Horbury R (2011) The individual and the state: A social historical analysis of the east german 'Doping System'. Sport in History, 31 (2), pp. 218-237.
High prevalence of skin symptoms among bakery workers
Steiner MFC, Dick FD, Scaife AR, Semple S, Paudyal P & Ayres JG (2011) High prevalence of skin symptoms among bakery workers. Occupational Medicine, 61 (4), pp. 280-282.
Au-delà de l’équilibre compétitif : L’intensité compétitive. L’extension de la proposition de Kringstad et Gerrard ou l’intensité compétitive étendue
Scelles N & Durand C (2011) Au-delà de l’équilibre compétitif : L’intensité compétitive. L’extension de la proposition de Kringstad et Gerrard ou l’intensité compétitive étendue. Revue Europeenne de Management du Sport, (30), pp. 42-52.
UK news reporting of alcohol: An analysis of television and newspaper coverage
Nicholls J (2011) UK news reporting of alcohol: An analysis of television and newspaper coverage. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 18 (3), pp. 200-206.
Words matter: A qualitative investigation of which weight status terms are acceptable and motivate weight loss when used by health professionals
Gray CM, Hunt K, Lorimer K, Anderson AS, Benzeval M & Wyke S (2011) Words matter: A qualitative investigation of which weight status terms are acceptable and motivate weight loss when used by health professionals. BMC Public Health, 11, Art. No.: 513.
Presentation / Talk
Lean Healthcare fad or panacea?
McIntosh B & Guest D (2011) Lean Healthcare fad or panacea?. ‘Making Health Care Safer’ Learning from Social and Organisational Research, Social Dimensions of Health Institute Conference, 27.06.2011-28.06.2011.
Technical Report
An analysis of the regulatory and voluntary landscape concerning the marketing and promotion of food and drink to children
Cairns G (2011) An analysis of the regulatory and voluntary landscape concerning the marketing and promotion of food and drink to children. National Heart Forum. National Heart Forum.
Beneficial Effects of Resistance Exercise on Glycemic Control Are Not Further Improved by Protein Ingestion
Breen L, Philp A, Shaw CS, Jeukendrup AE, Baar K & Tipton K (2011) Beneficial Effects of Resistance Exercise on Glycemic Control Are Not Further Improved by Protein Ingestion. PLoS ONE, 6 (6), p. e20613.;
Preliminary evidence that glucose ingestion facilitates prospective memory performance
Riby LM, Law AS, McLaughlin J & Murray J (2011) Preliminary evidence that glucose ingestion facilitates prospective memory performance. Nutrition Research, 31 (5), pp. 370-377.
Interventions delivered during antenatal care to reduce alcohol
consumption during pregnancy: A systematic review
Gilinsky A, Swanson V & Power KG (2011) Interventions delivered during antenatal care to reduce alcohol
consumption during pregnancy: A systematic review. Addiction Research and Theory, 19 (3), pp. 235-250.
A feasibility study of a personalised lifestyle programme (HealthForce) for individuals who have participated in cardiovascular risk screening
Craigie A, Barton KL, Macleod M, Williams B, van Teijlingen E, Belch JJF & Anderson AS (2011) A feasibility study of a personalised lifestyle programme (HealthForce) for individuals who have participated in cardiovascular risk screening. Preventive Medicine, 52 (5), pp. 387-389.
Goal setting and action planning in the rehabilitation setting: development of a theoretically informed practice framework
Scobbie L, Dixon D & Wyke S (2011) Goal setting and action planning in the rehabilitation setting: development of a theoretically informed practice framework. Clinical Rehabilitation, 25 (5), pp. 468-482.
Efficacy and consequences of very-high-protein diets for athletes and exercisers
Tipton K (2011) Efficacy and consequences of very-high-protein diets for athletes and exercisers. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 70 (2), pp. 205-214.;
Exposure to dust and endotoxin in textile processing workers
Paudyal P, Semple S, Niven R, Tavernier G & Ayres JG (2011) Exposure to dust and endotoxin in textile processing workers. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 55 (4), pp. 403-409.
Presentation / Talk
Screening for alcohol problems in non-healthcare settings: Utilising routine processes and non-researchers to collect health-related data in a prison setting
McGhee S, Parkes T, MacAskill S, Graham L & McAuley A (2011) Screening for alcohol problems in non-healthcare settings: Utilising routine processes and non-researchers to collect health-related data in a prison setting. The 2011 International Nursing Research Conference, Harrogate, UK, 16.05.2011-18.05.2011.
Presentation / Talk
Double blind randomised controlled study of the acute (immediate) cardiovascular effects of reflexology: a pilot study in healthy volunteers
Jones J, Thomson P, Lauder W, Howie C & Leslie S (2011) Double blind randomised controlled study of the acute (immediate) cardiovascular effects of reflexology: a pilot study in healthy volunteers. Royal College of Nursing Annual International Nursing Research Conference 2011, Harrogate, UK, 16.05.2011-18.05.2011.
Reconstructing past occupational exposures: How reliable are women's reports of their partner's occupation?
Tagiyeva N, Semple S, Devereux G, Sherriff A, Henderson J, Elias P & Ayres JG (2011) Reconstructing past occupational exposures: How reliable are women's reports of their partner's occupation?. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 68 (6), pp. 452-456.
Presentation / Talk
Double blind randomised controlled study of the acute (immediate) cardiovascular effects of reflexology: a pilot study in healthy volunteers
Jones J, Thomson P, Lauder W, Howie C & Leslie S (2011) Double blind randomised controlled study of the acute (immediate) cardiovascular effects of reflexology: a pilot study in healthy volunteers. SGRS Stirling Graduate Research Conference 2011, Stirling, UK, 11.05.2011-11.05.2011.
Book Chapter
The family factor in coaching
Kay T & Bass D (2011) The family factor in coaching. In: Stafford I (ed.) Coaching Children in Sport. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 169-180.
Do brief online planning interventions increase physical activity amongst university students? A randomised controlled trial
Skar S, Sniehotta FF, Molloy G, Prestwich A & Araujo-Soares V (2011) Do brief online planning interventions increase physical activity amongst university students? A randomised controlled trial. Psychology and Health, 26 (4), pp. 399-417.
Research Report
Evaluation of Suboxone Feasibility Study in Ireland
Fitzgerald N (2011) Evaluation of Suboxone Feasibility Study in Ireland. Department of Health and Children (Ireland). Create Consultancy.
Tacit and transitionary: An exploration of patients' and primary care health professionals' goals in relation to asthma
Williams B, Steven K & Sullivan FM (2011) Tacit and transitionary: An exploration of patients' and primary care health professionals' goals in relation to asthma. Social Science and Medicine, 72 (8), pp. 1359-1366.
Why healthy eating is bad for young people's health: Identity, belonging and food
Stead M, McDermott L, MacKintosh AM & Adamson A (2011) Why healthy eating is bad for young people's health: Identity, belonging and food. Social Science and Medicine, 72 (7), pp. 1131-1139.
The influence of socio-demographic characteristics on consultation for back pain-a review of the literature
Adamson J, Hunt K & Nazareth I (2011) The influence of socio-demographic characteristics on consultation for back pain-a review of the literature. Family Practice, 28 (2), pp. 163-171.
Conference Abstract
Real time assessment of stress in telephone health services: cardiac consequences for nurses of stressful consultations
Johnston DW, Allan JL, Choudhary CJ, Farquharson B, Jones MC & Johnston M (2011) Real time assessment of stress in telephone health services: cardiac consequences for nurses of stressful consultations. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 41 (Supplement 1), p. S235.
La maladie des coûts dans le football pro français et la situation du SM Caen (suite)
Scelles N (2011) La maladie des coûts dans le football pro français et la situation du SM Caen (suite). Allez Caen, (283).
Corporate social responsibility in the Scottish Premier League: Context and motivation
Hamil S & Morrow S (2011) Corporate social responsibility in the Scottish Premier League: Context and motivation. European Sport Management Quarterly, 11 (2), pp. 143-170.
How people present symptoms to health services: a theory-based content analysis
Farquharson B, Johnston M & Bugge C (2011) How people present symptoms to health services: a theory-based content analysis. British Journal of General Practice, 61 (585), pp. 267-273.
Research Report
A guide to synthesising qualitative research for researchers undertaking health technology assessments and systematic reviews
Ring NA, Ritchie K, Mandava L & Jepson R (2011) A guide to synthesising qualitative research for researchers undertaking health technology assessments and systematic reviews. NHS Quality Improvement Scotland (NHS QIS).
Effect of Increased Dietary Protein on Tolerance to Intensified Training
Witard O, Jackman SR, Kies A, Jeukendrup AE & Tipton K (2011) Effect of Increased Dietary Protein on Tolerance to Intensified Training. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 43 (4), pp. 598-607.
Saint or Sinner?: A Reconsideration of the Career of Prince Alexandre de Merode, Chair of the International Olympic Committee’s Medical Commission, 1967-2002
Dimeo P, Hunt TM & Bowers M (2011) Saint or Sinner?: A Reconsideration of the Career of Prince Alexandre de Merode, Chair of the International Olympic Committee’s Medical Commission, 1967-2002. International Journal of the History of Sport, 28 (6), pp. 925-940.
Is there an association between seeing incidents of alcohol or drug use in films and young Scottish adults' own alcohol or drug use? A cross sectional study
Hunt K, Sweeting H, Sargent J, Lewars H, Young R & West P (2011) Is there an association between seeing incidents of alcohol or drug use in films and young Scottish adults' own alcohol or drug use? A cross sectional study. BMC Public Health, 11, Art. No.: 259.
Presentation / Talk
Poor Asthma Control: the influence of organisational level factors
Hoskins G, Donnan PT & Williams B (2011) Poor Asthma Control: the influence of organisational level factors. Scottish School of Primary Care Conference, Edinburgh, 19.04.2011-20.04.2011.
Incentives for promoting smoking cessation: What we still do not know
Aveyard P & Bauld L (2011) Incentives for promoting smoking cessation: What we still do not know. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 13 (ED000027).
Do women consult more than men? A review of gender and consultation for back pain and headache
Hunt K, Adamson J, Hewitt C & Nazareth I (2011) Do women consult more than men? A review of gender and consultation for back pain and headache. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 16 (2), pp. 108-117.
Contribution of smoking-related and alcohol-related deaths to the gender gap in mortality: Evidence from 30 European countries
McCartney G, Mahmood L, Leyland A, Batty GD & Hunt K (2011) Contribution of smoking-related and alcohol-related deaths to the gender gap in mortality: Evidence from 30 European countries. Tobacco Control, 20 (2), pp. 166-168.
How personal experiences feature in women’s accounts of use of information for decisions about antenatal diagnostic testing for foetal abnormality
France E, Wyke S, Ziebland SB, Entwistle VA & Hunt K (2011) How personal experiences feature in women’s accounts of use of information for decisions about antenatal diagnostic testing for foetal abnormality. Social Science and Medicine, 72 (5), pp. 755-762.;
La maladie des coûts dans le football pro français et son incidence pour le SM Caen
Scelles N (2011) La maladie des coûts dans le football pro français et son incidence pour le SM Caen. Allez Caen, (282).
Women's Preferences for Aspects of Labor Management: Results from a Discrete Choice Experiment
Scotland G, McNamee P, Cheyne H, Hundley V & Barnett CA (2011) Women's Preferences for Aspects of Labor Management: Results from a Discrete Choice Experiment. Birth, 38 (1), pp. 36-46.
Gene-chip studies of adipogenesis-regulated microRNAs in mouse primary adipocytes and human obesity
Keller P, Gburcik V, Petrovic N, Gallagher IJ, Nedergaard J, Cannon B & Timmons JA (2011) Gene-chip studies of adipogenesis-regulated microRNAs in mouse primary adipocytes and human obesity. BMC Endocrine Disorders, 11 (7).
Systems for the management of respiratory disease in primary care - an international series: United Kingdom
Worth A, Pinnock H, Fletcher M, Hoskins G, Levy ML & Sheikh A (2011) Systems for the management of respiratory disease in primary care - an international series: United Kingdom. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 20 (1), pp. 23-32.
Variability in Muscle Dysmorphia Symptoms: The Influence of Weight Training
Tod D, Lavallee D & Thomas LS (2011) Variability in Muscle Dysmorphia Symptoms: The Influence of Weight Training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25 (3), pp. 846-851.;
Why values elicitation techniques enable people to make informed decisions about cancer trial participation
Abhyankar P, Bekker HL, Summers BA & Velikova G (2011) Why values elicitation techniques enable people to make informed decisions about cancer trial participation. Health Expectations, 14 (Supplement s1), pp. 20-32.
Social inequalities in quitting smoking: What factors mediate the relationship between socioeconomic position and smoking cessation?
Hiscock R, Judge K & Bauld L (2011) Social inequalities in quitting smoking: What factors mediate the relationship between socioeconomic position and smoking cessation?. Journal of Public Health, 33 (1), pp. 39-47.